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    1. Being an only child is evidence that your parents learn from their mistakes.

      1. Claudius


        or maybe they knew they couldn't do any better...no, wait, you're right, go with that first thought....haha (just kidding)

      2. kapten_windu


        hmm, i'm an only child..!! so what was happen?:speechless

    2. Thank you for posting. I have book, described in earlier post, of the battle for Monte Casino. I also have my fathers British military records detailing where he was since his release from the Soviets. Maybe I can also be of help to you. Anything you have will be appreciated.

    3. hello cwaver, my grandfather was also at monte casino and i too have medals etc of his that i hold dearly! Do you require any more information about the battle or where the polis 2 korps were during the war if so let me know

    4. Hey Windu, Speagle... not a praying guy myself, but I am holding thumbs for both of you!

      1. kapten_windu


        thank you Chris..:)

    5. Yes by all means Kapten get yourself and family as far away from the volcano as possible. I saw what Mount St. Helen's did. Also I was once stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines, a volcano took it out completely. They are nothing to mess with. Concerned Captain Albert

    6. new update on volcano near my house, last night the volcano had a little eruption, 15 people and some cattles were killed, and (thanks god) my family is safe! yesterday i decided to go home to see what's happening, i update this status just 12 km from the volcano, it's still smoke..!!

      1. Show previous comments  2 more
      2. kapten_windu


        new update, a tsunami happen on Mentawai islands last night, 112 people died and 582 is still missing, oh my god, what's wrong with my country?

      3. kapten_windu


        additional 10 killed victims on volcano eruption, total 25 people die..

      4. demir


        Windu, I am very sorry about the terrible news.I hope that everything gets better soon.

    7. as always... I agree with Irish Gunner!

    8. a volcano near my hometown is going to be errupted, the authorirties said it's now a RED condition, i hope my family don't get the impact of it..

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Windu - have you thought of moving ?
        Make sure your Family go to safe ground.

      2. kapten_windu


        we love our house now so we never thought to move,
        the eruption is to the south region, while our house is in the west, so now it's still safe..:)

    9. Real phalerists drink beer in their garden and post to the "Me and My Beer"

      1. misiu


        sat's definitely true.

      2. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        You've learnt too much from Chris...

      3. IrishGunner


        About Imperial German militaria - yes. About beer drinking - I've forgotten more than he will ever know.

    10. Great forum; one day you can read about an incredible Black Watch Waterloo medal and the next day be ready about Scottish (Czech) Spitfires

    11. Smile... makes folks wonder what you're up to.

      1. IrishGunner


        So, tell us what you are up to?

    12. Oktoberfest is almost over- now there's a sobering thought.

    13. Looking for any help regarding Jäger Battalion 10.
      Which Division were they a part of?
      A brief history of the Battalion. Were they regarded as a good Battalion?
      Any information or pointers will be very appreciated.

    14. Just finishing my degree project and then I will be done with it..yehaaaaaaa

      1. kapten_windu


        good luck with it..:)

    15. Why is that when there's a restriction on your collecting budget that you see so many things that you want and just know you may never see again?

      1. Doc Wilson

        Doc Wilson

        It s the mystical law of desire and prosperity?

      2. kapten_windu


        hahaha, that's what i feel now..

      3. love4history


        Shift priorities, meet ends meet, beg, steal or borrow.... with other words be flexible :)

    16. 4 hours again, and i'll be 19 years old, but now i'm alone in dorm, studying for mid-term exam for accounting next week..lol

    17. Wet Rainy day.... there are some days you just enjoy them

    18. Whoever wanted Game Set Match please PM me.

    19. hei leigh, is it "bir bintang" on your avatar?
      it seems familiar bottle logo to my eyes..

    20. Wishing I had made better grades in german courses and I used it more!

    21. be patient to get EK, maybe one semester again..

    22. Dido - Friend. Captain Albert

    23. Thinking about fall

      1. Show previous comments  3 more
      2. IrishGunner


        Making me homesick

      3. Doc Wilson

        Doc Wilson

        lol I live abroad for too long myself. Came back two years ago.

      4. kapten_windu


        there's no autumn in my country, just rain and dry season..

    24. Hah,
      Thanks Dobri regarding the comments on my site. Very much appreciated.
      Viele gruess

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