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    Everything posted by Taz

    1. I think they are still awarded the Medal for the 40th year Anniversary of Victory. Issued by the USSR to mark the 40th anniversary of the end of world war two. This medal has become known as the 'Russian convoy medal' not really Artic Medal as stated, the Soviet government offerred it to all who had taken part in the convoys to Russia during world war two. The Queen gave her permission for this award to be worn with official awards in the manner laid down for wearing foreign campaign medals. There was talk about the Defence of the Soviet Arctic Region Medal being awarded to British veterans. Also miniatures and full size 40th Ani Medals are made in England. Regards Eddie
    2. 1er R?giment de Zouaves Service and Battles Date/Service 1852 - Organised and mustered in Philippeville, Algeria Laghouat expedition. 1853 - Babors expedition. 1854 - 1855 Campaign in Russia (Crimean War) Sevastopol, Assault on Malakoff (8th Sept 1855) 1856 - Returned to Algeria 1857 - Kabylie expedition 1859 - 4th battalion created. 8th May,Combat in Melegano (Italy) October returned to Algeria. 1860 - 1861 - Syria expedition, returned in June. 1862 - 1867 - 2 Battalions fight in Mexico, they return in April 1867. 1870 - 1871 Franco-Prussian War 1872 - Actions at Kabylie 1876 - Peacekeeping operations in El Amri, Biskra. 1882 - 2 Battalions take part in the M'Zab expedition 1900 - 1901 China (Boxer uprising) 1914 - Charleroi (21-23 August) Battle of the Marne (6 - 13th Sept.) : Montmirail (9th Sept) Ch?teau-Thierry (10th Sept.) , Fismes (13th Sept.) Battle of Flanders: L'Yser, Luyghem, Bixschoote, Maison du Passeur. 1915 - Flanders : Steenstraate, Lizerne 1916 - Battle of Verdun : Bois des Corbeaux et de Cumi?res (8-12th March) Battle of the Somme : bois de Chaulnes, Le Pressoir, Ablaincourt (July-August) 1917 - Marne : Le Cornillet (14th May) 1918 - Attack on Matz (11th June) Aisne: Longpont, Villers-H?lon (18th July) Nampcel, Bl?rancourt L'Aisne (September) 1939 - Oran (2nd-26 Sept loaded and returned to France) 25th-2nd October, Marsaille, 5th October camp D'Avord, 22nd October Maubeuge 1940 - Luneville (7th April), Lorraine Front- Sarregumines (12th May), Dieuze (23rd May), Valmy, Sainte Menehould (27th May), Reims (5th June), Rilly-La-Montagne (6th June), Battle of the L'Aisne at Chamery (11th June), sermiers (12th June), regrouped Arcis-sur-Aube, Troyes (15 June) The Regiment is captured in the Mery sector and escorted to La Courtine. 1944 - 1945 reformed in Algeria and joined the 1st Armoured Division Docked at St Tropez on the 15th August 1944.
    3. Miguel , I'm still looking around for info for you, anything new i'll post here. Regards Eddie
    4. 3?me R?giment de Zouaves Service and Battles Date/Service 1852 - Organised and mustered in Philippeville, Algeria 1852 - 1854 Campaign in Algeria 1854 - 1855 Campaign in Russia (Crimean War) 1857 - Campaign against the Kabyles, Algeria 1859 - Campaign in Italy (Italian unification) 1860 - Algeria 1862 -1867 - Campaign in Mexico 1864 -1869 Algeria 1870 - 1871 Franco-Prussian War 1881 - Tunesia 1885 - 1886 Tonkin (Indochina) 1900 - China (Boxer uprising) 1908 - 1914 Morocco 1914 - 1918 - The Great War 1914 - Tracy-le-Val, France 1915 - Champagne, France 1916 - Verdun, France 1918 - Moreuil-Noyon, France 1940 -1945 - Second World War 1943 - Le Faid, Tunesia 1944 - 1945 - Europe 1945 - Germany 1956 1962 - Algeria (Algerian War) 1962 - Regiment disbanded Awards Date/Award May 31, 1859 - M?daille d'Or de Milan May 31, 1859 - M?daille d'Or al Valore Militaire November 09, 1863 - Croix de la L?gion d'Honneur 1919 - Croix de la Guerre 1914-1918 with 6 Palmes 1919M?daille Italienne de la Valeur 1919 - M?daille Militaire 1945 - Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 with 2 Palmes Colours Date/Campaign 1854 - 1855 - Sevastopol, Crimea 1857 - Kabylen, Algeria 1859 - Palestro, Italy 1863 - San Lorenzo, Mexico 1908 - 1912 - Morocco 1915 - Champagne, France 1916 - Verdun, France 1918 - Moreuil-Noyon, France 1943 - Le Faid, France 1945 - Danube, Germany Battle Order Date/Order 1852 - 1914 - 3?me R?giment de Zouaves 1914 - 1943 - 3?me R?giment de Marche de Zouaves 1943 - 1949 - 3?me Batallion de Zouaves Port?s 1949 - 1962 - 3?me Batallion de Zouaves
    5. Thanks Bison, This is what I have on the numbers: In 1899 the law of that year created for each regiment of Zouaves a 5th Battalion, "to be stationed in France" in groupes des 5e batallions de Zouaves. The 5th battalions of the 1st and 4th Zouaves were stationed as part of the Gouvernement militaire de Paris. The 5th battalions of the 2nd and 3rd Zouaves were stationed in the r?gion militaire de Lyon. Upon mobilization for war in France, these battalions would form the nucleus of R?giments de Marche de Zouaves , each of 3 battalions. The four Zouave regiments of the French Army wore their traditional colorful dress during the early months of the First World War. The development of the machine gun, rapid fire artillery and improved small arms obliged them to adopt a plain khaki uniform from 1915 on. The Zouaves played a major role in the 1914-18 War with their numbers being expanded to nine regiments de marche. Regards Eddie
    6. Taz

      Help Please!

