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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Kev in Deva

    1. Hallo Dave a picture of the good Sgt. herself. Photo Credit: By Spec. Jeremy D. Crisp -- Defense Department Via Associated Press. Kevin in Deva.
    2. BY all means SCAN and post great to see the man behind this great bar Kevin in Deva.
    3. Hallo Eric, thanks for posting these very interesting medals Please feel free to post many more Kevin in Deva
    4. Hallo Gents, I took the liberty of highlighting the last medal, and have to think Russia or Austria??, Kevin in Deva.
    5. Hallo Roeland, nice Bavarian veterans badges particularly the Immenstadt one, I used to live 14kms down the road from there in Kempten (Allg?u) for 5 years and have a matching Kempten Veterans badge, do you still have the Immenstadt one? Kevin in Deva
    6. Hallo Gents, Yeah! you have to admire the way the old Hindenberg slots in there after those two "gems" Kevin in Deva.
    7. and getting ready for action: Kevin in Deva
    8. Hallo Jim some interesting pictures of similar if not the same equipment here: http://www.ecpad.fr/ecpa/PagesDyn/result.a...p;collectionid= Obusier de 240 mm mod?le 1903-1904. Durant le conflit, l'artillerie et notamment l'artillerie lourde prend de plus en plus d'importance pour essayer de briser les lignes ennemies. R?f?rence : SPA 20 X 759 Date : 3 mai 1916 And: Kevin in Deva
    9. Hallo Gerd, With regards ALL unsolicited emails with regards collecting and militaria if they are offering stuff then buyer beware!! Regardless of the fact if they are based in the EAST or WEST. Kevin in Deva.
    10. Hallo Brian, Fine job, as its your personal choice to do this, then no problems, its the little ebay monkeys who make repairs and try to sell with no declaration that anoy me. I am lucky enough to have 30 EK II's, all in good condition apart from one which has seperated from the ribbon ring, which is so tightly sewn under the ribbons that only by dismanteling the bar can the ring be recovered. Kevin in Deva
    11. The Document: Its fairly small measures: 11 cm X 8 cm. Kevin in Deva
    12. Hallo Hendrick Nice Cross even with the additional "cement", you could try suspending it in Coke-a-cola to see if it would remove it! But not to long as all the patina might go to. And use an old tooth brush to see if it might remove the concrete. Your type seems to fall under the Non-Combatant: Two-part construction, with the wreath attached to the main body by 4 (?) catches, raised date 1941 on the obverse, with possibly 1941 impressed into the reverse, under the concrete. There is also known to exsist a unusual variation, field made type, cast in bronze, of one-piece construction. I attach pictures of a one-piece, 1942 with swords, plain reverse, its damaged, missing a sword tip, the compensation being the very rare issue card. It measures: 36mm X 40mm (top of the rectangular ribbon ring mount to lower edge of the Cross. There were 3 types of "Fire Cross" that were awarded to military personel, home defence and civilians, The Home Defence got a plain Cross with with a circular centre piece with AHAZAERT (for the Fatherland). The Non-Combatants got one with a wreath surrounding the centre medalion and without swords. The Combatant had swords added, as well as the wreath around the centre medalion. (many of these went to ss types and again many were Posthumously awarded. Kevin in Deva
    13. Hallo Gents, just spotted this today: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18022007/140/reco...1-soldiers.html Recognition For Executed Ww1 Soldiers Sunday February 18, 09:43 AM Two First World War soldiers shot for cowardice but pardoned 90 years later are to be formally recognised on a war memorial. The names of Privates Harry Farr and James Swaine have finally been engraved on to Wealdstone war memorial in north west London. They were among 306 soldiers shot for military offences during the First World War to receive posthumous pardons last year. The men were pardoned following years of campaigning by their descendants when Defence Secretary Des Browne made a U-turn on an earlier Ministry of Defence decision. Their names will be unveiled during a ceremony at the memorial later today. Pte Farr's granddaughter Janet Booth said the ceremony was the culmination of a long campaign to clear his name. "We've been