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    Everything posted by 91-old-inf-reg

    1. I wonder if anyone has his, or a picture at the very least, if his medal bar.
    2. David, This is just about the extent of what I have been able to find so far. 1806: Fähnenrich - Regiment Graf Wartensleben (No. 59.) 1811: S.-Lt. im 7. Infanterie-Regiment m. A.-U. dim. 1817: 8tes Husaren-Regiment (1stes Westphalen) - Aggregirt: Pr.-Lt. von Bodungen. 1818: “ 1819: “ - Aggregirt: Pr. Lt. von Bodungen, com. Beim Landwehr-Regiment 30 a. o 30stes Landwehr-Regiment, 1stes Triersches – 2 tes Bataillon – Cavallerie 1820: “ - Aggregirt: Pr.-Lt. von Bodungen 1821: “ 1822: “ 1823: “ 1824: “ 1825: “ - P.-Lt. von Bodunden vorläuf. mit Inactivitäs-Gehalt After 1825, I need to do further research, however, I wasn't able to find his name in either of the rangeliste for HR8, Regiment Graf Wartensleben (No. 59.), or LIR Nr. 30 and 31
    3. @VtwinVince, here’s a single schnalle of the interwar-cross that I recently received:
    4. @saschaw, Thank you for the congratulatory remarks! It cost me a very well worth pretty penny. I am actually very familiar with the Oberstleutnant and the new owner! In fact it was the new owner that allowed me to purchase the version for flags! Also, here’s a couple of other photos that I have been able to find of the cross being worn, which includes the Großherzog Friedrich August II himself!
    5. Hello, great ribbon bar! The unknown award is Mecklenburg-Schwerin Verdienstmedaille in Silber Friedrich Franz II. As for the Schwarzburg award, I’m going to have to have to conclude that it’s the Ehrenkreuz 4 klasse mit schwertern best regards, Dan
    6. This very well could be the case. However, if my memory serves me, that the “Vor Dem Feinde” spange was not so much awarded but was available for purchase by the soldier who was awarded the FAK2. For instance, in Oblt. Gert Pflugradt’s book, just about every officer who was awarded the FAK2 is listed as being awarded the “OF2 Sp.”, even to officers who died before the spange was introduced. In my opinion I think it was printed that way because they where eligible for it, but may or may not have purchased it. For example, here is the entry for the Lt. later General Wilhelm Conze: and his medal bar: best regards, Dan
    7. @Claudio Although I know that this medal bar didn’t end up actually belonging to Walter von Wallenberg, here is a very rare photo I just received today of the Generalmajor a.D. Among his awards where EK2 1914, FAK2, RAO4, KO3, DA, Centenar Medaille, BrH3a, OV2b. Would it be possible to find out what his other awards could be? Best, Dan
    8. Hello, One piece of information that I would ask for is if it is possible to try and obtain the weight of the badge. Generally this is a good indicator of its authenticity. If it’s a gram or two above 17g I would be comfortable with its authenticity but I am not a complete expert on these badges. As for the catch, could this be a possible private purchase example? I’m not sure. I’m sorry if I couldn’t be of more assistance. Best regards, Dan
    9. From 1872-1877 he was apart of Hessisches Fusilier-Regiment Nr. 80 as a St.-Arzt acting as a Batallion Arzt. From 1877-1882 he was apart of the 4. Grossgerzogl. Hessisches Inf. R. (Prinz Carl) Nr. 118 as an Oberst St. Arzt 2. Cl acting as the regiments Arzt. I'm assuming that he retired in 1882 because I wasn't ablee to find his name again in the 1883 Rangeliste He was awarded the EKII klasse am Weisband
    10. 1 Apr 1910 Seekadett 15 Apr 1911 Fähnrich zur See 31 Jan 1914 Leutnant zur See 22 Mar 1916 Oberleutnant zur See 24 Nov 1919 Out of naval service 16 Jan 1921 Kapitänleutnant (Charakter) UC-94 31 Aug 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 Iron Cross 2nd class Cross for Loyal Service (Schaumburg-Lippe) Iron Cross 1st class 3 Dec 1942 Knight's Cross (WWII)
    11. I would say he was most likely a Wurttemburger as the Verdienstmedaille is put in the second place. I see little reason to have doubt
    12. @VtwinVince Those are still quite nice crosses. The rarity among those is the Weimar-Freistadt era 1st class cross, I’ve only ever seen post 1945 examples. @BlackcowboyBSWow, it really is small isn’t it! That’s quite funny! Very nice guy isn’t he? I know the him of all people would find it the funniest how it came full circle like this! He’s really great to work and research with; Plus, he’s the go-to-guy when it comes to Oldenburg!
    13. @graham and @v.Perlet, Thank you for the kind words! I know that it’s a great piece if I am able to impress you graham! Thank you! I had seen a bar come up for sale a couple of years ago with this cross with 4 other Oldenburg awards, one of which was a Non-Combatant Friedrich August Kreuz! I was to worried about it being a fake that I never pulled the trigger so to speak. I later found out it most certainly is authentic and is now in the collection of a good friend of mine. How envious I am! Regards
    14. Hello all, I wanted to share something that I’ve been lusting after for years with out end, and finally was able to have the extreme pleasure to obtain, the Verdienstkreuz des Oldenburger Kriegervereins. With only 154 that are confirmed to be have been awarded by 1915, by 1918 it’s been concluded that under 200 of these crosses were ever awarded. The pictures can’t go do this cross justice in just how beautiful it truly is. I am so honored to be have a small, yet, in my eyes, a very significant and special piece of Oldenburg history.
