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    peter monahan

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    Everything posted by peter monahan

    1. Just noticed this post. Oooh, that is a pretty thing! Any chance we could get a close-up shot of it, Doc? And welcome to the GMIC! Peter
    2. " I want also to comment that the wear of collar badges by troopers or NCOs in the Indian Army wasnt and isnt current, the shoulder title is normal instead .the today " That doesn't surprise me, though I didn't know it. IA uniforms, pre-1947 teneded, if I can generalize, to have far fewer shoulder or collar badges than their British equivalents and even the wearing of badges on the paggris seems to have been largely a post Great War thing. Many period photos and paintings show sepoys and sowars who are essentially 'unbadged' by modern standards. Shoulder titles were introduced in time for or during WWI and seem to have fallen out of favour again fairly quickly, so I'm not surprised that the Modern IA makes little use of them.
    3. "Women? In the Royal Marines?" Puff, pant, red in the face... Seriously, that is a great piece of history. I know that the regiments had regimental schools but in my middle-aged male mind it'as always been ' for the boys... until old enough to enlist'. But of course there were girls too. I wonder if their curriculum was different and went beyond basic literacy and numeracy? Seek and yea shall find. Apparently, the 3Rs plus religious instruction and 'needlework for the girls and younger boys, according to this exhaustive treatise: THE ARMY SCHOOLMASTER AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN THE ARMY, 1812-1920 https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10019106/1/283368.pdf
    4. Looks to be a lovely piece, Mark. Lucky you. Any markings visible on the shell? BTW, welcome to the GMIC. Most of us are friendly and some of us know a lot about various odd subjects - like helmets, swords and decorations. [I don't count myself in that group. I'm simply a dabbler with too much time on his hands] Peter
    5. "I would almost wager that it was not a Royal regiment, but rather a privately sponsored entity with or without official endorsement." As Colonel Havok says, it looks a lot like a Pattern 1881 tunic and Sgt Major [no 'WO1] would make sense. The painted 'RBR' etc is a classic British Army marking style, from the use of white paint to the shape of the letters/numbers used. I can't solve the 'RBR' mystery but I can't see any reason NOT to think it's British Army issue.
    6. Like this one? Could be. Or not. As I say, the retouching has messed it up so badly it could be almost anything you want if you squint. Though I will admit that RR looks closer than some other guesses.
    7. The Military Order of Hospitallers of St Lazarus was founded in 1910 by the Vatican for Greek Orthodox Catholics [principally] and is based on or descended from [you choose] the Crusader era group of similar name. There is an 'Order of the Turtle' which was basically a drinking club for WWII era US fighter pilots. I suspect the Order of the Tortoise is a descendant or offshoot group. Peter
    8. Finally, you will never find the term "Police Constable" mentioned in any UK Act of Parliament. You will find "Constable", but it is never proceeded with the word "Police". Dave Personally, I've always considered PC or 'Police Constable' an unnecessary redundancy. But then I'm an English teacher. Are there other kinds of 'Constables'? Not as far as I know. It's a bit like saying 'RAF Airman' or 'RN Petty Officer'. That said, it seems, as I've always believed [from my reading of British crime novels] that 'Detective Sergeant' was what the army calls an appointment, as opposed to a RANK. A Sergeant is no less a Sergeant, but also no more than a Sergeant in rank and service for being appointed Commissary Sergeant or something similar. But, many such appointees see it as a mark of official approval, which it is, and so wish the full title used. Human Nature.
    9. Not only a very clever fix for an annoying problem, but a marvellously clear tutorial too. Well done, that armourer!
    10. My thoughts in both cases, especially if both of the 'double issue' are named. Two lists may equal two medals. Researching more modern medals is always a challenge and in many places virtually impossible unless, as Lone Wolf says, there is a decoration attached or the action/campaign was a famous one. Rather discouraging for beginners, as the older more searchable medals are more expensive.
    11. Marku As you say, a pity after the family clearly tried to commemorate the man's service.
    12. Sadly, it takes a fair bit of imagination to make the badges fit ANY common IA unit, IMHO. The shape is very odd indeed and, as has been remarked, has clearly suffered from retouching.
    13. 'Awarded by non-European uniformed SERVANTS of the Municipality.' Emphasis added by me. Interesting peek into the apartheid era official mind or just a poor translation from Afrikaans?
    14. Very nice! The double LSGC is interesting but not unheard of - clerical error, likely. Are they both named in the same way? The other thing that happens from time to time is that what are called 'tailor's copies' - private purchase versions - get mounted, either as replacements, in error or 'just because we can'. Any prospect of researching any of the groups? It's a shame, though, that India has followed the lead of so many countries in using cheap metal for awards. The ribbons are quite attractive and something which would actually take and keep a shine would make for a far nicer group.
