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    Everything posted by VtwinVince

    1. That's a great document, pity about the historical integrity of the group being destroyed. You don't see documents to the MVK every day.
    2. My vote goes to Prussia, but that's just me and my personal obsession.
    3. Very nice piece, I especially like the case. You've got to hand it to those thrifty Saxons for their recycling.
    4. Agreed about props departments. I even spotted a couple of errors on the uniforms in "Der Untergang".
    5. Thanks for the details, Les, that's very interesting. My father was East Prussian, and he was very annoyed about this "abolition" of his homeland. He always claimed that the UN Charter was inherently racist, because it provided no provisions for displaced Germans such as himself. I'm referring to the resolution of the right of return of war-displaced refugees. He did not see his homeland again until 1992, shortly before he died.
    6. Good point, Rick, the House of Anhalt has become a standing joke in Germany, and I believe Zsa Zsa Gabor is married currently to a pretender to this house with absolutely no credentials. On the subject of the 1947 dissolution of Prussia, I was under the assumption that this was done unilaterally by the Russians.
    7. Thanks for the information, very useful. I guess I'm stuck with a forgery, although I find it surprising that someone would go to the trouble of making a good copy, but then putting it on the wrong ribbon. I would post scans of this thing, but I can't get photos to post on this site.
    8. Thanks for the information. I have one on the Crown Order ribbon, which is the same as the one on the white ribbon. I also have one on the Lifesaving Medal ribbon, and on it the badge is one piece, and the pin on the back is different. I wonder if it might be a replacement piece, as it certainly looks period, just not as good quality.
    9. Could people please post images of this badge. I have two, which are of markedly different quality.
    10. Hi Andy, Thanks, that's a great start. Do you have any information on awards? I have a document to him for the Silver Wedding Badge, on the ribbon of the Lifesaving Medal.
    11. I recently acquired some documents to Walter Freiherr von Esebeck, Oberst a la Suite, Ober-stallmeister und wirklich-Geheimenrat. I can't seem to find any information on this officer. If anyone could provide details on his career, it would be greatly appreciated.
    12. I find it hard to believe that any self-respecting Ordensjuwelier would mix up the SAO and the SVO ribbons, given that these decorations are commonly found. Besides, he seemed to have the mini ribbons for the Feldspange, so very odd.
    13. Hello, I have never seen an Albrechtsorden with the ribbon colors reversed.
    14. That is odd, and notice that the ribbon for the Saxon Albrechtsorden is reversed on the bar, it should be like the feldspange, green with white stripes. Could you post a scan of the reverse of the bar?
    15. Those ribbons look awfully fresh, and the Togo bars look weird, but maybe it's just the bad photo.
    16. Great postcard, especially since the first guy has the SAOmK and I think it's a first class.
    17. The Russian economy has tanked by about 70 percent lately, so those well-heeled collectors might be running out of cash soon.
    18. Speaking of arcane, there is a particular North American country which persists in using the Imperial system.
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