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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. As an amateur I find this discussion very interesting, and one thing strikes me .... I tend to agree with Uwe that only a EK produced during 1914-1924 would be a original 1914 cross . But how can anyone be sure that is wasn´t produced in 1925, 1926, or into the thirtiees ? How long did the manufacturers used the 1914 tools before tthey started with new ones ?? Interesting Christer
    2. Another soldier killed in the war, Gefreiter Karl Ohler from Bavarian 5th Inf Rgt , killed in May 1916 by a minebomb, near the village Liebercourt in northern France. here is some of his comrades at the grave. He was awarded EK II in 1915 and was only 23 years old when he was killed.
    3. There is a lot of very nice ribbon bars in Sweden thes days Interesting that Imperial Germany is so popular , it used to be only TR stuff but know more and more goodies come to this part of Europe. Super nice bar ! Christer
    4. Wow , what amazing work They must have put in a lot of hours into this . A fantastic base for research Christer
    5. What does this combo means ? Did he rescue people 4 times ? and two Turkish ..... must really have been something I suppose there would be only one with a ribbon bar as this... I´m curious to see the name Christer
    6. :cheeky: Finnish people must have eyes like eagles , it is so smaaaaaaall I will buy a magnifierglass 45 x, and then maybe I can see it. Thanks Jussi-Pekka Christer
    7. I just love these Orders , but I know very little about them , I bought two Knight 1st class Orders but I cant see or read any silver marks on them.... Is there any expert out there who can give a hint of age of these two ? Here is No 1 .
    8. I would love to have a list for Germans with 2nd class liberty cross , I have bben working for years to find them but still only have 18 awarded in 1918 with names. Christer
    9. Is this "sammler-arsenal " connected to raritetensammlerclub in some way ? And I just realized when reading this old thread that I must have been offended Troy in some way I had never said a bad word about Troy , the only person I , in a moment of´bad judgement called moron was our "raritetensammlerclub" which I honest really think destroy our hobby.. So please forgive me Troy if you thought it was you I meant . The End Ps , I do like your beer Christer
    10. Hallo Andreas , That is not the Liberty Cross for civilian you have there It is the Liberty Cross 2nd Class 1918 !! And that makes the bar very unusual . Not many where awarded in 1918 and even fewer to Germans. This makes the ribbon bar possible to ID This is the ribbon bar to Johannes Jantzen 1880-1945 , look for his name here on GMIC and you will see the big medal bar . Christer
    11. Could you say anything about this ? I haven´t got any better pics , but is it possible to say something ? Christer
    12. Wow again !! :jumping: This name help me a lot ! I have almost all names of 2nd class civilian 1918 but this name I haven´t got yet prof Wilhelm Dieck !! Wonderful Bar , Iam Green with envy ... Christer
    13. Wow , Fantastic Spange , Great find Detlef , I have about 70 names on holders of Liberty Cross 3rd class 1918 but this is not any of them. What is the award between Hamburg HK and Albert Order ? This one should be possible to find I think . I haven´t got verified numbers of 3rd class to Germans , but I promise you. There is not many of them,,,,,,
    14. It went a German Buyer for 590 Euronice catch Here is the sellers pics, I hope he dosn´t mind Christer
    15. Hi all , does anyone know how many SAO 1st class wo swords that was awarded ? I´m thinking of buying one , but don´t know what would be a resonably price ? Christer
