Dave Danner Posted October 14, 2020 Posted October 14, 2020 Harry Nadrowski was an Oberst and Feldkommandant in World War II. His HOH3X was awarded on 15.10.1918, so there was about a month and half between the award and it being published in Die Presse. Due to the revolution, it was apparently not published in the Militär-Wochenblatt or Prussian Staatsanzeiger, but I found the date in his HPA personnel file. Born in 1888, he was living in Frankfurt am Main after World War II, but I haven't found a date of death.
Daniel Krause Posted October 14, 2020 Author Posted October 14, 2020 Matt, "Die Presse" and other local Papers were sometimes even faster than the official publications. If Nadrowski would have been a local businessman or lawyer and not a career Reichswehr Officer, we would have missed him until now. I've noticed publication delays in the Militärwochenblatt up to 3 months. Most of the awards of the HOH3X end of September up to the Abdication did therefor not make it in the MWB or Staatsanzeiger. Best, Daniel
Mattyboy Posted October 14, 2020 Posted October 14, 2020 Great stuff. Here's another - Hptm dR Rüffer, mentioned in Schleschische Zeitung Nr 576 dated 10th Nov 1918:-
Daniel Krause Posted October 15, 2020 Author Posted October 15, 2020 Matty, thanks!! Georg Rüffer, born 1871 was an Amtsgerichtsrat in Breslau and Reserve Captain, originally from the Foot Artillery. As well never mentioned in the official publications due to the late award. I did know his HOH3X already from the Mitgliederverzeichnis Landwehrkasino Breslau. You see, there are quite odd sources.... Best, Daniel
webr55 Posted October 15, 2020 Posted October 15, 2020 I would suggest something for proceeding: since one of the key sources is the regimental histories, could we list those regimental histories that have been checked already? Then others could have a focused look at those histories that have not yet been looked into.
Mattyboy Posted October 15, 2020 Posted October 15, 2020 Hi webr55, Sounds like a good idea in theory. But as there are so many regimental histories, it would probably take too long to list the ones that haven't been researched yet. Here is an interesting obituary notice for Lt Hermann Runge.
Daniel Krause Posted October 15, 2020 Author Posted October 15, 2020 Matty, Great!! Webr55, I can do it. Best, Daniel 1
Daniel Krause Posted October 16, 2020 Author Posted October 16, 2020 Until now, I checked 494 Regimental Histories. For obvoius reasons, it might be easier, if I list 127 missing ones: lets start with Prussian Infantry. So if anybody has one of the following, pls check for nice Portraits and mentioning of Hohenzollern awards :-) 2.GRR LIR 93 LIR 430 GRJB IR 94 IR 440 RER 1 RIR 99 IR 441 RER 4 RIR 110 IR 446 GR 6 LIR 110 IR 451 RIR 7 RIR 111 IR 452 LIR 8 LIR 111 IR 457 LSIR 10 IR 117 IR 464 LIR 12 LIR 118 IR 466 IR 14 RIR 130 IR 471 LIR 20 IR 131 StB 1 LSIR 20 IR 137 StB 5 IR 21 IR 141 JB 1 RIR 22 IR 144 RJB 1 IR 24 IR 156 JB 2 RIR 25 IR 162 RJB 2 LIR 27 IR 164 RJB 3 IR 28 IR 166 JB 4 LIR 28 IR 169 RJB 6 IR 29 IR 175 JB 8 LIR 29 IR 186 JB 9 IR 30 IR 187 JB 11 RIR 30 IR 188 JB 14 LIR 30 RIR 203 RJB 20 LIR 33 RIR 206 RJB 21 RIR 34 RIR 212 RJB 22 LIR 35 RIR 220 JB 27 RIR 36 RIR 222 LIR 36 RIR 224 LIR 46 RIR 227 IR 54 RIR 228 IR 59 RIR 231 IR 60 RIR 234 IR 61 RIR 238 RIR 65 RIR 252 LIR 66 RIR 253 IR 68 RIR 256 IR 69 RIR 257 RIR 69 RIR 271 LIR 72 IR 331 RIR 73 IR 332 LIR 74 IR 333 RIR 75 IR 347 LIR 75 IR 353 LIR 78 IR 360 IR 79 IR 371 IR 81 IR 395 LIR 82 IR 407 LIBtl 89 IR 409 IR 93 IR 417 As far as I know, the following 154 Units did NOT have a history. RIR 1 RIR 218 IR 410 StB 16 RIR 2 RIR 219 IR 419 StB 17 RER 2 RIR 237 IR 420 RJB 7 LIR 4 RIR 260 IR 421 RJB 24 RIR 5 RIR 264 IR 422 LIR 5 RIR 268 IR 423 RIR 6 LIR 327 IR 424 RIR 11 LIR 328 IR 425 LIR 11 