      Hi Alex, A quick look around didn't really turn out many results, there is this one, but some of the site buttons seem to be non-functional. <a href="http://www.parasfrancais.org.uk/indochina/indounindex.htm" target="_blank">http://www.parasfrancais.org.uk/indochina/indounindex.htm</a> However there are several good books on the subject. <a href="http://www.warbooks.com/france.html" target="_blank">http://www.warbooks.com/france.html</a> Regards Eddie.
    7. There were four French Zouave Regiments at the outbreak of WWI, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Zouaves. If that helps at all. Regards Eddie
    8. All recovered undamaged http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/02/16/2164574.htm Regards Eddie.
    9. Your welcome Will, Did you see the little snippit of information regarding the issue of these in the Fitzwilliam museum link? If not here is what it says there. "This heavy silver-gilt star was manufactured in the besieged city by order of General Gordon by a city jeweller, in an attempt to raise the morale of his beleaguered troops. The design was a copy of the Turkish Order of the Medjidie. Payne reported a story which suggests that owners of these stars became particular targets of the Mahdi's vengeance. The stars were issued numbered, but not named, and were available for purchase by anyone in the city, military or not". Regards Eddie.
    10. sabrigade, Sadley no, this particular Star was up for auction and eventualy sold for GBP 200. Regards Eddie.
    11. This pewter issue star has part of its ribbon still attached.
    12. Rick, Maybe the 28th April has something to do with the invasion of Austria? "The first Bulgarian army 130,000-strong, continued on its march to Hungary. There, between 6 and 19 March 1945, it engaged in epic battles; it drove off the Germans attempting to launch a counter-offensive and then, went on the offensive itself. By April 1945 First Bulgarian army had entered the territory of Austria. On the day of the capitulation of Nazi Germany, it liberated the town of Klagenfurt. There, the soldiers of First Bulgarian Army and the British Eighth Army established contact". Regards Eddie
    13. Very nice Enzo Hope these are detailed enough, if not they can be delated. Regards Eddie
    14. Nice find Here is a rather more modern Sindicato nacional de Trabajadores de las Ciencias.(SNTC) Badge.
    15. Taz


      Very, very nice, Looks as though it's found a good home for all to see Regards Eddie.
    16. Ahh, ok Robert, Sorry it dosen't help much then , I'll dig around further if I find anything interesting for you I'll let you know. Regards Eddie
    17. Morning Kev, That was a general remark, not just regarding the broken Table Medal link. Don't you find it annoying following a link to a non-existant image? It sadly often happens. Regards Eddie.
    18. And the Western Sahara Medal. Regards Eddie.
    19. These are the Images shown, with kind thanks to the insignia forum.
    20. Guys In an earlier post Laurence posted a link where the various Peacekeeping Medals are shown. From the insigna forum. One thing has to be remembered when posting endless links and linkups to image hosting sites, once these become broken the thread becomes worthless and valuable information is lost for ever.
    21. Hello Robert, Take a look here, maybe its among the collection. http://www.permutti.com/sandro/uniformi/DDR.html Regards Eddie
    22. Hi Stogieman, Not all answered but this is what I believe to be the case. A) Nope, never was as far as I know B) ? C) This award was instituted on December, 13th, 1950. type 1, number and screw on the reverse. After 1971 type 2, without screw and number. D) ? E) The first emission was on a pentagonal suspension (1950) The Order of Peoples Labour was on a tri-folded ribbon not the Order Red Banner of Labour. 3 types, instituted on June 21st 1945, Only the 1st type on a tri-fold. The first emission was awarded till 1950. There is a wreath-like eyelet between the order and the ribbon. There was also a womens bow. 2. The 2nd emission was issued after 1950 and existed till 1977. no wreath 3. From 1977 - 1991, 3rd emission. It is characterized by the pentagonal shape of the obverse with a hammer and a sickle, the reverse is inscribed: "Order of Labour - Gold (respectively silver or bronze) PRB". The first awarding took place in 1946. Stopped 1989. F) It was always on the five-sided suspension. I think you will find christerd and bolgarin are talking about the Order of Peoples Labour, a different award from the one you posted. There are several more Labour awards: Order of Peoples Labour Order Red Banner of Labour Order of Labour Glory Medal Veteran of Labour Medal of Labour Distinction Regards Eddie.
    23. Thank you very much Sergey, I was thinking that it was a comparison between the two Tanks, interesting that they are about equal. Best regards Eddie.
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