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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I don't think so, plenty of NCO's would have received only this medal. (and worn it proudly!) here's a similar example from WW2
    2. It's my understanding that the earliest awards of the MVO without flames had swords as a private purchase item, perhaps his jeweler simply mounted them wrong? Here's an example sans swords that passed through my hands I know I had at least 1 bar with the piece mounted with private purchase swords but after scanning 700+ images I cannot find the bar yet. Bear with me.
    3. I am in the process of scanning my collection of Carte de Visite showing recipients of the 1870 EK2 on the white/black non-combatants ribbon. Should I post these here, or in the EK forum? Thanks, Rick
    4. I agree the mark originally presented has been attributed to Meybauer, not Rothe. To me, the biggest give away on the EK1 is the quality and definition of the core. Not consistent with original pieces I have seen/handled over the years. The whole point of these pieces is that they were private purchase, non-standard and expensive items. The quality on this should be exceptional, sharp and distinct. My opinion, for what it's worth. PS: The 27mm cross looks fine to me. Compare the crispness and definition of the core to your EK1.
    5. The thrill is in the hunt, I agree. But I just don't do that much more hunting. I did see some pictures on our sale forum I have inquired about, but it's the first time I've looked in forever. Losing Rick L. really took the wind out of my sales and I've really struggled with wanting to continue staying active. As far as Herr Weitze is concerned, he's a business man and I cannot fault him in a market-driven sale. When's the last time this piece came to market? There's an entire class of collectors who never deal with auctions and who simply cruise the dealer sites when they have time. It is what it is. Nick is right, the costs of being in this hobby have risen exponentially every year for at least as long as I've been coming around. Seems like every time I find something of interest, everyone else piles in and the prices get driven up. But again, it's a supply vs. demand market we have here.
    6. You Know, I love you all and St. Henry is where my heart is, but I'm going to have to pass on both for now due to circumstances beyond my control
    7. Many of you may remember my true Imperial love was always the St. Henry Order. A dear old friend has offered me some Saxon bars that were once in my collection, anonymous bars, but St. Henry nonetheless...... I had a settled on a St. Henry bar when this image showed up in my in box. I could not remember who I sold this too, but it has the possibility of coming back home to me. So what would you choose? St. Henry, or this little beauty?
    8. Hi Heiko, you may very well be correct, but I'm thrilled to have an original weltkrieg bar and maybe that's why David wanted me to have it.
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