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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. I would love to find a couple. I would have a lifetime supply of beamte uniforms and a house.
    2. I doubt it will happen, especially based upon what is going on there now. We(the US) left too early and I think that they will not forgive us for it.
    3. Here are a couple of mine. I need to start scanning more of my photos. These are some really nice portraits. One is of a Major's equivalent and the other is a really high quality NCO print.
    4. Wow. Chris, as far as WW1 US groups go, they do not get any better. It is great that you were able to bring the medal back to where the deed occurred.
    5. I have not seen more than one or two TSD photos. These are rare. I love that ribbon bar. NSDAP Long Service and Olympic Support Medal, First Class no less. I bet that this was an awesome medal bar to look at. Interesting hat as well. It looks like an EM Hermann Goring Division visor cap with officer's cord applied. Really cool.
    6. Odulf, I just saw your last two posts with Admin Official photos. You have some really amazing shots. I really like the NCO admin photo. I will have to start a thread for LW Beamte photos. I love these!
    7. Odulf, On the first set, third from the right... are you sure that this one is wartime? The uniform looks post war? Could this be some sort of transitional uniform? Also, there is no chest eagle. This uniform is either a very unstandard tailored example or ... ? Interesting. Morten and Odolf, you have some amazing photos. Once I get my wife to transfer the scanned photo to my email, I will post it. Paul
    8. What a great gift. So this was a functioning weapon?
    9. Thanks Robin. I will look up some more history on this medal. Paul
    10. The enamel on those look like they were buried for much longer than a month or two. What do these go for on today's market?
    11. I look forward to seeing that page. There are very few changes from the WW2 version of these books. Very interesting.
    12. Most impressive Robin. What do cased examples go for these days?
    13. Did you just win this one? If so, I was bidding against you. Congrats on this photograph. I have one to share as well, which just arrived in the mail.
    14. I was thinking the same... this is the first postwar wehrpass I have seen. What was this man's rank? Was it listed?
    15. Oldulf, Thank you for sharing these photos with us. Do you know anything about Lt Strauss and his involvement later, during the war? I wonder if the significant scars on his face were due to WW1 participation?
    16. Lets keep this topic going! You all are posting some very interesting history and artifacts.
    17. You guys have some really awesome things. I like the photo with the stacks of officer/NCO swords. I wonder how many of those were family blades?
    18. It looks two toned to me... but it could be the way the light is reflecting from the different textures? It looks like they went all out on this presentation, with the wreath and all.
    19. Hi Bernhard, What do you mean by, "Volunteers are required to enlist for longer duration straight away."?
    20. Those are some great portraits. I really like the Heer piped tunic.
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