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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. General der Infanterie Frhr. v. Soden commanded I./83 from 21 April 1898 until 29 May 1900. Edmund Duckwitz was his battalion Adjutant. Regards Glenn
    2. Jens, this from the 19 February 1910 edition of the Milit?r-Wochenblatt: Regards Glenn
    3. Gentlemen, Generalstabsintendant Karl Jansch was indeed an Austrian. Born 15 Oct 1883 in Vienna and died 30 Oct 1969 also in Vienna. Originally an infantry officer he became a military intendance official at the outbreak of war in August 1914. He did serve throughout the interwar years with the Bundesheer until taken into the Wehrmacht in March 1938. He apparently served as chief of military district administration in Bohemia-Moravia throughout the war. Regrettably my Bundesheer army lists are now back in the UK but I will check his decorations next month. The photograph is not from the Biblio series and is in fact much much better than the apalling picture in volume six of the "Generals". Regards Glenn
    4. Joe, as Rick states, he was born in 1870 so he was already relatively senior in age (32) when commissioned. That being the case he was already old enough to commission directly into the Landwehr. His commissioning was gazetted in the 17 December issue of the Milit?r-Wochenblatt (No 111 , Wednesday) of 1902. Regards Glenn
    5. Joe, indeed a splendid portrait. Herr Fehringer was in fact never a reserve officer being commissioned directly into the Landwehr 1st Levy on the books of Landwehrbezirk I Berlin. Leutnant d.L.: 16.12.02 O Oberleutnant d.L.: 27.1 12 Hauptmann d.L.: 27.1.15 whilst serving in Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 7 Regards Glenn
    6. VJ, the commandant of Truppen?bungsplatz Senne was Oberstleutnant Heinz v. Uechtritz und Steinkirch. If memory serves me right, the unfortunate colonel accidentally drowned in a pond in Sennelager camp. Regards from Sennelager Glenn
    7. Claudio, Rick, he is not listed in the 1 April 1934 Stellenbesetzung but does appear in the 12 October 1937 Stellenbesetzung as an Oberstleutnant (E) in OKH "Wa Pr?f 4" . He retired from Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 7 on 31 January 1924. Regards Glenn
    8. Robert, that is the later Generalleutnant August Wittmann. This from the Biblio Gebirgsj?ger Knight's Cross series. Regards Glenn
    9. Generallieutenant v. Hagen's entry in the Offizier-Stammliste of Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 10. Regards Glenn
    10. I was with Daniel night and we discussed this photograph. The wonderful Daniel had already identified the gentlemen through his decorations but was unable to post because of computer problems. A quick check of the "Kabisch" confirmed Daniel's very correct assumptions: char. Generalmajor Wilhelm Budde formerly Commandant of Glogau. General Budde, born 5 July 1868 and died 26 June 1934 was a Prussian Pionier officer who commanded in Glogau from 16 May 1920 until his retirement on 30 September 1923. Regards Glenn
    11. I can confirm that the Baron was indeed promoted to Oberleutnant on 5.9.14. He had a F?hnrich's Patent of 15.11.04 Regards Glenn
    12. Paul, I still dont understand how the advancement system works for the Admin Officials. I know that Sonderfuhrer were brought in at a certain paygrade and did not advance further. What about the Admin officials? What is the difference between an Amtsrat and a Regierungsrat?
    13. Andy, Name Rang Date of Rank as LT Regiment gefallen von bis Konrad von Katzler Leutn. 20.03.1899 GGR 5 1899 1907 Werner von Schaper Leutn. 18.08.1899 GGR 5 1900 1901 Georg von Zitzewitz, Leutn. 18.08.1902 GGR 5 1903 1903 Kurt Oloff, Oblt.-Hptm. 18.08.1899 GGR 5 1912 1912 Ludwig Wierss Hptm. 27.01.1900 GGR 5 23.08.14 1913 1914 I will bring you a nice GGR5 pdf next month with all the regulars. Regards Glenn
    14. Then I think this must be Hauptmann d.L. a.D. Henning of Landwehrbezirk Oberlahnstein. He was originally commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 96 as a Sekonde-Lieutenant d.R. on 13.10.87 and was promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 14.11.96. He retired from the Landwehr 2nd Levy on 16 February 1904. Recalled for service he was promoted to Hauptmann d.L. a.D. on 25.11.14. He received the LD2 in 1895/96. Regards Glenn
    15. Landwehrbezirk Bruchsal Henning was a Feldartillerie Officer. This guy is not. Regards Glenn
    16. Thomas, the Feldwebel was the Etatm?ssiger Feldwebel - AKA "Der Spiess (one per company/battery/squadron). The series of Almark Imperial Cavary books from the seventies confuses the issue but each company Feldwebel wore the double cuff rings. Conversely the Vizefeldwebel had just the one row of cuff braid. See the photo below showing 4 Feldwebel and one Vizefeldwebel from a Foot Guards Battalion. Regards Glenn
    17. The Feldwebel can best be equated to a Company/Battery/Squadron Sergeant Major or First Sergeant (US). Each infantry battalion normally had four (one for each company). Similarly a five squadron cavalry regiment would have five Wachtmeister. There was no rank or indeed a position of RSM in Imperial times and the most senior line NCO on the staff of a regiment or battalion would have been the chief clerk usully in the rank of Vizefeldwebel or Sergeant. The Bandmaster held the same rank but was senior to the line Feldwebel/Wachtmeister. Regards Glenn
    18. ah, got him now. So much indexing yet to do! Published in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt Edition Number 136 of Tuesday 7 May 1918. Regards Glenn
    19. Andy, thanks. It gets progessively easier the more I manage to index. Its a long slog but paying off dividends now. Regards Glenn
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