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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. The second bar is the one recently attributed to Oberst Karl Graf von Holnstein aus Bayern. ...a mo' bettah pitcha, brudda!
    2. Sorry, Rick, I can only offer two bars that meet your conditions. Got a couple of other nifty ones but they are/were EM medal bars. Here's a killer colonial. (soon to be repatriated to the homeland).
    3. As a footnote to the my remarks about the Bodenstedt bar, both Italian awards are in gold and maker marked.
    4. Jim, how many variations of that armor sleeve insignia are in your collection? Any idea of what the total number available?
    5. I've just been through this thread for a second time and it is truly impressive, a veritable tour de force of Luftwaffe badges.
    6. Love those teenie weenie campaign bars on ribbon bars! Almost as good as St. Tammy ribbons.
    7. Welcome to the forum, Michael. If you are having trouble posting pictures email them to me and I will post them for you.
    8. Bob Hunter


      It way too nice a piece, Sal! It can't possibly be real!
    9. Do you have a side or three quarter view of the bird? That would be interesting for those of us not too familar with this aircraft.
    10. Award document to Gunther Twarroschk along with note from his friend or commander one Robert Libke who was also an RK winner.
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