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    Everything posted by Deruelle

    1. Hello, This morning I have received this new cross. I have found in my database that only two Saxon officers wore this cross. Here is Oberst Konrad von Koppenfels
    2. Deruelle

      My new TWM

      Hello, This nice TWM arrive today. I have looked at the Demir's book and compare with some posted here, it seems to be a very nice original cross. The patina is very old, the pin is small and not too long. So for the moment I don't see red alert Of course I prefer having your opinion on it. Thanks Christophe
    3. Hi Here's mine with its original box. Of course it is for Saxon officer Christophe
    4. Thanks for your comments. I need only one to complete my collection is one from Wilm, I have never touch one in hand. Maybe one day
    5. Hi everybody I managed to buy a nice EK1 with FR hallmark Here is the cross the back the hallmark
    6. Hi Streptile, Your Hohenzollern collection is amazing. Do you have any box to go with your cross ? Congrats Christophe
    7. HI Paul, I have just talked to Daniel about this subject, and he has no date. Probably he never wore the HHO3X. Probably in his personal files in Dredsden Library may confirm or not if he received this cross.
    8. Hi Paul, Do you have any date ? I have a lot of information about Saxon officers who received the HHO3X but no date for von Haebler. Thanks for your help. Christophe
    9. Hi, Very impressive collection. Do you have any Saxon uniforms in your collection. If so it is possible to have some close up please. Christophe
    10. Hi, Thanks for your comment, but there is no information about the studio or photographer who took the photo sorry. Christophe
    11. Hi everybody I have received this nice photo recently and this nice officer shows his nice ribbon bar with SH3, SV3bX, SA3bX and EK2. In the O’Connor’s book, Aviation awards of Imperial Germany, vol. 3 on page 120 to 122 there is a small bio of this man. Here I don’t want to rewrite it. Only one question is important, did he receive the knight cross of House order of Hohenzollern? Indeed O’Connor said that the photo supply more information. To receive the knight cross with swords of House order of Hohenzollern in 1917, the officer should have 12 confirmed victories and this number grows up in 1918 (to 20 confirmed victories). Of course some Hohenzollern awards were immediate reward and some staff officer in aviation unit received it but this is not the case of von Haebler. So how a man with only 8 victories should received this order. So for me a small mistake has been solved here. Of course if someone has got one photo showing von Haebler with knight cross of Hohenzollern, please show us. Thanks. Christophe
    12. Hi everybody, Here you will find two boxes for RE3X. One if from Bury & Leonhard and he other is from Lemcke. Christophe
    13. Thanks Rick I know you like Saxon medal bar
    14. Hi I have already shwon them Ribbon bar of General Emil Fürstenau. He received the knight cross with X and Lion of the Crown Order of Wurttemberg.
    15. Hi My new medal bar from Kingdom of Saxe Christophe
    16. Hi everybody, 10 years after posting this topic, I have received this morning this little gems. Knight cross with X of the Crown of Wurttemberg (without lions between the arms). and the back Christophe
    17. Hi Roman, OMG what a beauty, it's very interesting to see such rare medal bar. Congrats. Christophe
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