IR 329 IR 426 RIR 12 IR 330 IR 427 LIR 13 IR 334 IR 428 LIR 16 IR 335 LIR 429 LIR 17 IR 336 IR 432 RIR 18 IR 341 IR 433 LIR 18 IR 342 IR 434 RIR 20 IR 345 LIR 435 RIR 21 IR 346 LIR 436 LIR 21 LIR 349 IR 437 LIR 22 IR 352 IR 438 RIR 23 IR 357 IR 439 LIR 23 IR 358 IR 442 LIR 26 IR 361 IR 443 EIR 29 IR 362 IR 444 LIR 40 IR 363 IR 445 RIR 49 IR 365 IR 447 LIR 49 IR 372 IR 448 LIR 51 IR 373 IR 449 LIR 52 IR 376 IR 450 RIR 53 IR 377 IR 453 RIR 56 IR 378 IR 454 LIR 60 IR 380 IR 455 LIR 65 IR 381 IR 456 RIR 68 LIR 382 IR 458 LIR 71 LIR 383 IR 460 LIR 73 LIR 385 IR 461 RIR 79 LIR 386 IR 462 LIR 84 LIR 387 IR 467 LIR 85 IR 389 IR 468 LIR 86 IR 393 IR 469 RIR 87 IR 394 IR 477 LIR 87 IR 397 StB 2 RIR 88 IR 398 StB 4 LIR 94 IR 399 StB 7 RIR 98 IR 400 StB 8 RIR 118 IR 401 StB 9 LIR 153 IR 402 StB 10 IR 189 IR 403 StB 11 IR 190 IR 404 StB 12 RIR 207 IR 405 StB 13 RIR 216 IR 408 StB 14 Best, Daniel Prussian Cavalry DONE: GdC HR 5 GKR HR 6 1.GDR HR 7 1.GUR HR 9 2.GDR HR 10 3.GUR HR 12 KR 2 HR 13 KR 4 HR 14 KR 5 HR 15 KR 6 HR 16 KR 7 HR 17 KR 8 UR 3 DR 1 UR 4 DR 2 UR 5 DR 5 UR 6 DR 7 UR 7 DR 8 UR 10 DR 9 UR 12 DR 10 UR 14 DR 12 UR 16 DR 13 JRzP 1 DR 14 JRzP 2 DR 15 JRzP 3 DR 16 JRzP 5 DR 17 JRzP 9 DR 18 JRzP 12 DR 19 JRzP 13 DR 22 GDR 23 Prussian Artillery DONE: 1.GFAR FAR 56 1.GRFAR FAR 57 2.GFAR FAR 58 3.GFAR RFAR 58 3.GRFAR FAR 59 4.GFAR FAR 60 FAR 1 FAR 61 RFAR 1 RFAR 61 FAR 2 FAR 62 FAR 3 FAR 63 LFAR 3 RFAR 65 FAR 4 FAR 66 FAR 5 RFAR 66 FAR 7 FAR 67 RFAR 7 RFAR 67 FAR 8 RFAR 68 LFAR 8 FAR 72 FAR 9 FAR 74 RFAR 9 FAR 75 FAR 10 FAR 76 FAR 11 FAR 79 RFAR 12 FAR 80 FAR 14 FAR 81 RFAR 14 FAR 84 FAR 15 FAR 92 RFAR 15 FAR 95 FAR 16 FAR 99 FAR 17 FAR 100 FAR 18 FAR 108 FAR 19 FAR 183 RFAR 19 FAR 201 FAR 20 FAR 221 RFAR 20 FAR 229 FAR 21 FAR 241 FAR 22 FAR 269 FAR 23 FAR 270 FAR 24 FAR 280 FAR 25 FAR 406 RFAR 25 FAR 500 FAR 26 FußAR 3 FAR 30 FußAR 4 RFAR 33 FußAR 5 FAR 34 FußAR 7 FAR 35 FußAR 9 FAR 37 FußAR 11 FAR 38 FußAR 14 FAR 39 FußAR 16 FAR 40 FußAR 18 FAR 42 FußAR 22 FAR 43 FußAB 33 FAR 44 FußAB 35 FAR 45 FußAB 39 RFAR 45 FußAB 56 FAR 46 FußAB 75 FAR 47 RFAR 48 FAR 50 RFAR 51 FAR 53 FAR 54 FAR 55 Engineers DONE: GPB PB 4 PB 7 PB 8 PB 11 PB 14 PB 29 1
KIR Posted October 16, 2020 Posted October 16, 2020 (edited) Hi Daniel, here you will find for the IR117: http://digital.wlb-stuttgart.de/sammlungen/sammlungsliste/werksansicht/?no_cache=1&tx_dlf[id]=13560&tx_dlf[page]=1 For infanry you will find here informations about Regimental Histories, sometimes with a link to an online-book: http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Infanterie_(WK1) Best regards, Jens Artillerie, Pionier, etc... (incl. Bavarian ...): http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Militär/Formationsgeschichte/Deutschland/Alte_Armee/Regimenter Edited October 16, 2020 by KIR
Deruelle Posted October 16, 2020 Posted October 16, 2020 Hi Daniel The date of award the knight cross with X of House Order of Hohenzollern to Leutnant Franz Büchner is 9 August 1918. Christophe
Mattyboy Posted October 18, 2020 Posted October 18, 2020 Hi all, Not sure if you have this one? Lt dR Karl (?) Hertel :- https://digital.blb-karlsruhe.de/blbz/periodical/pageview/2480000?query=hansorden
Dave Danner Posted October 19, 2020 Posted October 19, 2020 On 18/10/2020 at 17:27, Mattyboy said: Hi all, Not sure if you have this one? Lt dR Karl (?) Hertel :- https://digital.blb-karlsruhe.de/blbz/periodical/pageview/2480000?query=hansorden Expand Hertel, Karl Theodor *25.4.1890 in Endingen, Baden †14.10.1965 in Wiesbaden He was wounded in 1914 as a Vfw.d.R. in RIR 40, in 1915 as a Lt.d.R. in LIR 11, and for a third time in 1918. He was promoted to Lt.d.R. in RIR 40 on 16.11.1914. His Rufname does appear to be Karl, but he is in the Zähringen Lion roll as "Theod. Karl", a Lt.d.R. of GR 110, at the time in RIR 51.
