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    peter monahan

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    Everything posted by peter monahan

    1. Sadly, I suspect that there is a third piece to this badge - the crown - now missing, which would help date it more closely, though I'm going to guess it is Victorian. Just a hunch based on the fastenings mostly. Perhaps one of our Gunner members can be more helpful. By the Way, welcome to the GMIC! Peter
    2. I am interested by this post, as I belong to a living history group which portrays the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Great War period. I would have thought that a transfer from the RAMC to the RE would be unusual but presumably something in his civilian job /skills set suggested to the authorities that he would be more useful on railways or canals than as a stretcher bearer or medical aide. Tony, I'm also very interested to see that he was given a new serial number. Was that common? In the Canadian Expeditionary Force men were re-assigned on reaching England, or even in Canada, but the originally issued serial stayed with the soldier throughout his service in the vast majority of cases, which can be confusing. Each of the 240+ battalions was given a block of numbers to issue, to avoid duplication, but as many units were broken up form reinforcements on reaching the UK, so the block prefix only really tells one which battalion he enlisted in.
    3. I think I own all of Smith's earlier books - the Courtney saga, 'Shout At the Devil' and so on. Never got as interested in his Egyptian stuff.
    4. I'm offended! Not sure about what yet, but offended. Details to follow!
    5. The thread began as one on a possible 'police truncheon', now identified as a trench club. So... Yes, 'perp' is slang - North American only slang, I suppose - for 'perpetrator' [suspect/arrestee/criminal].
    6. I do admire a man who's thorough! Lovely photos and great research. Thanks for sharing it, Rusty.
    7. Yes, I'm afraid that even in the 'good old days' of policing, one's sergeant would likely take a dim view of any implement which would leave such easily identifiable marks on a 'perp'. Bobbies were and are, of course, allowed to use force if absolutely necessary, but are not to enjoy it nor, in a worst case scenario, do so in a way which might leave them open to civil action. I can't imagine many cases in which even the toughest 'beak' would allow that 'a club wif nails in' was appropriate for a peace officer!
    8. This member does research on SA gongs. Perhaps she can tell you, without much/any cost. Worth a try? http://rhino-research.co.za/
    9. Just don't use paper towelling, either to polish or wrap them in, as it's rotten with sulphur and will tarnish the medals quick as be damned.
    10. The Women's Auxiliary Corps (India) was established in 1942 and by 1944-45 numbered about 10,000 officers and enlisted ranks. Presumably a good number of these would have qualified for the War Medal 1939-45, as the qualification period was 28 days full time service. Full-time paid members of the specially approved colonial and other military forces, militarised police or militarised civilian bodies which were eligible to qualify for campaign stars, were also eligible to qualify by 28 days of service during the qualifying period as laid down for the force concerned: Wikipedia. Alan Harfield, an expert on the British Indian Army, has written an excellent article, which you can read for free or download for a small price here: Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research Vol. 83, No. 335 (Autumn 2005), pp. 243-254 (12 pages) Published by: Society for Army Historical Research https://www.jstor.org/stable/44231211?read-now=1&seq=10#page_scan_tab_contents The download link is to a group photo of No. 2 Company, Bombay WAC(I) download
    11. Sadly, unusual ribbons are very difficult to source, especially for newer awards. OMSA - the Orders & Medals Society of America - has a 'ribbon bank' where, I think, samples of various ribbons can be obtained, but I have no idea how or what kind of resources they have. The other route might be to identify the company who made the award and approach them directly [by mail]. They won't likely sell you an award but may suggest how you can get ribbons. How's your Portuguese? Peter
    12. 'Remember, Man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.', to quote from the Roman Catholic Ash Wednesday service. Today, many Christian denominations put a more positive spin on it, complete with crucifixes displaying the risen Christ.
    13. Hi Von Thronstahl I'm a bit under the weather today but another quick look at the first postcard suggests a second reference to the 'parents' and 'hope for a better season/time', so, no, no earthshaking revelations here.
    14. Here is a bit of the first card translated. The handwriting is a real challenge, and my French is mediocre at best, so no guarantees I'm getting it right. Pont a ?? [?? Bridge] the 5th of November, 1915; The Machine Gun Section, 47th Regiment, 2nd Battalion. Address: Mademoiselle Andree Mollandre,[ indecipherable], Sienne and Oise Department [Province] Message: ‘Ma cheri’ [‘Jodie’ ??? a pet name?]. As I wrote to your parents, I would be in Biceli ?? on Saturday August 13th.
    15. It is definitely brass and not overpainted white metal or an anodized one with the silver stripped off? Very curious indeed.
    16. That is interesting. I know that any number of the Canadian battalions sent to England in 1914-16 had badges made privately there, either with or without official permission, and that many of them were stamped with makers names on the reverse. I believe that this was done because there was a shortage of the badges to units who were raised hurriedly in Canada and sent overseas straightway - perhaps as few as one per man, which wouldn't accommodate several sets of headgear. I also suspect that many units had 'smart looking' versions of the badges made by private purchase after the Canadian made ones were deemed too crude for walking out and such. Nice find!
    17. It is a fairly obvious symbol to connect with soldiering - and pirates, I suppose - as death is part of the whole package. The Elizabethans were fond of including skulls in artwork too, as a reminder of Man's mortality.
    18. Yes, the Police section of the GMIC is now named in his honour, as that was his first love. He lived in SA for many many years and ran a militaria shop - in Jo'burg, I believe - but was an inveterate contributor to a number of the pages on this site and very willing to assist others with research and with his knowledge. He is much missed.
    19. Nice bunch!
    20. Well done, Loski. Sadly, Mervyn is no longer with us and is sadly missed - an expert on things South African and a true gentleman.
    21. My first thoughts were 'Directorate [of] ???' and 'Chief of Staff', so not too far off what Gensui has said. Well done on finishing that mammoth task!
    22. I do WWI living history and many of the men who portray French soldiers wear a wrist chain with very similar information: unit, name and rank, as I recall. So, not unlikely that the Belgians died as well. And, while 'Evens' doesn't sound very Belgian, my sisters went to school with a whole family of Poles surnamed 'MacDonald', so... ?
    23. I agree that this must be a rare occurrence, particularly to an already rare group - civilians assisting the forces in an unofficial capacity. 'Unique' is a rare bird indeed, but perhaps in this case, within those parameters, deserved. Congratulations on doing so well with this research, Owain! Please do post a photo of the reconstructed group if/when that is completed. Thanks. Peter
    24. All I can say is that Voluntary Aid Detachment members were eligible for the BWM and VM, according to the statutes. Perhaps some of our British or SA members will have leads for further research.
    25. Bayern Both those awards and perhaps a few others were made, I suspect, in the post-War euphoria after 'The War to End Wars'. And perhaps deserved, who knows. Sixpence a day added to one's pension, plus ten pounds, for winning the VC, or L15 if you did it twice sounds more typical of the shall we say 'thrifty' British.
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