    15. What a great piece! I love how the case mimics so closely to the EK I case.
    16. WOW! Only being awarded less than 150 times by 1918 and you have not one but TWO examples and a case! I think it has to be recognized just how impressive that is! @BlackcowboyBS and @Trooper_D, I think the goddess represented is actually the goddess Ariadne. Known mythologically for helping Theseus defeat the Minotaur, thus ending the ritual of sacrificing 7 men and 7 maidens every 7 or 9 years and thus is attributed with life saving. The wreath is known as “the crown of immortality”, quite fitting for a life saving medal. The mythology behind the crown is that the crown was given to her by Dionysus. The eight stars above Ariadne’s head are the eight stars seen in the constellation “Corona Borealis”, the crown placed there by Dionysus. Further, this was also the general depiction of her crown by artist for hundreds of years. I hope this was of some help, Best
    17. @DeutschritterNo that’s not a Dienstauszeichnung it’s the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Militär-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse 1870
    18. @BlackcowboyBSI am speechless! I have quite the appreciation for Theodor Kermess' bar with the Peter Friedrich Ludwig Haus und Verdienstorden ehrenkreuz III klasse! As I think I remember reading something Rick wrote that people in similar positions to Herr Kermess would be jealous about him having the Verdienstkreuz fur Kriegshilfe and absolutely nuts to have BOTH the VfK and the non-combatant EK! Bars with first world war and 1870 and prior awards are among my favorite to say the least! I doubt there is a thorough awards list of the Verdienstkreuz fur Kriegshilfe, I wish I could help. Your last two bars are absolutely fascinating! The history that is told by them alone is what had drawn me to collecting and researching. I wish you the best of luck in the further narrowing down of names for an identification. All of your examples are the envy of any Braunschweig collector and rightfully so! You should be proud to have such example preserved and in your collection!
    19. As I think I can make out the word "Stalingrad" this leads me to ask is he could have been attached to army group south.
    20. @drspeck and a Godet bar to boot! This is an amazing bar! I love the enameled RAO crown! Both attachments made of real silver to! Congratulations!
    21. That’s absolutely phenomenal! It’s documentation like that which is practically invaluable! Thank you!
    22. Here is an updated and as complete as I can find, list of the Grand Dukes Awards: Prussia: Schwartz Adler Orden Kette Hohenzollern Haus Orden Kette Roter Adler Orden Großkreuz 1870 Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse mit 25 Jahre Eichenblattspange Wiederholungsspange 1914 Eisernes Kreuz 1914 I Klasse Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse 1870-1871 Preussen Kreigsdenkmünze für Kampfer mit Spangen: -Gavrilot-St. Privat -Metz -Paris 1897 Kaiser Wilhelm I Erinnerungsmedaille Zentenarmedaille 1878 Preussen Kaiser Wilhelm I Goldene Hochzeit Medaille II Klasse Bayern: Haus-Ritter-Orden vom Heiligen Hubertus Sachsen: Hausorden der Rautenkrone 1915 Kreigsverdienst kreuz Mecklenburg-Schwerin: Wedischenkronen Orden Kette/ Großkreuz 1870 Mecklenburg-Schwerin Militärverdienstkreuz II Klasse 1914 Mecklenburg-Schwerin Militärverdienstkreuz II Klasse Mecklenburg-Schwerin Großherzog Friedrich Franz II verdienst Medaille in Silber Gedächtsmedaille Franz Friedrich III Oldenburg: Kapitular Abzeichen Großkreuz Haus u. Verdienst orden von Peter Friedrich Ludwig Kette, Großkreuz Haus u. Verdienst orden von Peter Friedrich Lugwig Ehrenkreuz I Klasse 1902 Verdienstkreuz des Oldenburg Kreigsverein Baden: Hausorden der Treue Großkreuz Orden Berthold des Ersten Großkreuz mit Schwertern Hesse: Ludewigsorden Großkreuz Sachsen-Ernestinische: Hausorden Großkreuz Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach: Haus Orden der Wachsamkeit / Weißen Falken Großkreuz mit Schwertern Saxe-Altenburg: 1902 Medaille zum 50 Jahren regisrungjubiläum Anhalt: Hausorden Albrecht des Bären Großkreuz Braunschweig: Heinrich des Löwen Großkreuz Kriegsverdiesntkreuz II Klasse Schaumburg-Lippe: Militärverdiesntsmedaille mit Säbeln 1914 Kreuz für Treue Dienste II Klasse Waldeck-Pyrmont: Verdienstorden I Klasse mit Krone Verdienstorden I Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern Hamburg: Hanseatenkreuz Lübeck: Hanseatenkreuz Bremen: Hanseatenkreuz Austria: St. Stephans-Orden Großkreuz Militär Verdienstorden I Klasse mit Kriegs Dekoration Franz Josef Orden Großkreuz Türkische: Goldene Imtiaz-Medaille mit Schwertern Silberene Imtiaz-Medaille mit Schwertern Goldene Liakat-Medaille mit Schwertern Eisernes Halbmond Russia: St. Alexander Orden Großkreuz St. Anne Orden Großkreuz Denmark: Knight of the Order of the White Elephant Belgium: Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold Italy: Knight of the Order of the Annunciation Sweden: Knight of the Serephim United Kingdom: Honorary Grand Cross of the Road Victorian Order
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