    16. Hallo Troy , I am still very interested in pictures of different makers , since I changed website something went wrong in the change and all pictures got lost ..... Now I am reworking the page , and most of the pictures I have possibility to take again , but all help with pics is appreciated. I just try to get as many makers as possible just from any version of the cross but that still is a quite impossible mission There seems to be makes mark that you never see at all in real life ! So if you have pictures of makers , I ´ll be very grateful to show them on my site when I got it up and running again All the best from Sweden Christer
    17. I have used all the info I can find about the OV3Cx and found only 32 awardees , the following officers by date : OberLt Richard Suhrkamp Inf Rgt 91 18 sept 1917 ÖMV3 kd = not my man Leutn Franz Smits Inf Rgt 161 18 sept 1917 No info about awards so possible OberLt zur See Heino von Heimburg 7 oct 1917 many other awards = not my man OberLt zur See Max valentin 27 dec 1917 many other awards = not my man Leutn Heinrich Eckert Inf Rgt 91 17 jan 1918 KIA 1918 = not my man Leutn Georg Röver Res Inf Rgt 74 8 feb 1918 no info so possible Leutn Karl Giese Res Inf Rgt 17 21 feb 1918 Bavarian Rgt , still possible ? Leutn Karl Arnold Inf Rgt 115 23 april 1918 Hessian with HTK = not my man Leutn Gert Pflugradt Inf Rgt 91 22 may 1918 Bremen HK and ÖMV3 kd = not my man Leutn Robert Hess Inf Rgt 91 22 may 1918 REK3x and ÖMV3 kd = not my man Leutn Friedrich Schumann Inf Rgt 91 22 may 1918 HHo3x-EK I -EK II - OV3Cx - OF 1- OF II sp Vor Dem Feinde spange = not my man Leutn Günther Weichardt Inf Rgt 91 22 may 1918 ÖMV3 kd = not my man OberLeutn Georg Ruhstrat FAR 58 14 july 1918 Lippe KVK = not my man Leutn Reinhard Murken Res Inf Rgt 79 14 july 1918 no info possible Leutn Walter Böning JagdStaffel 76b 21 august 1918 Bavarian awards = not my man Leutn Karl Becker Inf Rgt 91 23 august 1918 ÖMV3 kd = not my man Leutn Wilhelm Conze Inf Rgt 91 23 august 1918 ÖMV3 kd = not my man Leutn Max Büschel Inf Rgt 91 23 august 1918 KIA = not my man Leutn Hellmuth Gabriel Inf Rgt 91 23 august 1918 OF II spange = not my man Leutn Edward Gesell Pioneer kp 185 5 sept 1918 no info so possible Leutn Friedrichsen Res FAR 17 18 sept 1918 no info so possible Leutn Siegfried Harms Fus Rgt 86 30 sept 1918 no info so possible Leutn Ernst Peltner Inf Rgt 91 6 oct 1918 spange = not my man Oberleutn Ahlhorn Inf Rgt 82 16 oct 1918 more awards = not my man OberLeutn Fritz Hellmuth Inf Rgt 91 24 oct 1918 Hamburg HK = not my man Leutn KLaus Lueder Inf Rgt 91 8 nov 1918 Mecklenburg awards = not my man Leutn Folfert Stotz Inf Rgt 91 8 nov 1918 Hamburg Hk = not my man Oberlt Emil Ziegler Inf Rgt 91 8 nov 1918 Hessen Awards = not my man Leutn Hans Carstens Inf Rgt 91 8 nov 1918 No HOH3 x = not my man Leutn Wegmann Res Inf Rgt 229 27 jan 1919 no info so possible Leutn Thien FAR 62 20 feb 1919 no info so possible Leutn von Essen FAR 62 20 feb 1919 no info so possible Christer
    18. You didn´t thought I stopped searching did you ? I found this fantastic book for the ones interested in Oldenburg Officers " Das Offizierskorps des Oldenburgischen Infanterie Regimente nr 91 während des Weltkrieges 1914/18 " In that list I found not less then 6 Officers of my 12 candidates for the ribbon bar .... Lt Heinrich Eckert HOH3x , EKI , EK II , OV3cX , OV I , OV 2 But killed 1918 so out of the list Lt Robert Hess He had also REK3x and ÖMV3 kd so out of the list OberLt Fritz Hellmuth He had also Hamburg Cross so out of the list Lt Hans Carstens NO HOH3x so out of the list Lt Ernst Peltner HOH3x, EKI , EKII ,OV3Cx, OVI , OV II mit der spange so probably out of the list (no holes for the spange on the ribbonbar) Lt Hellmut Gabriel HoH3x, EKI , EK II , OV3Cx , OVI , OV II !!!!! Exactly match !!! So I now have 7 suspects and two with exact this combo Lt von Essen FAR 62 and Lt Hellmut Gabriel InfRgt 91 The search goes on ....
    19. I think you got him David ! SchlesA2 makes it work , I couldnt think of any medal that suited in that place but your theory is 100 % , possible with the medal of RAO as Karsten says. I always said that most owners of the longest ribbon bars was people far away from the front (with some exeptions of course) and it seems that this is another example of that Thanks for all help Christer
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