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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Hello .I asume that you cant read German ,or did you ? If you read German you can enter in the site of the Grimma Museum ,there is a history of the Grimma Husaren and their war service during WW1 . The Regiment departed from Grimma to the West in 1914 with 35 officers 675 men and 743 horses and took part in the avance into France acting as Cavalry ,exploration ,search of information and destruction of the enemy communications .
    2. Luftmensch . They are a number of pics in the web .you must enter : Body armour of WW1 or Brewster Body armour , or German Body armour ww1 . I remember a pic under the caption of German body armour of ww1 ,that shows a man with a sort of lamellar armor ,a round capacet or cabacet and the goggles with the cross like eye slots
    3. Hello I read that he received the Medal for the winter battle in the East . the ribbon was red with a narrow central band of white and in the middle of that a narrower black line
    4. Very very nice ! appears to be of pre war issue .the True Jaeger Grungrau sic . It was used by Machine Gunners and mounted Rifles also .
    5. Gentlemen . I want to tell the story of Dr MD Wilhelm His jr 1863 1934 .the discoverer of the His bundle in the heart .he was Swiss ,born in Basilea ,his father MD Wilhelm His sr was cathedratic in Switzerland and Germany In Leipzig . Dr His sr decided that their sons must retained the Swiss Nationality , but when His Jr was appointed in a Chair in Leipzig automatically received the Nationality of Saxony , later appointed in Berlin he received the Prussian citizenship . at the beginning of the war although he was not Obliged to nothing he voluntereed for the Medical Service of the Prussian Army first as Civilian later as military doctor thanks to Dr Schjerning ,Generaloberstabsarzt .during the next four years he served in the German Army as Consultant Dr for diseases and epidemics .from Poland to Turkey and Armenia .Another example was Dr Johann Plesch ,Hungarian ,Prussian citizen since 1905 .Altough he was a reservist Doctor of the Austro hungarian Army he voluntereed for the Prussian Army and served ,first in Berlin and soon in the Eastern Front were he won the Iron Cross . He said : I received the Cross for stay serene and when My Field Hospital was encircled by the Russians manage to retire swiftly via a hidden road without the loss of any patient or equipment .In other order but vinculated with Switzerland and Germany in WW1 . Dr Ferdinand Sauerbruch the well known surgeon was German but at the beginning of the war was working and teaching in Switzerland . He leaved the country to serve in the Prussian Army but his service was interrupted because the Swiss authorities desire that he returns and moved in this sense , Sauerbruch returned but conserved his rank and position in the Prussian Army ,alternating time In Switzerland and Germany and her Allies
    6. Peter, the first are anti splinter googles used by USAAF bomber crews . specifically gunners . gunners wear also M1 helmets and protective vest . regarding the second mask i see that thing on a photo of USA soldiers in WW1 . The USAAF googles were called Anti Flak googles
    7. Perhaps he voluntereed in 1914 or 1915 and at the end of the war he returned home
    8. Yes and Feldartillerie regiments were formed of two Abteilungen the Foot Artillery were formed of Bataillonen
    9. Very interesting ! The 7.65 mm pistol costed 25 roubles and the 6,35 mm one the same amount Hello Gentlemen : 1918 was a turbulent year for Ucraina
    10. The Cavalry portepee , was made of leather and called Faustriemen . for officers it carries the same knot as the Infantry ones . the Prussians were made of black leather with the white represented by three lines made of silver wire , The Bavarians applied over red leather a silver lace stitched with light blue lines . Wurttembergians were of black leather with red lines stitched on
    11. Hello again , I have just found in Militarische Antiquetaet Emig , site a 1889 OD offered for sale .they says Weyersberg and Co ,1915 Kammerstuck . and enlarging one pic you can see the monogramm or Cypher of King Karl
    12. Einjahriger Freiwilliger D Nebelung . King William II ascended to the Throne in 1891 the change of the Cypher must had follow the enthronement of the King but its not impossible that a good batch of Offiziers Degen M 89 continued to be supplied by the Manufacturers with the old cypher .
    13. Glen J : Thats right . In my precedent post I dont mentioned that for no made too long the post . Another Generals Kepi was that of the Veterinarian General . the same as that of the Doctor but wiith a braid of Sage leaves . finally the green kepi of the General Postmaster carried a braid of miosotys flowers and leaves .
    14. Glen , The French kepi pour General model 1931 was of madder red fine cloth with a black cloth band . on the band it carried a braided motif of oak leaves and acorns in gold . this motif was of a width of 56 mm for General de Brigade and was placed centrally on the black band all around .on the upper part of the band where it mets with the red upper one ,are fixed from down to over the following ornaments 1 the famous baguette of a gold cannetille wire that holds gold sequins . then a gold cord of 3.25 mm width sewed all around an finally a gold cord of 15mm width . In the joint of the band and the peak was sewed a soutache of gold Russia braid of 5mm width . The kepi for General de Division carried the same baguette and cords but instead of the 56mm braid carried two ,one the upper of 15mm width and another lower of 12mm width , The Marechal de France kepi carried three rows of braid ,one of 15mm and two of 12mm .The description i had made ifs for Combattant Generals , the kepis of the other classes of Generals were different . that of Medical Generals for example was madder red but the band was crimson velvet and the embroidered motif was of Acanthus leaves in gold .
    15. Hello, Luddendorf was a very rara avis .His Love Story with Frau Pernet was absolutely uninimaginable for a man which all considered too serious .Luddendorf at difference with Petain for example was not a womanizer .Dr Ferdinand Sauerbruch operated after the war the General of a severe Thiroid Basedow .that explains the constant irritation face expresion of Luddendorf .During the anamnesis of the patient Sauerbruch discovered the circustamces of the beginning of the Illnes .The General related that he began to felt bad after the famous Liege episode , when Luddendorf advanced in the dark of a August night against the Belgian Army positions at the head of a Infantry Company and were constantly received fire from the Belgians .He remembered how the men at their sides were shot dead and the peculiar noise of the bullets hiting a human body. Apart ,in his way he had found the dead bodies of General von Wussow and staff victims of Artillery fire,but Luddendorf was Luddendorf and go ahead until he reached the gate of the Citadel of Liege ,he knocked on the door with the pommel of his sword an he obtained the surrender of a hundredor so of Belgians .
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