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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. personally i think he's about age 28-30 in that photo.
    2. Very interesting. is there a maker on the back? They are similar to modern Argentine awards.
    3. That is very,very nice. What is the collar insignia? Yes, he should be in the index-
    4. yeah- sorry to have muddied the waters there, I was just so impressed by the Graf -and his awards- I posted it. The picture was probably taken @ 1860-66, which would fit for a mid 50s year old man. Does the Gotha have anything else on the Freiherr from Altenberg?
    5. I have 1886: There is a Graf (!) von Beust is listed on pg. 30 as a Gen. Lt. under "Adjutanten der Deutschen Fursten" (not a bad job that). General Adj. d. Grandduke of Saxony: Black Eagle 1, (something I can not i.d.)EK2, Johan. order-knight, BL1,JVAS1,SLVM,MWK1b,NA1,NL3,NgL1,LEK1,OEK1,OV1,RWA2c., RW2,RA1mBr,SA1,GSF1mBr,GSDK1,HSEH1,SS1,SJ1,WK2 phew!
    6. wow. I finally got to look at this. You know, if this was bound, I would buy it in a heartbeat. I can not wait until the EK stuff gets put up.
    7. That is superb! A well earned and hard fought for campaign medal.
    8. This is what i try to do-but i do take notes. Group splitting destroys a link of evidence that proves certain things-like imagine if we could go back to 1965 and find complete groups with BB & Co. Stars along with "awarded to me at X, on X.I.1917" on them (in the original envelope with a company name and address on it even better). We would have proof positive that BB & co. were war time awards and we would not have spent the better part of 10 years arriving at that conclusion from a variety of different sources. Splitting destroys history.
    9. wow! Nice nice nice. The history that little bit of metal saw-
    10. So would allowing European NATo forces to fight in Taliban/Al Queda areas. More than a few countries don't allow their troops in the southern areas.
    11. Niiiiiice group! What really jumps out at me is the 1958 sports in though-note the metallic composition. That speaks volumes right there (RE: Partisan badges). Whats the size and weight?
    12. Interesting stuff. Nice pin-note the alloy it's made of and the year-1967.
    13. The island patch-was it an arm shield-or a ribbon bar like emblem?
    14. Baltic Cross, Iron Roland, Silesian Eagle . One sees other banned awards occasionally in photos though. The Baltic and Silesian were both for action against "foreigners" and I'm willing to bet the Iron Roland was a tip of the hat to the local party loyalists.
    15. and also here: http://groups.msn.com/MISMALVINAS/medallasyestandartes.msnw I found a very poignant website dedicated to a young Argentine boiler room engineer who went down with the Belgrano a few weeks back with all of his posthumas awards, but alas, now can't seem to locate it. See also here: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...ficial%26sa%3DN
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