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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Bloody predictive text can't cope with Milutin wants it to be Milton a pox on the dead Puritan Paul
    2. Do you have images of the gramatas?would be most interesting to see. The Milton case is nice Paul
    3. How do you know it's Albanian, are there any marks? Paul
    4. The fact he had 6 kids suggests he was too often absent from the fishing grounds. Paul
    5. paul wood

      Japanese badge.

      Nick you are slipping from your pedestal of total brilliance. Possibly too much of old tractor tyre vodka. Still stir crazy in St Thomas' gulag Westminster. Paul
    6. I am afraid there is a cottage industry of fakers in China admirably helped by Ebay who are not bothered about fakes being pedalled on their site (one only has to see the British medals to see the fraudulent abominations offered on the site). The Chinese fakers have already destroyed the native coin market I am waiting for their present pathetic efforts in medals to get really good and kill the market in Chine ODM. Pity more extreme methods of mediaeval tortures couldn't be imposed on the fakers by the Chinese regime. Paul
    7. As a star only it should be 2nd class. However if he has omitted the sash badge it would be Grand Cordon the stats are identical in both classes. Going stir crazy in St Thomas' hospitai. Paul
    8. There are several contemporary weddigen commemoratives which are available on the market at reasonably affordable prices. He was a superstar in Germany at the time. This piece is utter durchfall created by a faker of little ability. Paul
    9. Morton and Eden catalogue june 2017 (my last magnus opus prior to my near fatal illness) contained many Afghan awards similar in quantity to Tammans offerings and included several rarities and a few unrecorded items www.mortonandeden.com follow the links. Well worth a look Paul
    10. Looking forward to the book Alexander Paul
    11. It is for the Overseas Fascist Colonies festival 1933. Typical Italian fascist imagery Paul
    12. i am sure that consular staff of all nations based in Liberia would have received the Order as well as visiting foreign dignataries. The order turns up in various flunky's groups paul
    13. Thanks Nick being in hospital my reference works are absent
    14. Great war air force charity jeton great war period by Eduard the imperial court jeweller. Paul
    15. My favourites are Irrigation Darogha, Mahout and Motor Roller Driver as well as a Sikh barber all residing in my collection. Paul
    16. Well done Bill. Certainly Paulo is the oracle on Portuguese ODM Paul
    17. Would need to see the naming butdoes not look promising at best private contemporary renaming
    18. I am a sucker for IA followers. You can never collect them all. I have well over a 100 Paul
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