Yes, one of the comments in Harry's section is to the effect that 'Africa always wins.' My wife, like me a veteran of two years in Nigeria, likes to quote the old rhyme "Beware, beware the Bight of Benin; Where one comes out though twenty went in." We also, I think, tend to forget that the Great War was in fact one of the first in history in which fewer men were lost to disease than to enemy action. Even today, with all our modern medecine, a huge percentage of the casualties in any military campaign are illness and injury not directly attributable to combat. In recent years, for example, many many US servicemen and women suffer imjuries - leg, back and other - caused in part by the vast weight of equipment they routinely carry on patrol. And, in the days before anitbiotics and anti-malarials, tropical climates were quite literally 'the white man's grave' for many.