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    Daniel Cole

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    Everything posted by Daniel Cole

    1. Maybe that first award should be a Princely Hohenzollern RitterKreuz w/X? I think that Adler is a fake, but what do I know.....
    2. I'd start with a nice old Steinhauer and Luck piece. Ernst Junger's PLM at his museum is a S & L piece and you can clearly see it in some photos of him wearing his PLM.
    3. Could you help me with the handwriting?  I can read the Fraktur, but the other is mystifying.  Its this post: 


      Thank you from Montana.


    4. Thanks. Schmied was what I was suspecting as that is listed as his occupation on the US Census.
    5. Can I get some help with the Handwriting? My wife's Great Grandfather in Austrian Infantry Regiment Nr. 11 "Georg Prinx von sachsen". Now I could use some help from a native German speaker that can help me with the handwriting. What I know is: Ort: Stehlowitz, BezirK: Muhlhausen, Kreis oder Komitat: Budweis, Land: Bohmen. Geburtsjahr: 1834, Religion: katolisch, Stand: Ledig, Profession: ? That all matches other family docs I have. I sure could use some with the rest of it. next stop is to figure out if he was in the Italian campaign of 1859 and the battle of Solferino,.
    6. As a follow up to this. I found him! After going page by page through more than 6000 files, I found him. He was in the 11th Austrian Infantry Regiment "Georg Prinz von Sachsen". Now I could use some help from a native German speaker that can help me with the handwriting. What I know is: Ort: Stehlowitz, BezirK: Muhlhausen, Kreis oder Komitat: Budweis, Land: Bohmen. Geburtsjahr: 1834, Religion: katolisch, Stand: Ledig, Profession: ? That all matches other family docs I have. I sure could use some with the rest of it. next stop is to figure out if he was in the Italian campaign of 1859 and the battle of Solferino,. This Entlass schein which was the secret to finding where to look in Bohemia is still in the family's possession aftetr 100+ years. It confirms the birth year and place of residence Stehlovic and Muhlhausen. The family name has changed to PINTZ now. But the church records show PINC.
    7. There's one on ebay.de: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Pour-le-Merite-mit-Band-im-Etui-goldenes-Eichenlaub-727-/172813398728?hash=item283c7b32c8:g:dB4AAOSw3ntZirfM My new PLM box is like you show with thew same color of blue backing. either way a copy. My 2 cents. Or here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/142008029790?rmvSB=true
    8. I think there is a chart on here somewhere that allows you to cross reference Bars to Regiments.
    9. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I don't think its him. The dates in the other entries don't line up at all. By the time of the dates in this document he is already in America. I think I have the incorrect regiment, or its not complete. It must be either 11 of possibly 35. Here the doc I found for PINTZ. There was another PINC but again the wrong DOB year. Dan
    10. Can someone point me in the right direction? My wife's great grandfather Frantisek PINC was born in Stehlovic, Bezirk Mulhausen, in the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1834. I heard once he was in the Austrian Army in Italy, so I'm guessing it might have been the Second Italian War of Independence, also called the Franco-Austrian War, Austro-Sardinian War or Italian War of 185, depending what you call it? I figure he would have been enlisted in 1854 and served until 1864. He didn't get married until 1867 and that matches up to hi having been in military service. I've dug through the records of Infanterie-Regiments Georg Prinz von Sachsen Nr.11 which should have been the infantry regiment that recruited in his area during this period. But alas nothing. I did find a Frantisek PINC, but the wrong town and birth year. Anyone have any ideas? I know the name spelling is correct and his birth place and date because we have those original family documents (Entlass Schein). I'd appreciate you're help. I can read the German so that helps, but its like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
    11. It is a listing of recipients, basic exploits, lots of Russians from the early 1800's. For the price its fine, not perfect. I used to have all three volumes of the book but sold them. For $30.00 is a good source. Their is a follow up volume from 1890's on. Volume 1 is not necessary and hard to find.
    12. I recommend the following: "Pour le Merite Order History 1813 -1818" by William Hammelman. On ebay about $30,.00. good starting place
    13. Hechingen is great. Its off the beaten tourist path. Another great collections of medals and orders is in Hohenschwangau next to Neuschwanstein.
    14. I had this one once. Never was 100% sure if it was real or fake being a screw back.
    15. This is the book you should try to get: Prussian Blue - A History of the Order Pour Le Merite , by Steven Privitera Its great.,
    16. This was in the local newspaper here in Montana. He's a local boy, hence the story. http://billingsgazette.com/news/local/army-flight-medic-senior-grad-awarded-by-german-government/article_16a0c828-8ea7-500e-a5ae-2a9fad3712d0.html Dan
    17. USS Thor ARC 4 was awarded the Meritorious Unit Citation for the following periods: 27-AUG-1969 15-NOV-1969 16-AUG-1971 09-OCT-1971 The Thor (or those serving in her) didn't recieve the AFEM. Source OPNAVNOTE 1650
    18. I found this once. Don't know if its accurate or not. Sorry Tables don't paste well. Dan Kuhn Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Korvettenkapitän 1882, 11.14. HABICHT, bisher Kommandant Prittwitz und Gaffron, von Prussia Pr. Kronen-O. 4. Kl. Kapitänleutnant 1882, 11.14. HABICHT, bisher 1. Offizier Schuckmann I., von Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Korvettenkapitän 1887, 01.23. HABICHT, bisher Kmdt. Schuckmann II., von Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Korvettenkapitän 1888, 01.22. HABICHT, Kmdt. Baumann Prussia Pr. Rettungsmedaille am Bande Obermatrose 1891, 10.20. HABICHT Czech Prussia Pr. Rettungsmedaille am Bande Leutnant zur See 1891, 10.20. HABICHT Dresky, von Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Korvettenkapitän 1891, 12.07. HABICHT,Kmdt.,f.Gefecht b.Miang Feick Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Obermatrose 1891, 12.07. HABICHT, Gefecht bei Miang Krause Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Obermatrose 1891, 12.07. HABICHT, Gefecht bei Miang Krause Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Kapitänleutnant 