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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Hi RWS, I am perfectly happy that the upper neck and lower breast crosses both are Johanniters.; the problems are the lower neck and upper breast order. His Landwehr long service decoration is the small rectangular device above the upper breast order. Regards Glenn
    2. I came across this photograph of Leo v. Paczynski-Tenczin in the regimental history of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 52. Regards Glenn
    3. Dave, he had seniority as a Garnison-Verwaltungs-Inspektor from 2.4.99. He previously been a Kasernen-Inspektor (25.9.89) in Mainz. Regards Glenn
    4. Chris, Rittmeister (Major a.D) Ernst Devaux, a career cavalry officer, who in 1914 was an Oberleutnant in Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 4. He had served as the adjutant of the 35. Division. Regards Glenn
    5. Alex, Generalmajor Bernhard Fürst v. Bülow, à la suite Husaren-Regiment König Wilhelm I (1. Rheinisches) Nr. 7. Regards Glenn
    6. Chris, that is presumably Major Hans Mertens of Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 69; in 1914 an Hauptmann on the staff of the Eisebahn-Abteilung of the General Staff. Later commander of FAR 241 and later a Reichsheer Oberst. I have seen Abteilungs-Vorstände in such organisations as the War Ministry which I would translate as a Department Head. Regards Glenn
    7. Dave, I will be there also from 1 to 8 September if you are planning a trip later in the year. Glenn
    8. I have not managed to ID him yet but I don't think he is a General but rather, an Oberstabsarzt. Regards Glenn
    9. Dave, Nachtrag 3 is downloadable from the document archive here on GMIC. I will be in Potsdam from 3 to 9 March. Regards Glenn
    10. Dave, he appears in Nachtrag 3 to the Ehrenrangliste as Kdr. of Landsturm-Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon Northeim (X/25) Regards Glenn
    11. Dave, I came across a further three FUA promoted to FHA on 12 December 1916 (MWB 1916, Spalte 2625 and 2626). Unfortunately none are shown with a given name or unit affiliation. Two of them are shown with a Landwehrbezirk subordination of Höchst and the other of Hanau. The Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg does not list a medical officer of the name Max Weber. Regards Glenn
    12. John, it is not easy to determine the career of a wartime junior medical officer. However, as Dr.Weber is wearing the uniform of a Feldhilfsarzt, he is most probably the Feldunterarzt of Feld-Lazarett 8 of the XI. Armeekorps who was promoted to the rank of Feldhilfsarzt on 17.6.16. The Feldhilfsarzt was a medical student yet to fully qualify as a medical doctor who was employed as a medical officer. Regards Glenn
    13. Here is a picture of Ritter v. Mann in regualtion Reichsheer uniform. It was not unusual in the formative years of the Reichsheer to see the continued use of former Imperial items of clothing to even include the kleiner Rock and Überrock. Regards Glenn
    14. Promoted to Hauptmann in 21. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment on 1.2.23 (22) Glenn
    15. Chris, I am assuming you are referring to Ferdinand Ritter von Mann Edler von Tiechler who was in the Reichswehr 21. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment and later Generalmajor? I believe his highest Bavarian decoration was a BMV4X. Regards Glenn
    16. Chris, the Generalquartiermeister was directly subordinate to the Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres (Hindenburg) as so presumably was co-located. I think what confuses matters is that although Hindenburg was Chief of Staff of the Armies in the Field, he was in reality the commander-in Chief after 1916 and his Chief of Staff (Ludendorff) effectively became the Chief of Staff of the Armies in the Field although titled 1. Generalquartiermeister!! Glenn
    17. Chris, Ludendorff was the 1. Generalquartiermeister, a position created in September 1916 initially just for him - in effect the Chief of Staff of the armies in the Field; Hindenburg being the defacto Commander-in-Chief. Gröner replaced him. The Generalquartiermeister in wartime was the deputy Chief of Staff responsible for those matters not directly of an operational nature such as supply, rear area administration, railways, field post, medical and veterinary matters etc. Generalleutnant Hahndorff was the last holder of this appointment. Regards Glenn
    18. Chris, Generalleutnant Viktor Hahndorff. And here is his Chief of Staff: Oberst Albrecht v. Thaer. Regards Glenn
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