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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Veteran Organisation of the 101. J?ger-Division Regards, Hardy
    2. Tony, do you mean the Reserve Inf. Regt. 119 (it was in the same Divison as the IR180) I do have the casualty list for the RIR119 at the Somme. As far as I know the regular Grenadier Rgt. 119 saw action in August 1916 at Delville Wood but not on July 1st. Hardy
    3. Christian, if you are interested in Austro-Hungarian Heraldik, have a look here: http://www.heraldryshop.biz/books/strohl.htm Regards, Hardy
    4. Dave, just want to add to Tony's excellent work 4. R?hnlein (the coma at the end makes the "n" apear as a "g") 5. Schuster (the "-" over the "u" is to not confuse it with an "n" 6. Inget 8. Zentner 9. ? 10. ? Regards, Hardy
    5. Thanks Bob, have you read the exerpt I posted in Chris' Sturmbataillon Rohr thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13899&hl= it names a few members of the 1. Maschinengewehrkompanie SB 5 as well as the Kompanief?hrer Leutnant Priess. He was awarded amongst other decorations the Mecklenburg Milit?rverdienstkreuz II Klasse and the Hamburger Hanseatenkreuz. Hardy
    6. This entry places my Grandfather during his time with the Sturmbataillon 16 in the Upper Alsace Musketier in the Baden IR169, 5. Kompagnie since Oct 1915 he saw first action in June/July 1916 at Serre in the northern sector of the Somme In January 1917 he was transfered to the Sturmbataillon 16, 4. Kompagnie, on April 13 1917 he was wounded "gunshot wound left thumb". After a stay in the 7. Kriegslazarett he was for a while in the Recuperation Company of the IR114. In August 1917 he was back with his original unit IR169, 5.Kompagnie fighting at the Chemin des Dames. On 24th of November 1917 he was promoted to Gefreiter (wegen Tapferkeit vor dem Feinde) for bravery in the face of the enemy. He was awarded the Iron Cross second class on Oct. 24 1917, the Baden silver merit medal and the wound badge in black. Jan. 13 1917 to March 20 1917 Stellungsk?mpfe in the Upper Alsace Regards, Hardy
    7. Thanks Bob, I agree with you on the abbreviation, just looked like Pr looking forward to hear more from you, Hardy
    8. I have an entry in the Stammrolle of one of my Grandfathers - he was tranfered in Jan. 1917 'til 13th of April 1917 to the Sturmbataillon 16, 4. (?) Sturmkompanie. Does anyone have any Information on this unit? What is the meaning of the abbreviation before Sturmkompanie? Could it be: 4. (Pr.) Sturmkompanie (preussische) Regards, Hardy
    9. I agree with Paul, it is an "Infanterie Offizier Kragenspiegel". It is textbook perfect. In fact if you want sell it, I would be very interested. Regards, Hardy
    10. It's Heer (I asume that the base color of the litze is forest green - can not quite tell from the picture) I like the fact that part of the collar itself is still with it - nice piece Regards, Hardy
    11. Robert, not quite sure what you are asking, but if I understand you right you mean Luftwaffe combat engineer - It woud be springendes Personal ie Paratrooper Paratrooper combat engineer would wear a flight tunic with black tabs Hardy
    12. Could that be a Stadtwappen (city crest) ? The Habsburg City of G?rz had a similar crest Hardy
    13. Paul, I got to go - if nobody else will translate the rest while I'm gone, I will continue when I'm back. Regards, Hardy
    14. 1.) 1st Oct 1919 transfered to Sanitaets-Staffel Erlangen Promotions: 1st April 1912 San. Gefreiter, 17th Dec. 1912 Unteroffizier, 1st June 1917 Vizefeldwebel, 1st Nov. 1918 Feldwebel, 1st Jan. 1919 Sanitaets-Oberfeldwebel on 7th of October 1922 after 12 years of service released. he took part in the campaigns against France, Rumania and Russia Awards: Iron Cross 2nd class, MVK III class with Crown and Swords, VA second class Hardy
    15. No worries Ed, just wanted to keep the subject in perspective. Regards, Hardy
    16. Perhaps half of them lost their parents and families through Nazi-Germany's aggression, the other half lost them by the actions of the paranoid comrade you feature in your avatar. Hardy
    17. Hello, Ged?chtniskarte, see here: http://www.lmg-varel.de/faecher/geschichte/clio/gedenkbl.jpg 1 John 3:16 .........and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Regards, Hardy
    18. no problem Ed, I learned to use the German phonetics for Cyrillic - so I just slightly changed it into English phonetics Hardy
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