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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. here is a picture of the Management merit medal-as awarded to the volleyball coach (it's exactly the same as the one awarded the scientists: also see this interesting tidbit(s) from Iran's IT company. I suspect it's not a real medal-as it resembles the ARCOM way too much-I think it's just a clever photoshop image.
    2. It is the merit medal for Management: it comes in 3 classes (or as it is officially translated, "the Medal of Merit and Management". there is also a "research Medal"-again in 3 classes, which I presume is an academic award akin to the French award. The highest award seems to be the Islamic Republic Order of Honour (as awarded to Chavez on 8/15/2006) and is only awarded to foreign heads of state etc after Cabinet vote and presidential approval. and there is an Army merit medal: also in 3 classes. Lastly, there is also a medal for service to the state also in 3 classes. I lifted some images off of Iran's television station #2 this morning and have some very clear shots of the medals awarded to Iran's nuclear scientists (interestingly, the Republic uses bows like the imperial Germans did for their female decorations). I can not find the connection cord to upload the photos here so must wait for my better half to come home and tell me where it is. then i shall upload the medal snaps. The awards also clearly come with nice leather patents . Also, if you look online (try Wikipedia-the link is there) you can see the Iranian Chief of Staff giving an interview with a similar ribbon bar (more medals-no devices though) on t.v.. I have requested a log in Iranian forum password etc. but we shall see....
    3. Wow!! Nice bar. I can not id the ribbons, but have spent some serious time the past 2 days working on this area. I even called the Iranian embassy and had a nice chat with the information officer who directed me to the president's website (which has nothing)...but in perusing about 10 years worth of the Iranian Times I came across a number of articles mentioning various cultural awards -and a Martyr's Order as awarded to the mothers of those killed in the Iraq war.
    4. Commissionaires' medal: see Eugene's site. http://www.medalsofwar.com/longservice_html/corcom.html See also here for the Sphinx medal: http://www.medal-medaille.com/product_info...?products_id=59 but to REALLY get an eyeful do a quick google search on "interallied medal sphinx" and see what pops up- a really interesting look at the murky and dirty world of Canadian faux medals, Polish 'exiles" awards and wannabes.
    5. Great badge and the box is fantastic! I have 2 engraved minis and note that there are two different types of boxes out there-but I strongly suspect one 'set' I have is actually for the militia badge. Congratulations. The highest number I have seen of these (so far) is 69xx.
    6. Decker, did your family get the mining medals or any of these awards? Did they get any other awards at all? If so, can you tell us more about the awards-what they did etc? I would REALLY like to know.
    7. well, that makes sense! Thank you, I appreciate your help!
    8. How about this one? I found it at the bottom of a box of Seebee stuff from Thailand from the 1960s. I think it might be US US boy scouts-but my neighbor Don says its VC-and he was there after all. Any thoughts?
    9. Then there's this little Stav. doc from within the same little wallet as in #1 above; I like the wallet as they took a coat of arms and merely pinned it through the front of the leatherette.
    10. and this one, which we have discussed before, I got off ebay:
    11. and this later one...which is almost FLAT! (hollow backed too, so as to save on materials and costs and in a nice plastic case-and sad to say, still three twice the quality of the average modern US award.)
    12. and one that is obviously earlier, but with a banner that translates "Excellent Muscovite worker"....or so I suppose?
    13. Good thread and has made me realize i have waay too many of these for one shoebox, the variations are endless. here's the "youth"/donkey one....more a variation really....
    14. Rick: Well done! I also appreciate and respect your hard work and historical integrity! You deserve a medal! Well, I am working on that-
    15. No idea-but that is a splendid portrait photograph. It is a pity it is not 1 inch longer southwards, so we could also see his badges.
    16. Try 374-1321 or 374-1338 or intdept@hrc.hu Ms. Judit Forzis heads the international department but Georg Habsburg is the President. Any info gratefully received!
    17. In a JOMSA article in the 1970s there was a reference to a NSDAP Golden badge list. Within the article itself was a printing of the badges' original owners' information. A couple of years later a commentator mentioned that the list was held in germany, but had been made unavailable. However, the author also stated that a complete list was held BY NAME ONLY in the US archives, but numbers were not on the list. Alas, there were no references cited.
    18. I found this in a box of junk. I suspect it is old Boy Scouts-but hey, what do i know? It is 11/4 inches in length, 1/2 an inch high. Can anyone help me as to what it was (is)? Thank you.
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