campaigning for this for 15 years and, after getting the pardon last year, this will bring closure to the whole proceedings and we can perhaps put everything to rest and carry on with our lives," she said. Pte Farr, of Kensington, west London, was stationed with the 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment. He fought at the Battle of the Somme and at Neuve Chapelle, but during 1915 and 1916 reported sick four times with nerves. His family said his symptoms were consistent with a diagnosis of "shellshock". On 16 October 1916, Pte Farr was found guilty of "misbehaving before the enemy in such a manner as to show cowardice" and was shot the following morning, aged 25. - - - - - END OF ARTICLE - - - - - Kevin in Deva
    14. Hallo Gents another one for the "I Just Gotta Get me one of them thar thingies" List http://cgi.ebay.com/WW1-IMPERIAL-1914-FLYI...1QQcmdZViewItem The stunning design, the artistic endever, one can almost see the noble smithy, persperation running freely down the noble brow, working the bellows and clanging his anvils as he strives to turn out this master-piece from old horeshoes Also feel free to check out the insignia to the: "Graf York Von Wartenburg battalion" at: http://cgi.ebay.com/GERMAN-POST-WW1-ORIGIN...1QQcmdZViewItem Kevin in Deva
    15. Hallo Soviet nice pictures, I see in Post 85 lower right area: a Romanian Communist medal for 30th Aniversary of the Liberation from the Faschist Yoke" please see attached pictures for a close up of this award, the bar on the ribbon carries the dates: 23rd August "1944 - 1974". Kevin in Deva.
    16. Hallo Doc, If I may add, its nice to see a member admit he was mistaken and publicly recognise the fact without being bitter, another reason that puts the quality of the membership of the G.M.I.C. way up above others. There is a virtual beer waiting for Lucasz & you in the Lounge, where you can discuss the finer points of the hobby Kevin in Deva
    17. Hallo Gents, When I entered the following on a search engine: SEE FLIEGER HORST KOMMANDANTUR. the following was returned: http://www.bundesarchiv.de/foxpublic/7B1BD...=k-11_oben.html And: http://uk.search.yahoo.com/language/transl...mp;fr=slv8-msgr http://www.ostfriesischelandschaft.de/orts...undesarchiv.pdf A search with: SEE FLIEGERHORST KOMMANDANTUR BUG a. R?GEN got this hit: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?p=938393 Perhaps its worth following up Kevin in Deva.
    18. Hallo Jim, To my eyes it looks like the traversing mount for the gun, less the actual barrel, and its traveling waggon, either hit by fire from Bertha or responsible for firing on a Bertha, (as the Germans had more than one Bertha) and not to be confused with "Big Bertha" the massive Railway gun the Germans used to lob shells onto Paris from over 70km or miles away In my original post I did suggest it had a railway connection and thanks to spotter for clarifying exactly what it is Spotter the "Milky Bars" are on me Kevin in Deva
    19. Hallo Gents, my tuppence worth, despite the quality of the pictures, the top bar in Post 5 seems to have newer ribbons, the lower bar seems to be more faded, particularly the last two ribbons. . Kevin in Deva
    20. Hallo Paul, there was a 1918 badge for the founders of the organisation & a 1919, see pictures from page 461 of Orden & Ehrenzeichen 1800-1945 by J?rg Nimmergut, 2005-2006 Edition. 3419 Eintrittsabzeichen 1918 f?r Gr?ndungsmitlieder. (price quoted are: Silver at 2,500 Euro, Tomback versilbert at 2,000 Euro, Alpaka at 1,800. so good luck to Chris in his search. 3420 Eintrittsabzeichen 1919, Silver 400 Euro, Tomback versilbert at 320 Euro, Alpaka at 290 Euro Kevin in Deva
    21. Hallo Paul, page 23 of "THE KRIM SHIELD" by Our very own member Sascha Weber, shows a picture of General Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, visiting a wounded soldier in a military hospital and states "The golden Krim Shield is good to see." As I understand it these were a private purchase by the Field-Marshal and he presented a set to the Romanian Military leader Antonescu. Kevin in Deva
    22. Is what True? The Warsaw Shield? The Roman Iffy River Water? The Bottled Mini Vampires? Or the common Gold "KRIM" shield? By the way I believe Field Marshal Erich von Manstein had his "Krim" shields made in Gold too Kevin in Deva
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