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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. The crown is a royal not a mere aristocracy crown , and yes , Goering forbade the chaplains into his" Luftwaffe . My Luftwaffe is nazi saids the pompous kerl . but as most of the members of the LW were believers , they got in the need of lend a chaplain from the Heer or the KM . curiously the Waffen SS of Himmler allowed the muslims of the Handschar division to have a imam and to the finns of the volunteer finnish bataillon of the Waffen SS to have a protestant chaplain .
    2. Hello : White coffin with royal crown , catholic chaplain , inciense bearer altar boy , interesting . a high ranked dead .
    3. Heusy68 : Very interesting , its true the Chaco War is generally ignored, and was a long and bloody one ; tree years and between 80 000 and 100 000 dead according to the source consulted . two countries with scarce population , limited manpower and wealth commited themselves to a fruitless war . it was a singular one , a motorized war , with lorried infantry,and a logistical dominance of th motor. Bolivia employed with relative effect tanks , flamethrowers and a up to date air force , it was a war of fortified strongholds (fortines ) to conquest and of ample manouvres , developed on the vastness of the Chaco Boreal .was a war with few generals . with field officers commanding divisions and captains regiments , at the beginning , the belicist Bolivia had a Army in cadre , theoretically with 6 divisions , yes they exists but as skeletons of a division . total strength of the Army was less than 5000 men .Paraguay did well , declared a general mobilization . well its a theme very interesting the Chaco War . about the war few books exists in english , one the conduct of the Chaco War of the captn USAF ,D H Zook , the other The memoirs of marshall Estigarribia edited first in USA after the war, Osprey had edited a book , not very good , but with much usable information , about the air war exists a book of Antonio Sapienza and other , The militaria related to the war is mostly weapons , equipment and some decorations of the bolivian side, ,the paraguayan is limited just the decorations you have posted, initially the three crosses were only for the officers, I will try to post a few notes about the uniforms used by the bolivians
    4. Hello : Ernst Rohm was a condottiero , with many followers not all of them, were killed with the stabschef ,after his death many of the top nazis beggining with Goebbels received menacing billets signed R V . Rohm Avengers , inclusive the famous dr Sauerbruch who was not nazi was counseled to do his duty (to kill) Goebbels during a surgical intervention . the signers : R V,
    5. The waffenrock is a fine piece it belonged to a infantry NCO sergeant or vizefeldwebel , collar lace and grosse adlerknopf and lace on the cuffs . the diference between sergeant and vizefeldwebel was that the second was a portepee NCO. is strange that the light blue shoulder straps have no number. the colour denotes the army corps , I dont have at hand the list .
    6. Alamein : The foot artillery regiments were divided in two bataillons each with a staff and two batteries . The field artillery regiments were divided in abteilungen , the equivalent of a group , usually each abteilung with three batteries some regiments with three abteilungen others with two . the Guards with two normal and another mounted .
    7. Hello : The Legion Española used the wide brimmed hat during the moroccan wars but not alone , it was of general use by the cavalry and artillery . the chambergo never dissapeared totally in the emergence of the war there were old stocks of them available in depots . they used the hats . for other explication , the LC was juridically equaled with the Tercio and had close ties with these,
    8. Hello , The swastika was a finnish emblem , The Falange had in Salamanca his own Military school for officers aspirants . separated of the ones managed by the Army , The director or chief instructor of the Falange Academy was finnish volunteer Von Hartmaan , politically falangist and active . perhaps the medal is of these Academy .
    9. Hello , The sahariana is post Civil War, 1943 Regulations . the isabelino too , both were of a Alferez , of Artillery, probably commisioned in a Mountain unit ( the green badge with golden horn denotes this ) In peace time the Alferez (sublieutnant)do not have effective command and perfectioned into the units or in the diverse Academies of Infantry Cavalry Artillery and so on .
    10. Chris : The crossed sabre and baton was the essentia of the General insignia in both sides , Nationalists wears it with one two or three four pointed stars . Republicans when adopted new rank badges at the end of 1936, the same with three red stars . they created initially one class of general . Both sides used the same insignia and badges of rank until the end of 1936 . the Basque Army never adopted the new republican insignia. the badge with the coat of arms was the cap badce of the republican generals .but rather bigger perhaps the yours is for a isabelino , Apart of the generals the other only user of such badge was the Presidential Escort. I hope my data be useful .
    11. The peaked caps are for the Tiradores de Ifni ,roughly Ifni Rifles , one of the caps is a officer one the other for a sargent , the Regulares used a red toped peaked cap , both Regulares and Tiradores used the red fez .
    12. Boris : The shoulderboards are of a franquist era Police commisioner . Usually this branch of the Police wears civilian clothes but they have uniforms too . The branch name was Cuerpo general de Policia , later Cuerpo superior de Policia . The old Policia Armada of the Franco years was renamed Cuerpo Nacional de Policia . finally they merged the Cnp with the CSP and formed the today Policia Nacional .
    13. A beautiful ensemble , thanks for share with us .
    14. Its not Ludwig is his brother Leopold von Bayern . Demir : The kuk naval officer is german during the third reich he is not a line officer he is a beamte .
