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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Enter into : www germaniainternational com d and inside the site into Nazi Art ,there you will find your statuette .
    2. A very strong man certainly . interestingly he is wearing the three buckled high boots essayed since 1934 for infantrymen
    3. There are not perpetual misteries , the type of number remembers me to something yet seen , Austrian not , certainly not French . I will made a bit more of research
    4. Take a look into German Daggers Forum .Imperial collar patches and SBs section . and will be able to observe the variety of types of numbers and monograms
    5. What says Weitze in the catalogue ? The Litewka with dove grey patches is of the Air Service I imagine due to the fact that the arm of service colour of the Air Service was light grey but the medium blue backing of the SBs dont match .
    6. And also announces his caps as Free of front pressure
    7. Hello ,the badge is called the Rokiski , or Roquisqui for the name of a certain Mr Rokiski ,of Polish ancestry who in 1939 redesigned the Aviatiors badge first designed in 1919 . The badge was designed by Infante Don Alfonso de Orleans ,his wife and two officers of the Spanish Aviation Captains Kindelan and Herrera . the inspiration is Egyptian .the red sun and the wings of a Ibis . from 1919 to 1931 it carried over the Royal Crown ,from 1931 to 1936 a mural crown , then a red star for the Republicans and for the Nationalists a ST john eagle . In 1939 again Crown but open topped , this lasted until 1975 . from 1975 to today is used again in his 1919 model
    8. Great contribution ! Many thanks . Regarding the sash weared over the right shoulder to the left hip it was the distinctive of Regimental Adjutants among others . In the today Chilean Army the Adjutant of the Escuela Militar wear in Parade the sash Prussian Style. The same the Adjutant of the Regimiento Escolta Granaderos . both units with Prussian Parade Uniforms
    9. Hello Nack , Hard to say but one of the main manufacturers of caps was EREL Robert Lubstein ,look inside your cap ,a makers Seal must be . another manufacturer was PEKURO this one has as trademark a dispositive in the front of the sweatband that minimizes the pressure over the front of the head . search for it with care .
    10. Hello F , Once ,thirty years ago I served for a short time in a Transmissions squadron of the Argentinian Army under the command of the then second Cavalry Brigade . the squadron operated with M113 armoured vehicles .well I discovered that the use of breeches and riding boots was very comfortable inside the vehicle .It was against the Regulations but the squadron Chief was my friend and soon he do the same . And the Brigade Commander ? well ,He was a Cavalry Officer before being General and only smile
    11. Its possible ,the Romanian medal ribbon was wide yellow with blue and red narrow borders . and if he served with romanians ,more reason to think that
    12. Hello Chris ,Achselbande are the two plaited pieces of your pic . Achselschnure the two cords that ended in the metallic pencil like pieces
    13. Hello Viscountless , I guess that you want to know if the oficers braid and the NCOs and enlisted men were the same. well they were not . the Oficers braid was in many cases highly decorative ones , inclusive the more simples designs . the NCOs and enlisted men ones were basically the same type for all Regiments entitled to wear braid . in two variants ,the so clled Grenadier litze that showed on the plate posted by arb and the so called Garde litze ,that was the same but double . existed a third variant called old style , this was a simple bar pointed at the rear end . It was not much used
    14. Hello F , Present day military uniforms are a misconception . they are manufactured with almost no other parameters than supossed economy ,practicity and protection thats the Combat ones . the everyday ones were generally speaking drab and plain . Regarding the practicity of the old uniforms you must think that they were tailor made for officers and senior NCOs in some cases and in the case of the soldiers were at minimum adapted to each man by regimental tailors in consequence they fitted well on the body and felt comfortable . after all the old uniforms served well
    15. The two officers with metallic pickelhaube arefrom the Karabinier regiment , light blue ueberrock with black facings and white breeches, .the officer with peaked cap probably is a Karabinier also . the officer with dark blue uniform and litzen on collar and cuffs could be a regimental Doctor
    16. The Iconic pic was captioned in many books about WW1 as The German horde advancing against the Belgians or the French or the British , Less passionately as The German soldiers advancing towards the Enemy ,in all cases during August 1914 .Well its Prima Facie possible . August is high Summer and the pictured soldiers looks as overheated sic . but where ? certainly not in Belgium plain as a coin excepting the Ardennes . Not the North east of France . Where then ? Alsace I think . the field they are traversing appears as covered with flowered plants . but so dense that one thinks in a cultivated field .Another detail of interest is the absence on the helmets of the red or blue band used in manouvres and of numbers on the helmet covers but if the pic is of wartime the absence of the number is owed to the censor . The civilian present may be a war correspondent .the German High commands were more receptive to the journalists than the Frenchs .
    17. The absence of rank lace on the cuffs or at least a trace of their presence is a theme itself . The Flottenrock of the Austro Hungarian Navy carried the Rank on the cuffs for Officers and senior NCOs . The Shoulderboards were for the Summer White uniform .only . Officers carried on the shoulders the so called passanten in gold lace ,,
    18. Hello ,I suscribe what The Prussian says . I think that was rather uncommon a Sargeant promoted to the Service position of Offizierstellvertreter .due to the fact that the regulations determines the rank of Vizefeldwebel with four years in the post as eligible for Offizierstellvertreter .Service position and not Service Rank .
    19. Viscount and The Prussian , In the Film the Great Illusion directed by Jean Renoir whose action takes place in German POWs Camps , the Executive of the first Camp is Arthur a Feldwebelleutnat . Viscount ,as a rule regarding Imperial German SBs ,the metallic number or Cypher on it denotes a rank of Vizefeldwebel or more high .
    20. Gordon Craig . The Austro Hungarian Army , the so called Common Army ,used Plain buttons in gold or silver colour with the Exception of the Generals whose buttons have a rosette engraved and te Artillery with crossed cannons . The buttons with the Saint Stephen crown on it belonged to the Hungarian Honved of the Regency I believe and were supplied in gilded brass for Officers , silver for NCOS and matt copper for troopers .
    21. Hello . The first pic shows a Field officer , probably a Major ,with the uniform of the first Saxon Lancer Regiment ,Nuber seventeen . Emperor Francis Joseph .
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