    15. Lovely. Clearly a labour of love.
    16. My first reaction was 'War of 1812 era', about what you said. At that time officers wore pretty much what they chose, with cavalry and gunners and even infantry wearing curved blades. The eagle's head, in about 4 variants, was very popular. Apparently standardized patterns came in about 1820 and lasted till 1840. Of course, if it ism private purchase, as many were, or a presentation piece, all bets are off as to 'correct pattern'. This site shows two types which look very similar to yours, both 'Artillery', though listed in the 'Cavalry' section of the page. http://arms2armor.com/Swords/usswords.htm#CAVALRY. Well worth reading the info. there. This site suggest that most swords with 'langets' on the hilt were German made at this period. The blued blade and etching suggests perhaps a presentation sword to me and very probably European made, though I'm no expert and the Americans were making some of their own swords by then. But '1820' seems a safe guess barring a more exact ID.
    17. Your best bet is probably to contact Ashok Nath, who has a considerable collection of stuff and may know somebody you can ask. He has a page on Facebook and is a frequent contributor to the South Asian Military Heritage FB page. Good luck!
    18. Sorry you haven't got a response, Raven. I'm a Canuck, so no help here. I assume you know about the National Archives. It now, I see, has a 'Live Chat' section. Perhaps someone there can give you a link to others who can comment on whether or not the Memroy Project is a good investment. Or even tell you themselves what it's worth. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/british-army-soldiers-of-the-first-world-war/ Good luck! Peter
    19. Interesting. I looked up this medal and there were a number of US 'military' web sites - unofficial, run by vets and so on - which mention that the medal was created in 2011 but has not yet been supplied by the Iraqi gov't to the US gov't for issue. Wikipedia says this, which is an interesting twist on the issue: "To this day, the award has still not been approved for wear for United States Iraq War Veterans. In 2013, the Department of Defense made a statement that it is still waiting for the initial group of medals to be received from the Government of Iraq.[3] A single award was presented to Vice President Joe Biden on Dec 1st, 2011" [emphasis added by me] So, the gent selling them is either performing a useful service for Gulf War veterans or profiting from the failure of the Iraqi government to follow up on it's plans. Or both. I say this only because there is now a minor industry of private companies creating and selling medals and awards which various governments chose not to issue or never got around to. I'm thinking of the D-Day Medal in particular. No slight at all on the brave men and women who would have earned it if the Commonwealth had created one, but it seems to me that creating awards devalues the official ones. This is a different case, obviously, as this was created by an official government and an ally of those countries whose service personnel qualify but a bit odd nonetheless. Peter
    20. I don't want to stick my neck out here - neither artillery nor the Victorian periods are things I know much about - but I do know in the Napoleonic era, an earlier period, folks like Commissariat inspectors and some of the other 'technical' departments [my term, noty theirs] wore dark blue tunics. I think to suggest that the were what today would be HQ/staff appointments and ranks, not strictly combat arms but I may be wrong. As I recall, the Commissariat chap in 'Zulu' wears a blue tunic in the period. Not suggesting for a minute that Gunners are/were non-combatant, but the old British Army and it's affiliates had some very odd customs, IMHO. On a related note, can you tell from the photos whether the two other Inspectors' tunics are in fact red? Or could they be blue as well? I hope somebody more knowledgeable than I can chime in here. I hang out in museums as a volunteer and know how frustrating it is to have incomplete [or wrong!] info. on artifacts. Good luck! Peter
    21. I suspect it is a watch fob too. You may be able to further identify it by looking for a university or public school which uses the rampant lion crest.
    22. That might be the explanation too. In which case the software designer needs a smack. Niot everybody has short names!
    23. What the 'we can't fix it' answer says to me is that a) they just don't care, which seems a bit unlikely IMO or b) they had a grant or person who transcribed the information and that person/money is now gone. You can be sure that you are NOT the only person who has submitted information which then got copied incorrectly, but... An honest answer to that effect might be marginally better than what you seem to have gotten.
    24. Yes, I've heard of that being a not uncommon fate for tankies of various armies.
    25. I work with high school students and do presentations on the CAMC in the Great War. I begin by asking them 'What did soldiers die of?' and discuss bayonet vs rifle round vs shell fire. And disease. When I hand out the 20 'cause of death' cards, one says 'Other' and I tell them that the soldier fell off a wagon and was run over by the next wagon. They all get that this is "the 1917 version of crossing the road while texting". The only 'good death' is one that happens to somebody else! Peter
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