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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. I have to ask........what services did the Dutch policemen perform to enable the award of so many DRK medals?
    2. Yup, Ed is the Afghan expert. I wonder if he ever got his Loyola Jurgha medal?
    3. Good Lord....I had completely forgotten about this. Some useful tools over the years about Skinners Horse are a series of uniform and equipment articles done for Military Modeling Magazine Uk version) in the 1970s. Col. Grey was interviewed for these articles and o were a lot of other Raj men. I recall the letters page of the magazine was filled with letters like : "Sir, regarding your article of the 15th instant., I distinctly recall wearing white non regulation Jodhpurs on campaign in 1937 ..... " . All good stuff. I recently went out to visit my Dad, who knew Grey very welland he has photos stashed away, as well as an ancient Tulwar, so next time I am out I shall gab them.
    4. Yup, but I thought he had unearthed some reference stuff on Afghanastan few years back.......my memory seems to recall something about a medal with a column on it.
    5. Outstanding Portuguese medalS! Wait until Tom Fife see these! I did not know they even existed. Yes you can still get red cross medals by joining certain organizations. I think the Japanese, Cambodian and Ethiopian Red Cross still issue medals to donor too.
    6. When you say ambulance corps, do you mean the AEF corps or the AFS?
    7. fascinating stuff! Howlong did the mission last? Are there any books on the subject?
    8. 141was- awarded to a teacher who was active in the Prussian vets association and probably a staunch member of the navy league. 171 is a wonderful bar. I have had a picture of it in my files for about 15 years and almost bought it. The threefer with aluminum Pwmk is outstanding.
    9. Dear God! Now I know who keeps outbidding me! What a FANTASTIC collection. I second Chris, may we see them individually? You and I clearly have been dueling with each other. I too bid on NCOs and non com groups! I Love the Saxe Coburg group. I recognize several of the bars as being ex Stogie collection too. In a word, WOW!
    10. Fantastic! Alas, this IPad doesn't show much detail. The history behind some of these really makes one reflect. Singapore really wasn't the place to be captured was it? Can we see the militia group please? I have never seen one before.
    11. It might well be local militia. A large number of units were hastily raised and uniformed in the '45. ...see Tom Jones to whit......and this has that "look" of local equipment. Similar "plain" caps were worn by some snootier units in the USA at the time (notibly the Boston Honorable Artillery Company) . Stewart Reid would be a chap to ask.
    12. The quick answer is no. Usually a soldier got either a state medal or a pat on the back for additional bravery. A step up to an EK1 was a bit of a leap the lower ones ' rank, but it did happen. Also, to fill the gap some units gave out Honor Diplomas, which sometimes had unofficial medals with them, much like challenge coins here in the USA today.
    13. Michael: I was positive I had heard that the Crown kept records of the annual awards of the medal. I note on the Crown web site they list annually everyone who gets the medal for long service at companies etc.. Can one write to them and ask?
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