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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Radmilo, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, most useful. Paul
    2. The Indian Coastal Artillery guarded the Indian Ports during WWI, most in Bombay and Calcutta. Nice find. Paul
    3. From what I have been able to find out the imperial Army and Navy Veterans seemed to be active especially in Australia and Canada in the late 19th century. They were certainly still in existence in the early 1920's but probably like many such organisations they ended up being absorbed in the Australian and Canadian equivalents of the British Legion soon after . Paul
    4. Thanks Nick I had grave suspicions based on a genuine example I handled in 2008, but I know with some of the early pieces you find lower quality contemporary local made pieces. Paul
    5. It certainly has similarities to the unknown Belgian manufacturer listed by Car, however the illustration does not show the saint looking particularly golden, possibly it is a touched up version of that piece. Paul
    6. Is it for the Montenegrin Cross of Danilo I. The other possibility is the Marianer Cross. Paul
    7. Yed, Am I mistaken or is that a First Grade type 1 Double Dragon below the Kalakaua. If so very tasty. Paul
    8. Denis Gill in his book on Ethiopian numismatics states that the medals are made of silver. I believe this to be incorrect and the vast majority were struck in silvered alloy. Paul
    9. If genuine a very rare beastie. It purports to be the badge of Merit of the Tajik ASSR. Paul
    10. Had the British authorities not been so tight fisted and had named all the WWII Stars and Medals then we would have nbo problems re entitlement. Paul
    11. She was definitely the height of fashion, unless she was unusually tall the star looks as if it was of smaller than normal size, thanks for the photos Radmilo. All the best, Paul
    12. Another possibility is that he enlisted under an alias (it frequently happened, due to debts, in trouble with the law or got a girl into trouble). certainly was the case with the British during the Peninsular war. Paul
    13. The photograph must have been taken after 1863 as he is wearing his Iron Cross, the 1863 commemorative War Merit Medal and the 1813-15 War merit Medal, the last is suspect is a veterans award, now you have to find a group to go with the photo. Paul
    14. Radmilo, Fantastic, is it of the normal dimensions. All the best, Paul
    15. Spas, If you google Post Office Rifles you will find that there is a history of them available from Military and Naval press and lists honours and awards, cost under a fiver. I don't know whether you already have this and its not of much use. Paul
    16. Herman it's 3rd class. Nice group. All the best, Paul
    17. Paul's point is good I often come across groups as worn by the recipient which contain medals that they were most certainly not entitled to, often the case of "well if he got one, I did a better job than him, so I will award myself it". Paul
    18. Looks Indonesian to me, possibly the Air Force Star. Paul
    19. Ehjaz, Thank you so much for clarifying this matter and welcome to the forum, the Sutleg you are referring to is the same as the Sutlej in the Punjab? Paul
    20. This pair was awarded to a Rhodesian and sold in July 2013 for £550. As to the V variety I will get back in the next couple of days with some more solid info. Paul
    21. Paul, British WWI medals are a good collecting field as they are not expensive, eminently researchable and you can sometimes pick up some quite interesting ones, like park. Paul
    22. The maximum number of stars that could be awarded to 1 person was 5. I agree with Paddywhack the group is quite feasible with the exception of the Defence medal which seems highly unlikely. Paul
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