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    1. Back online after a long absence and travels to strange lands

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Welcome back Will. Hope you can tell us about some of the adventures ? Mervyn

      2. sabrigade


        I was in sunny Mogadishu, off to Morocco in a few days, will post some photographs soon.

    2. Klause Butschek's new site goes on line today.

    3. yeee haaa...!! (^0^)/

      1. Show previous comments  4 more
      2. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

      3. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

      4. kapten_windu


        no, exam is in the end of May..
        This is just a little surprise for me.. ;)

    4. Hello
      To one and all

    5. $100 for new running shoes; competing demands for my hobby dollars.

      1. Claudius


        Have you considered becoming a "bare foot" runner? ;)

    6. Hi Rich Long time no hear, still into Italian I see.
      Ciao Rex Trye

    7. I'm drawing a blank.

    8. +6 and I have a sun burn. Ya gotta love Spring time in Canada.

    9. Who in their right mind eats bacon on ice cream?

    10. What will the bar to the new NATO medal for Libya say?

    11. Elizabeth Taylor 27.2.32 - 23.3.11

    12. I wonder if we have any distance or fitness runners among us. I've run 4 marathons and am pondering another.

    13. Something to remember. Throw a hand full of gold coins over the fence and you'll never see them again. Throw a javelin and it will be returned with interest.

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        But - what if it is a gold javelin ?

      2. Brian Wolfe
    14. Well, it's spring; less time researching and more time doing yard work

      1. FrontlineAntiques


        I have just spent the last 3 hours breaking my back in the garden! Lovely day for it though.

    15. I wonder what the new UN ribbon will look like for what's happening in Libya?

    16. WW1 U 106 found

    17. 59 Artillery regiments as of today; a long way to go

    18. Only a few days to go until I'm off to Newcastle to see Weird Al Yankovik :)

      1. Claudius


        That’s a strange punishment, but stiff upper lip old chap - you’ll get through it. Can’t expect the Old Bailey to be too lenient in the administration of justice. Just what was your crime that you have to serve such a harsh sentence?

      2. IrishGunner


        This might explain why Chris B has been scarce on the forum

    19. Added a nice regimental history of FAR 49 to the collection

    20. Taz

      Feel free to use any images from me as well,
      Refards Eddie

    21. Just found out my wife and I are having a baby girl

      1. Show previous comments  11 more
      2. Brian Wolfe

        Brian Wolfe

        Congratulations, they are a blessing...at least until they become teenagers.

      3. lambert


        congratulations !!

    22. Reading Bob Misslings book on Iraqi Militaria! A great new field for collectors and a great work by Bob!

      1. Paul R

        Paul R

        That is one great book. IT is the go to source for Iraqi militaria information!

    23. Mervyn's book is on the way to the post office with my wife. I'd be grateful to know when it gets to you.

    24. There is always room for misinterpretation; but none for error.

    25. Hello Roman!
      I have a Russian word I cannot translate. I know is it a type of warship, that is all. What is the English word for конлодка (konlodka)??

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