Mattyboy Posted October 19, 2020 Posted October 19, 2020 (edited) Thanks Dave. He certainly seems to have moved around a lot. On to my next find - Lt Ernst Goll https://digital.blb-karlsruhe.de/blbz/periodical/zoom/2023928 Edited October 19, 2020 by Mattyboy
Daniel Krause Posted October 20, 2020 Author Posted October 20, 2020 Great stuff guys, Hertel was indeed another unknown one, Goll was awarded the HOH3X 08th November 1918, so just on the very last days of WW1. and the Monarchy in Germany. Best, Daniel
Mattyboy Posted October 23, 2020 Posted October 23, 2020 (edited) Hi all, Here are two more names: Hptm von und zu Schachten, and Lt dR Paul Hommel. I presume the Lt Hertel mentioned just after Hptm Schachten is the same man we discussed earlier? https://digital.blb-karlsruhe.de/blbz/periodical/pageview/2023321 https://digital.blb-karlsruhe.de/blbz/periodical/pageview/5800545 Edited October 23, 2020 by Mattyboy
Daniel Krause Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 Matty, super, Hommel was another unknown. Baden Guy, received as well a Zähringer Löwe knight 2nd class with swords. v.u.z.Schachten - Ernst Georg Adolf, 1876-1942, served in FAR 50, as well a Baden guy. Best, Daniel
Mattyboy Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 Hi Dan, Here are two death notices, for Fritz Thielsch and Felix Tilgner. I couldn't find either of these men in the MWB. 1
Daniel Krause Posted October 26, 2020 Author Posted October 26, 2020 Matty, GREAT! Many thanks! Both were unknown to me. Best, Daniel
Mattyboy Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 Hi Daniel, No problem at all. Actually I'm going to throw a spanner into the works now. I had assumed that the MWB entry (03/Sep/1918) for a 'Hptm Lieber' related to the later Generalleutnant Hans Lieber. But then I saw the attached death notice and now I'm not so sure....
Dave Danner Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 Tilgner, Louis Adolf Felix * 16.1.1881 in Breslau Oberbuchwald was in the reporting area for Sprottau, so he was possibly the Vizewachtmeister Tilgner in the Res.Inf.Mun.Kol. 14 of the V. Reservekorps who was promoted to Lt.d.L.-Felda. I (Sprottau) on 14.1.1916. However, an HOH3X for field artillery support officer seems uncommon, so he may have been the Vizefeldwebel Tilgner promoted to Lt.d.L.-Inf. I (I Breslau) on 13.5.1918. That Tilgner, however, received the Saxe-Meiningen Medal for Merit in War in 1915, which may simply have been omitted from the death notice.
Mattyboy Posted October 31, 2020 Posted October 31, 2020 (edited) Nice work Dave. Here is a death notice from 1941 for Karl-Otto Splettstößer. There are many Kriegsstammrolle records for him on ancestry.co.uk, unfortunately I could not find one which mentioned the HOH3x. So it must be another late award. Also interesting for the gold wound badge. Edited October 31, 2020 by Mattyboy 1
Mattyboy Posted November 9, 2020 Posted November 9, 2020 (edited) Lt Carl (or Karl) Volk from Bad Homburg (middle row), and Hptm Stoessel von der Heyde (2nd attachment. See third column, near the bottom). https://sammlungen.hebis.de/zeitungen-hlbrm/periodical/pageview/254109 https://sammlungen.hebis.de/hebis-ffm/periodical/pageview/1342339 Edited November 9, 2020 by Mattyboy 1
webr55 Posted November 9, 2020 Posted November 9, 2020 These are on the list already, I think, but still there might be additional information: Lt d R Rodrian, from Darmstädter Zeitung, 7th Sep 1918 Dittmar, Darmstädter Zeitung, 26th Sep 1918 Rodrian again, death notice, Gießener Anzeiger, 12th Sep 1918 Josef Gerhard, from Bonifatiusbote, 23. June 1918 1
Mattyboy Posted November 10, 2020 Posted November 10, 2020 Hi webr55, Fritz Rodrian had my favourite award, the Krieger-Ehrenzeichen. I had attached Josef Gerhard's death notice because it shows the regiment.
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