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    Everything posted by Deruelle

    1. He received the SHg as Vizefeldwebel and was commisionned in 1918. He received the SA3bX in the end of the war.
    2. Hi Here is the miniature chain from Leutnant Walther Dittrich. He received both Silver and Gold St Henry medals Christophe
    3. Hi Very interesting and thanks for sharing it with us Christophe
    4. Hi Charles It seems that the adjudant sash has been stopped with the new regulation in 1915-1916. to be sure it will interesting to read the Armee Veordnungsblatt from this aera. Christophe
    5. Hi Luftmensh just for information, there is no swords on the Hamburg Hanseatenkreuz. I know you know it. Christophe
    6. Hi I have seen this order too and like you I have a doubt. After reading my book, nothing have been made like this before. Like N ew wolrd said this is probably a one set medal, a prototype and never been on the market. I have not enough Bulgarian books to be sure. Even if I will be interested to buy it, I'd prefer pass on it Christophe
    7. Hi In DOA from 1909 Christophe In the Geile's book, the HHO3X is awarded on 20 October 1917 Bischoff received the Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th class with swords and crown on 28 November 1915. It is strange that the crown not appeared here on the BVO ribbon and appeared on the HHO3X ribbon. That's all I can find for the moment
    8. Hi here is Rittmeister Albert Frhr v. u. zu Mannsbach from Karabiner Regiment. He was born in 1877. Christophe
    9. Hi Chip It's the first time I see such item, could you show us the shoulderboards please. Everything saxon interest me. Thanks Christophe
    10. Hi Dave, Many thanks for the informations. in the 104 history unit, only 12 LK were awarded, but no date were written. Too bad
    11. hi It seems to be a good one. Here is the twin bar Christophe On your bar it is too bad that the SV ribbon is after the SA one.
    12. Hi Very nice medal bar. I like it. It's difficult to find such saxon medal bar with Reuss connection. Congrats Christophe
    13. Hi Christer Very nice cross, thanks for sharing it with us Christophe
    14. Hi After the 15 september 1915, the order is not returned to the Order Chancellerie afther the dead of the owner. And before this date yes the order of St Henry should be returned. Officially, the Court Jeweler is Scharffenberg, but Roesner dit it too. Here is the hallmark of one of my SH3 Christophe In 1915, the Jeweller Osang made some knight cross of St Henry. Here is one more photo of the St Henry. Both are made from Scharffenberg but you can clearly see the difference.
    15. Thanks for your reply. S is for Scharffenberg. your knight cross 2nd class seems to be from Scharffenberg too. Here is a photo of mine with their original box. All of m ine are from Scharffenberg congrats for your purchase Christophe
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