Perhaps I tend to be too picky about some terminology used when describing these old orders, but I am not comfortable with the blanket use of the statement "...illegallly (since the duchy didn't exist anymore)" The SEHO is a House Order, not a state order. It may have been "illegal" under German law for the duke to award them, but under internationally recognized chivalric practice a house order belongs to the house, not the state, and the head of the house may award that order as long as the house exists. There are many heads of former reigning houses today that still award their respective house orders, and while perhaps not recognized by their former countries, it is recognized as legitimate by the chivalric community. The International Commission on Orders of Chivalry,, has a list of recognized house order (they refer to them as dynastic orders) and the SEHO is on the list. Here is a page from the Ducal House web page with a photo of Prinz Hubertus wearing the grand cross of the order and a page on their house order