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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. The elder Franz Troschl is listed in the 1918 Rangliste des k.u.k. Heeres as a Artilleriezeugsverwalter with seniority of 1 November 1916. Regards Glenn
    2. Dr. Martin was a senior official of the Army Construction Administration (Heeresbauverwaltung). As can be seen from the first page of his Soldbuch, he was promoted to the rank of Heeresbaudirektor (Oberst)on 1.8.41. He had previously held the rank of Oberregierungsbaurat (Oberstleutnant)with seniority of 1.7.37. His entry in the 1939 Rangliste of the Wehrmachtbeamte (Heer) shows him as a Oberregierungsbaurat on the Wehrkreis IX. administration staff. Regards Glenn
    3. Chris, this from the period publication Feldgrau in Krieg und-Frieden: Regards Glenn
    4. Chris, Stabsveterinär der Landwehr I Dr. Richard Kantorowicz of Landwehrbezirk V Berlin Oberveterinär d.L.: 24.7.02 B Stabsveterinär d.L. (ohne Patent): 24.4.15 in Reserve-Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 2 Regards Glenn
    5. Chris, Crimson. Regimental affiliation had no bearing. Regards Glenn
    6. Dave, he is shown as Werner in the 1914 edition of the Reichs-Medizinal-Kalender. Regards Glenn
    7. Hi Andy, at the row of icons under the title of the book is a small pdf icon (under the word Bild). Click on that and that enables a full download. Regards Glenn
    8. With regards to Mörser-Regimenter it appears that the Saxon Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 12 was also accorded this title. In the order of battle of the XVI. Armee-Korps as reproduced in "Die Schlacht bei Longwy", Mörser-Regiment 12 under Oberstleutnant Max Roeßler (II. & III. Bataillon) is shown as attached to the corps. The commander of II./FußAR 12, Major (later char. Oberst a.D. Max Blümner) wrote a book about his experiences as commander of a Mörser-Bataillon and this can be found as a digital copy here: http://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht/?PPN=PPN71868642X Interestly, on page 5, the author notes that the General of Foot Artillery of the Metz Fortress pointed out that "it was the first time in the history of war that a horse drawn mortar regiment had deployed into the field" Major Blümner was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Saxon Order of Saint Heinrich on 11 January 1915 and his entry in the history of the award holders shows him as the Kommandeur of II. Batl. K.S. Mörser-Regiment 12. Regards Glenn
    9. Markgraf is correct, K.K. Landwehr-Infanterieregiment Kolomea Nr.36. This from the 1911 K.K. Landwehr dress regulations showing the pattern of cap badge as worn on the hat. The infantry regiments' badge encompassed the regimental number whereas the Tyrolean Landesschützen regiments had the Tyrolean eagle. The Dalmatian Mounted Rifles, the Landwehr cadet school and the Landwehr Arms and Clothing Depots wore the double eagle. Regards Glenn
    10. Ludendorff was appointed regimental commander of FR 39 on 27 January 1913 as gazetted here. He was replaced by Oberst Walter v. Schonberg on 22 April 1914. White underlay corresponds with the 1915 dress regulations. Regards Glenn
    11. It was 1 November 1917 as seen here in the Militär-Wochenblatt edition number 54 of 1917. Regards Glenn
    12. Perhaps the white of Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 39 of which he was "Chef". Regards Glenn
    13. Ian, another shot of Herr Burg as a Gendarmerielandesdirektor. Regards Glenn
    14. That is the one although I am not looking for it; I managed to buy one years ago. Regards Glenn
    15. David, I own a copy of the 1882 book. I am away from home until the weekend so cannot access it until then but pm me with the guys you are looking for. Regards Glenn
    16. Additionally: a former reserve officer in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 17, he is shown in the 1914 Prussian Rangliste as a Leutnant der Landwehr 2. Aufgebots in Landwehrbezirk Kiel. Regards Glenn
    17. Andreas, he appears to be wearing the Litzen introduced in 1915 for Pionier officers to be worn on the Bluse. Regards Glenn
    18. That is Stobbe (and it is a Pionier uniform - Collar Litzen, Black piping, Swedish cuffs). Regards Glenn
    19. Andreas, Generalleutnant Erich Wöllwarth. Regards Glenn
    20. Paul, He was not commissioned until 22 September 1918 so was presumably an NCO at the time of the award of the F.A.M. Regards Glenn
    21. Hi Dave, Ludwig was the Württemberger. Incidentally, the Garde Feldartillerei would normally wear collar Litzen. Regards Glenn
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