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    Everything posted by speedytop

    1. Here are different colours in the crown, when you compare it with the piece in Post 8:
    2. Hi, first two common pieces. Are there different colours possible, or is the right piece only dirty? Uwe
    3. Hi Chief101, it should be better, to post both badges, that we can compare them. It is GDR (DDR), Pionierorganisation "Ernst Thälmann" (JP = Junge Pioniere), Abzeichen "Brandschutz-Eins" (badge fire protection 1). Common, for children. Please see here, the price with 5 € is not realistic, 1 € is more realistic: http://www.muenzaukt...tid=744&lang=de Regards Uwe
    4. Hallo Heiko, "Does anybody know this very high ranking Kriegsmarine officer". Erich Raeder http://www.germanwarmachine.com/info_767.html Gruss Uwe
    5. Hi Colin, I think, that it is a "Raddampfer": http://de.wikipedia....wiki/Raddampfer Uwe
    6. Hi TheKnight, German Bundeswehr jacket (signal service) with nonsense additions. regards Uwe
    7. Hi, here is another Order of the Lion, I think, a little bit older: Uwe
    8. Hi, it is the 1st model of the Combined Pilots and Observers Badge, 1934/1935. An original is very rare. Regards Uwe
    9. Hi Pete, Austria is correct: Nationalsozialistischer Soldatenring (NSR) Member's badge Uwe
    10. Hi Christian, based on the book "Guido Rosignoli, Rang- und Ehrenabzeichen der Luftwaffen im 2. Weltkrieg", page 118, it was instituted in 1919 and used in WW II, but I do not know, how long. Uwe
    11. Let us try it again There are some new regulations. http://www.oesta.at/de/menu_main/oesta/das-abzeichen http://www.oesta.at/de/ Uwe
    12. Hi sef1962, "Durch Verf[?gung] Div.Arzt 19.Pz.Div. v. 25.2.43 Eignung zum San-Dienstgrad aberkannt." aberkannt = deprived Eigung aberkannt = lack of qualification He could not be longer Sanit?ts-Obergefreiter, "simply" Obergefreiter, he was no more in the medical service. I don't know why. Regards Uwe
    13. Hi, here is something wrong. Dan: "I never realized they'd reissued these in 57 as well but Grant and several others confirmed it." Who confirmed it? No one reissued in 1957 a decoration, awarded before May 1945. With the "Ordensgesetz" from 1957 it was allowed, to wear several decorations, awarded before May 1945. Some were not allowed, e.g. all NSDAP decorations. No one was allowed to wear a decoration with the swastika on it. Therefore some (allowed) pieces must be changed in the design, what we call now 1957 versions or 57 versions. There was no award, no issue, no reissue, only the allowance, to produce, to sell, to buy and to wear these decorations. Everybody could produce, sell and buy them, just collectors . To wear decorations is only permitted for people who had been awarded with the decorations, normally with an award document. And the Silesian eagle could be worn, based on the regulations from 1957! It could be worn as an original, the awarded piece; or you could look for a not original piece, like the post WWII copy in Post 56. It is produced with the utmost probability in the time frame around the 1957 regulations, but it is not an original and it is not a 1957 version. TacHel: "A full list of everything that was [allowed to wear] post 57 would be nice huh?" http://www.ordensmuseum.de/Ordensjournal/O...16Jan0857er.pdf Only these pieces in the "Bundesanzeiger 41" are "originals", 1957 versions. And 'everything' that was allowed to wear, that is a list of all that, what is allowed in the 1957 regulations, e.g. all Imperial decorations, some 'Weimarer Republik' decorations, several Third Reich decorations and all foreign decorations (but not the Nazi related). Regards Uwe
    14. Tim: "Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as 1000 silver content." "For any practical use, nobody would use 999 silver" joe: "from a structural standpoint, wouldn't pure silver be rather impractical and soft?" No, that is not correct, please see three German decorations with 1000 and 999 silver content: There is another Bavarian medal like these two here on the right, silver gilded with "Feinsilber", and that means 1000 silver too. They are not impractical and soft, only a little softer than other alloys. Uwe
    15. Hi Tom, it is very easy to read Post 1: haben dem K?niglich Bayerischen Hauptmann Moritz Wibel im 3. In- fanterie-Regiment Prinz Carl von Bayern das Eiserne Kreuz zweiter Klasse Post 2: haben dem Seconde-Lieutenant Oscar Haunit im 7. Ost- preu?ischen Infanterie-Regiment No. 44, das Eiserne Kreuz zweiter Klasse Regards Uwe
    16. Hi Dan, as Frank Bartel say: "Nichts ist unm?glich", nothing is impossible. The bar is one of four bars from a Lieutenant General in my collection. And he had some more bars, with six medals in a row (not in my collection). He never received the "Waffenbr?derschaft" medal in silver; in bronze 1966, in gold 1982. And two foreign "Waffenbr?derschaft" medals in 1970, Czech and Bulgarian. And he never received the "Verdienstmedaille der NVA" in bronze, his first was the silver medal (numbered) in 1959. But he received two "Verdienstmedaillen der NVA" in gold, 1960 and 1965. Nothing is impossible. Uwe
    17. Hi, the badges are for above-average achievements in combat training and the application of the combat technology. An annual examination takes place. Uwe
    18. Hi Dan, with the silver medal it is easy, always two stripes, with or without the rim. But the medals in bronze and gold you can find with one or three stripes, based on the award period. Here is one example with a bronze and a gold medal, both with three stripes, both medals without the rim: Uwe
    19. Hi, always very interesting, we can find so many different opinions. Is it the order of Justice and peace? http://www.liverpoolmedals.com/product.htm...amp;prdid=L8966 Is it the Royal Order of Prince Louis Rwagasore? http://www.omsa.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1109 http://www.semon.fr/DECORATIONS_BURUNDI.htm Or is it from a football club? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Louis_FC Please compare the left medal from the french source with the logo from the football club. I don't know it, but I also have such a nice Order/Medal in my collection: Regards Uwe
    20. Hi Dan, please see here, search for "Medal for servants": http://users.skynet.be/hendrik/eng/B-OthLeo2.html or here, it will last some seconds: http://en.medalj.nu/ribbon_list.asp?build=...E-2D213C2FB98B} Uwe
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