    15. Dear Boris : I went too far , i believe, the forum is not for political history , Respect of Spain and her fate ,still i think the views expresed , respect of her empire and the indenpendentist movements , I am an argentine born , here educated and well ,specially in our history . I can assure the british influence and interest in the Independence . well ,the spanish decadence is a bad thing , but dont trust so much in europe for France a independet Catalonia is not a bad idea ; for Great Britain the same. You must think too about Morocco perpetually disputing the fishing areas and claiming the devolution sic of Ceuta and Melilla .last but not least GB not for a while thinks of the devolution of Gibraltar . Cheers
    16. Hello Boris : Really a sort of curse a maldicion in spanish, appears to pend over the destiny of Spain along the centuries .every temptative of modernisation was failed it not failed alone , personally my point of view is that Spain after the Indenpendence War began to be a sort of british dominion , perhapas not political but certainly economical .a strong Spain does not accomodate with the british interests ,and remember , England was the arch enemy of Spain . of the spanish Empire , England profited of the forced alliance of the Borbons with Napoleon for make the war , sublevate the american colonies and destroy the great spanish fleet at Trafalgar .Later envoyed british troops to the Peninsula to help the restoration of the infamous Fernando vII and never really England alighted her grip over Spain .In regard to National vs Mercenary Armies : in Argentina the National Army served well during nearly a century ,but is a large theme . Cheers, Bayern
    17. Hello : The colour of the peacetime bavarian infantry uniforms was lichtblau , light blue ; jaegers (rifles ) also used light blue . The two heavy cavalry regiments , the generals and staff officers used light blue too . Artillery , Pioneers ,Train , Doctors and others used dark blue . the shade of the light blue varies but tended to the one of the bavarian flag .
    18. Hello The Prussian : ¡ Servitore ! ,there is a interesting site about the origins of the finnish army , formed in Germany as a Jaeger bataillon . Take a look . The Jaakaari (finnish jaegers ) and their place in the finnish army . enter all as i transcribed it .Frohliche Weinachten !!
    19. The Prussian : I think they are finns during the year 1918 ,wearing perhaps swedish uniforms without the blue chevrons and collars two of the non german officers wears shoulder boards german style, one what appears to be a field officer strap the other, a subaltern strap . only one non german uses headgear and service belt . the cap is tipically finn . greetings Bayern .
    20. Hunyadi : The hungarian tunic showed is a cavalry one , the gold and black achselschlinge on the left shoulder denotes that .cavalry or at least mounted branch . Chris : the ugliest combination of colours was long time the one of the infantry in the Ejercito Argentino . in fact the green is still the distinctive colour of the infantry and is used with the service uniform by officers NCOs and to certain extent enlisted men . Our infantrymen were fierce of ther colur their fellows of cavalry and artillery chance with the green cavalrymen said : our colur is of blood and earth , their is of spinachs and so on Cavalry colour is madder red here called grance .
    21. Hello : Glen J saids the correct information . Boroevic was a rather low man of light complexion . and usually wore black hungarian hussar type boots and not the ankle boots and leggings or gaiters used by other generals .
    22. Boris : The british historian of the Spanish Civil War ,Hugh Thomas ; said that the Agreement of Vergara at the end of the Carlist War provoked the beginning of the excessive number of officers in the spanish army . possible but the Cuban rebellion and the moroccan skirmishes blooded the officers corp one and another time . for not mention the war with USA In Cuba and Filipinas and between 1909 and 1925 the nightmare of Morocco . I prefere to think : first : the spanish man was for centuries warrior .. second : the military career was and is a possibility for social advance not only in Spain , was also a window to other way of life more adventurous for many youngs with scarse money . saludos Bayern
    23. Boris : Chile , is our brother - enemy . but i know and love these country. The Prussian: My father was born in Essen Rutenscheid . but my Opa and Oma both were bavarians . as curiosity , in accordance with the law ruling in 1924 in Prussia my father was registered as prussian . musspreussen . saludos grusse
    24. Boris : I speak spanish , i am argentine , my father was german , my grandfather comes to Argentina in 1925 to teach physicat a university located in the northwestern Province of Tucuman .my father was born in Essen when my grandpa worked there for Krupp. my mother is argentine,with spanish heritage remonted to the colonial times . I was educated in spanish but also learned english , german and french later i adquired italian ..
    25. To Boris : Its all OK , History is sometimes a puzzle with not all the pieces at hand ,i think that the forums are useful in promote the discussion and contribution . To The Prussian : The swiss poet and writer Blaise Cendrars voluntereed in the french army at the beginnig of WW1 . after the war wrote a book about his experiences titled La main coupee , The cutted hand . in the book says that all the foreign volunteers served into the Foreign legion .initially in the Regiment de Marche with the number 3 until the regiment was visited by Gral de Castelnau who declared :¿ what foolish is this ? pointing the number late said I only recognize two Regiments de la Legion , finally ordered the colonel to discard the numbers . The spanish volunteers catalonians or not might served in the Legion ¿how many ? Good question , the original Legion remained in Africa ; the 1 st and 2nd regiments provided four half batallions . these were the core of four regiments de marche each with 3000 men . 51 nationalities were present the most numerous the italians a whole regiment .32000 men voluntereed between August 1914 and 1915 . The heavy losses resulted in the disolution of the four regiments and the creation of one Le Regiment de Marche de la Legion with about 3100 men . after the war it was designed le 3me Regiment etrangere .
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