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    Hero of Labor notification from the web:

    Condecoran a nuevos H?roes del Trabajo de Cuba

    La Habana, 2 may (RHC) Jos? R. Machado Ventura, miembro del Bur? Pol?tico del Partido Comunista de Cuba, condecor? en esta capital a 37 trabajadores, de ellos 15 mujeres, con resultados extraordinarios en la producci?n y los servicios.

    Machado Ventura entreg? a Eusebio Leal, Historiador de la Ciudad, y a Juan J. Maiquez, mec?nico de la Empresa de Mantenimiento de Construcci?n y Reparaciones, ambos de Ciudad de La Habana, los t?tulos honor?ficos de H?roes del Trabajo de la Rep?blica de Cuba.

    Tambi?n coloc? medallas que avalan esa condici?n en los pechos de ?lvaro Serrano, operador de alzadora de ca?as de la Empresa Agropecuaria Orlando Gonz?lez, de Ciego de ?vila, y de Jorge Guerra, chofer-distribuidor de la Base de Transporte de Bebidas, de Las Tunas, rese?a la ain.

    Carlos Lage, Ricardo Alarc?n, Jos? R. Balaguer y Pedro S?ez, integrantes igualmente del Bur? Pol?tico, y otros dirigentes del Secretariado del Comit? Central y de organizaciones pol?ticas y de masas participaron en el reconocimiento oficial a destacados de la clase obrera en su d?a.

    En una ceremonia en el Sal?n de Protocolo de El Laguito, tras la multitudinaria celebraci?n en toda la naci?n del Primero de Mayo, D?a Internacional de los Trabajadores, cinco obreros sobresalientes recibieron la Orden L?zaro Pe?a de Primer Grado, ocho la de Segundo y nueve la de Tercero.

    Esa ?ltima fue entregada igualmente a una representaci?n del colectivo de 30 personas del Motel de la Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular en Sancti Sp?ritus Un operador de equipos industriales, un dependiente, un periodista, un estibador y un cocinero fueron merecedores de la Medalla Jes?s Men?ndez y seis trabajadores m?s la de la Haza?a Laboral.

    El Sistema de Condecoraciones y T?tulos Honor?ficos de Cuba est? contenido en la Ley 17 que aprob? la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en su primer per?odo ordinario de sesiones, del 28 al 30 de junio de 1978. Su Reglamento y Estatutos los acord? el Consejo de Estado en diciembre de 1979.


    Rough translation:

    They decorate new Heroes of the Work of Cuba Havana, 2 may (RHC) Jose R. Future Machado, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, decorated in this capital to 37 workers, of them 15 women, with extraordinary results in the production and the services. Future Machado gave to Loyal Eusebio, Historian of the City, and to Juan J. Maiquez, mechanic of the Company of Maintenance of Construction and Repairs, both of City of Havana, the honorary titles of Heroes of the Work of the Republic of Cuba. Also it placed medals that guarantee that condition in the chests of Mountain, operating Alvaro of cane gatherer of the Company Agropecuaria Trimming Gonz?lez, of Blind person of ?vila, and Jorge War, driver-distributor of Base de Transporte de Bebidas, of the Tunas, reviews ain. Carlos Lage, Ricardo Alarc?n, Jose R. Balaguer and Pedro Sa'ez, members also of the Political Bureau, and other leaders of the Secretaryship of the Central Committee and political organizations and masses participated in outstanding the official recognition of the working class in their day. In a ceremony in the Hall Protocol of the Laguito, after the multitudinal celebration in all the nation of First of May, Day the International of the Workers, five excellent workers received the Order Lazaro Rock of First Degree, eight the one of Second and nine the one of Third. That last one was also given to a representation of the group of 30 people of the Motel of the Provincial Assembly of the Popular Power in Sancti Sp?ritus an operator of industrial equipment, an employee, a journalist, a dock worker and a cook were deserving of the Medal Jesus Men?ndez and six workers plus the one of the Labor Feat. The System of Decorations and Honorary Titles of Cuba is contained in the Law 17 that approved the National Assembly of the Popular Power in its first ordinary period of sessions, from the 28 to the 30 of June of 1978. Its Regulation and Statutes decided the Council to them State in December of 1979.

    • 1 month later...
    • 2 weeks later...

