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    Here is about the only thing German I have added to my collection in the past three years. This is all I have for scans/photos right now.

    1. 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse

    2. Fürstlich Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz III. Klasse mit Schwertern

    3. Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Ritterkreuz II. Klasse



    Well, if I was going to add only one thing to my collection that would be high on the list of contenders.


    Great addition!

    My father has a very similar one, but both the orders with swords. I guess with one pre and one world war order, it is even more unusual.


    In the future we might be able to pin it down to one person or just a few. We need the SEK rolls. I wonder where they are.



    (Nice bar, I like it even if it does remind me of a problem I have with a bar of mine...MIA either a; SEK3mS or a SEK4mS)


    The colors of the Schwarzburg cross seem a little too yellow, normally these are orange and blue, but maybe it's just the light. Also, the SEHO is turned back to front. Do you have a shot of the back?


    The colors of the Schwarzburg cross seem a little too yellow, normally these are orange and blue, but maybe it's just the light. Also, the SEHO is turned back to front. Do you have a shot of the back?
    The colors are right, the lighting sucks. I have to get better pics.

    In the future we might be able to pin it down to one person or just a few. We need the SEK rolls. I wonder where they are.

    I have pinned it down with some degree of certainty to Dr. Max Schmidt, Stabsarzt u. Btl. Arzt, I./IR 71. His SEK3X came from Sondershausen on 5 June 1915. His peacetime EH3b dates from his service as an Oberarzt in the Sanitätsamt of the XI. Armeekorps.

    He was born in Berlin on 17 December 1874. After service as an Unterarzt in IR 82, he was promoted to Assistentarzt in August 1900 and transferred to III./IR 83. In January 1903 he was promoted to Oberarzt and transferred that May to XI. A.K. In 1904 he was assigned to FAR 11. Sometime shortly after that, he was ordered (kommandiert) to the University of Rostock and then to Jäger-Bataillon 14. In April 1907 he was promoted to Stabsarzt and in October 1907 assigned to the Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie für das militärärztliche Bildungswesen. In 1910, he returned to FAR 11 as Abt. Arzt for the II. Abteilung. In 1912 he was transferred to IR 71.

    There is still the possibility that one of the other 670 recipients of the SEK3X from Schwarzburg-Sondershausen also had a peacetime EH3b and got nothing else but the EK and SEK3X, so I can't say with certainty. But your typical civilian recipient of the EH3b and nothing else would have been a citizen of one of the Saxon duchies, so you would expect he would have gotten swords to the EH3b or, if from Meiningen, the Cross for Merit in War. The process of elimination continues.


    Very nice medal bar do you think this is a complete bar or is there a second row with this one that was.

    Thank you for sharing



    Per Dr. Research, he is happy to confirm your research/identification, the bar is unique to Herr Doktor Schmitt. No other possibility, he's been working on the peacetime rolls!



    Per Dr. Research, he is happy to confirm your research/identification, the bar is unique to Herr Doktor Schmitt. No other possibility, he's been working on the peacetime rolls!


    Great to know. Thanks for the confirmation!

    • 3 weeks later...

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