1891, 12.07. HABICHT, f.d.Gefecht b.Miang Schwanz Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat 1891, 12.07. HABICHT, Gefecht bei Miang Thiemann Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Obermatrose 1891, 12.07. HABICHT, Gefecht bei Miang Werner Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Obermatrose 1891, 12.07. HABICHT,f.d.Gefecht b.Miang Brehme Prussia Pr. Rettungsmedaille am Bande Matrose 1897, 08.02. HABICHT Pieper Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1897, 08.02. HABICHT Jüttner Prussia Pr. Rettungsmedaille am Bande Steuermann 1899, 11.06. HABICHT Bierend Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Handwerker 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Hartmann Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Handwerker 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Hirsch Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Nagel Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Oberheizer 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Segebarth Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Strube Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Oberheizer 1900, 10.24. HABICHT Bierend Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Handwerker 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Hartmann Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Handwerker 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Hirsch Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Kemnitz Prussia Pr. Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen Meistersmaat 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Kruckow Prussia Pr. Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen Oberbootsmannsmaat 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Macke Prussia Pr. Kronen-O. 4. Kl. Marineingenieur 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Nagel Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Oberheizer 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Segebarth Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Strube Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Oberheizer 1901, 02.14. HABICHT Trummler Japan Jap. O.d.Aufgehenden Sonne 4. Klasse Korvettenkapitän 1902, 08.10. HABICHT, Kommandant Tacke, Dr. Russia Russ. St.Stanislaus-O. 3. Kl. Marineoberassistenzarzt 1902, 09.08. HABICHT, Stab Diemer Deutsches Reich Allerhöchste Belobigung Matrose 1903, 09.27. HABICHT Gudewill Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Korvettenkapitän 1904, 03.05. HABICHT, Kmdt. Connemann Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Kapitänleutnant 1904, 11.08. HABICHT,ausgeschiff.Lndgskorps Gygas Prussia Pr. RAO 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Kapitänleutnant 1904, 11.08. HABICHT, I. Offz. Hartung Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat 1904, 11.08. HABICHT,ausgeschiff.Lndgskorps. Hermann, Friedrich Prussia Pr. Kronen-O. 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Oberleutnant zur See 1904, 11.08. HABICHT, Stab Janowski Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat 1904, 11.08. HABICHT Jurjahn Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat 1904, 11.08. HABICHT Ruthke Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Matrose 1904, 11.08. HABICHT Samuelson Prussia Pr. Kronen-O. 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Oberleutnant zur See 1904, 11.08. HABICHT, Stab Schade, Otto Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Oberwachtmeistersmaat 1904, 11.08. HABICHT Schmidt, Walther Prussia Pr. Kronen-O. 4. Kl. m. Schwertern Leutnant zur See 1904, 11.08. HABICHT,ausgeschiff.Lndgkorps Schütze Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Obermatrose 1904, 11.08. HABICHT Grabow Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Oberfeuerwerksmaat, ehem. 1906, 05.17. HABICHT,ausgesch.Ldgsdet. Kirchhoff Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat 1906, 05.17. HABICHT,ausgesch.Ldgsdet. Riemann Prussia Pr. Militärehrenzeichen 2. Kl. Bootsmannsmaat, ehem. 1906, 05.17. HABICHT,ausgesch.Ldgsdet. Breitenstein Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Obermaschinist 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Breitenstein Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Obermaschinist 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Czech Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Leutnant zur See 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Czech Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Leutnant zur See 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Dresky, von Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Korvettenkapitän 1912, 06.13. HABICHT, Kommandant Dresky, von Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Korvettenkapitän 1912, 06.13. HABICHT, Kommandant Frentzel-Beyme, Dr. Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Marineassistenzarzt 1. Kl. 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Frentzel-Beyme, Dr. Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Marineassistenzarzt 1. Kl. 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Hippel, von Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Unterleutnant zur See 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Hippel, von Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Unterleutnant zur See 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Krause Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Kapitänleutnant 1912, 06.13. HABICHT, 1. Offizier Krause Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Kapitänleutnant 1912, 06.13. HABICHT, 1. Offizier Wulff Deutsches Reich Kolonialdenkmünze Marineunterzahlmeister 1912, 06.13. HABICHT Wulff Deutsches Reich Spange KAMERUN 1891 Marineunterzahlmeister 1912, 06.13. HABICHT
    19. There was once upon a time a discussion on another board about a PLM with the same hallmark. It went on for a long time. I would think that to find some "new " variant is way too unrealistic. My first opinion was a Rothe. I think there was also a single sided piece that was engraved on the back by a bunch of folks with this same hallmark. Anyone else remember this?
    20. I built a replica of von Richthofens medal bar using original medals. I couldn't find the correct clasp for the SCG medal so I used that one. I later disassembled it and returned the medals to their original ribbons and sold them off for a new project I had in the works. Ultimately, finding the medals was the fun part not having the medal bar. I couldn't repete the effort now because of cost.
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