    This one looks chunkier (the star that is) than the Military version; based on photos I've seen so far from European collectors. I believe the case is original to the piece. Many of the earlier orders seem to have all come in Soviet (Communist may be a better term) type hinged-lid cases in cardboard and leatherette. I have not seen photos of any case that was titled so far other than some plastic cases that were titled for the Ministry of Interior Long Service Medals. Based on the suspension style, it seems some of those may have actually been made by East German (or possibly Czech) manufacturers. So many questions, so little knowledge and no communications possible with the direct source in Cuba.

    This particular example was auctioned off in Germany in 2006. I don't remember the final hammer price though.


    Hi Paul, the examples that have shown up outside of Cuba all seem to be either silver-gilt, or gilded (something else)

    • 1 month later...
    Posted (edited)

    Award Critaria



    Edited by Taz
    Guest Rick Research

    Ahhh, THAT is VERY interesting additional information! :cheers: Presumably that means the L.P. 2nd and then 1st class... implying an award "ladder" rather than one-time Super Effort.


    Yes That's right Rick. Also there are added requirements, all to be considered before an awarding is made.

    Requisitos a tener en cuenta para cada propuesta.

    Requirements to consider for each proposal

    A) Alcanzar extraordinarios ?xitos en el trabajo creador,

    A) To achieve extraordinary successes in creative work

    B) Realizar un valioso aporte

    B)To make a valuable contribution

    C) Contribuir de manera sobresaliente y destacada al auge de la econom?a nacional.

    C) To contribute in an excellent and outstanding way to the height of the national economy.

    D) Obtener de forma sostenida, altos ?ndices en la producci?n y la productividad,

    D) To obtain from maintained form, stops indices in the production and the productivity,

    E) Participar de forma destacada y activa en las luchas por las conquistas y defensa de los logros e intereses de la clase obrera,

    E) To participate in outstanding form and activates in the fights by the conquests and defense of the profits and interests of the working class,

    F) Realizar excepcionales aportes a la consolidaci?n y pr?ctica consecuente del internacionalismo proletario.

    A las personas que se le otorgue el " T?tulo de H?roe del Trabajo de la Rep?blica de Cuba" , tambi?n se le confiere la Medalla " Estrella de Oro del Trabajo " , que es una insignia representativa.

    F) To make exceptional contributions to the consolidation and consequent practice of the proletarian internationalism.

    To the people who grant the ?Title to him of Hero of the Work of the Republic of Cuba?, also the Medal is conferred to him? Gold Star of the Work ?, that is a representative standard.


    ...and of course, all awards have been listed in legal decrees from the state "congress"-and are easy to find...alas, these don't seem to be numbered!

    Maybe the award docs though...

    Guest Rick Research

    ALL awards published? So there is some sort of idea (setting aside the normal Communist "classified" ones) of a number awarded

    so far-- as well as what would be a definitive list of recipients?


    This particular example was auctioned off in Germany in 2006. I don't remember the final hammer price though.

    If I recall correctly it was around USD 3.000


    ALL awards published? So there is some sort of idea (setting aside the normal Communist "classified" ones) of a number awarded

    so far-- as well as what would be a definitive list of recipients?

    Apparently so-there are lists and lists of recipients in the state "statutory decrees".

    • 4 weeks later...

    Had one offered for sale to me today and was wondering how often was this awarded?

    They are uncommon but unresearchable. I thought I had found one for a foreign friend who very badly wants one, but the deal has just now fallen through. :(


    They are uncommon but unresearchable. I thought I had found one for a foreign friend who very badly wants one, but the deal has just now fallen through. :(

    Ed-you, you medal bandito you! :speechless1:

    • 2 weeks later...

    Yahoo :jumping: got my Hero of Labor in the mail (a nice boxed one - no documentation unfortunately - so anonymous forever :banger: ). Will post detailed scans + measurements later today or tomorrow.


    Look at it this way Ed: more money lef to potentially spend on Dmitry Markov's January auction (some highlights can already be seen on his site).


    Look at it this way Ed: more money lef to potentially spend on Dmitry Markov's January auction (some highlights can already be seen on his site).

    Right, Bob. Potential word is "potentially" ;)

    Like one item, but, wow . . . .

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