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    I think we had him before, but just in case: Lt Wendte is Eduard Konrad Rudolf Wendte, from IR 31, born 24.9.1893 in Hannover. He made Oberst in WW2 and received the DKiS. 

    Some of his stuff was sold a while ago: https://www.ratisbons.com/de/39th-contemporary-history-auction/infanterie-reg-253-document-grouping-to-oberstlt-rudolf-wendte.html


    Lived in Hannover in 1960 as Oberst aD. Died in 1968. 




    We have mentioned him previously (his first name was only given as 'W'). The Minden-Lubbecker Kreisblatt dated 31.03.1917 gives his name as Martin Heilmann. 




    Vizefeldwebel Martin Heilmann was commissioned as a Leutnant d.R. in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 15 on 15 January 1915.





    Hi Glenn, 

    Thanks for the added info. Now this might be a new one - Lt dR A. Kalthoff, from the Minden-Lubbecker Kreisblatt dated 22 August 1917. 


    Hi All, 

    Sorry I have just realized that we already have him. This is August Krügermeyer-Kalthoff. 

    Posted (edited)

    This one is a bit of a mystery to me: Olt Josef Querbacher. From Rheinische Volksstimme, 29.6.1918. 


    I think the name must be "Querbach", there are several with that name in the region, but no "Querbacher". 


    He is not in VL. There, the only ones that come close to officers are an Offz.Stellv. Peter Querbach from Camp/St. Goarshausen, from RPiBat 39 (wounded in Oct 1915), and a VizeFw Wilhelm Querbach from Mombach/Mainz, born 1890 (wounded in Aug 1917).  


    Glenn, do you have any patents for a Querbach or Querbacher?




    Edited by webr55

    The Hptm dR Melior from RFAR 56 might have been Dr. Otto Melior. Originally from FAR 25, Gerichtsassessor (later Amtsgerichtsrat) in Darmstadt. Born 1886, Dr. jur. from Univ. Heidelberg in 1912, alive after 1945.

    Would need confirmation for his first name, but there was only one Melior in the 1914 RL. 

      On 05/09/2022 at 10:55, webr55 said:

    Glenn, do you have any patents for a Querbach or Querbacher?



    I cannot find any officer of that name! To be an Oberleutnant d.R. during the war, he would have to have been a Leutnant d.R. before the war and I can find absolutely no one. I also checked the Bonn Adreßbuch for 1912 and the wartime editions and found no Querbach/er in either name index or the residents of Weberstr!




      On 05/09/2022 at 12:46, webr55 said:

    The Hptm dR Melior from RFAR 56 might have been Dr. Otto Melior. Originally from FAR 25, Gerichtsassessor (later Amtsgerichtsrat) in Darmstadt. Born 1886, Dr. jur. from Univ. Heidelberg in 1912, alive after 1945.

    Would need confirmation for his first name, but there was only one Melior in the 1914 RL. 



    The FAR 25/RFAR 56 officer was not Otto, but Karl:


    Melior, Karl Wilhelm
    *09.08.1883 in Büdingen
    †xx.xx.1954 in Darmstadt (bestattet 05.03.1954 in Heidelberg)


    - 27.01.1909 Leutnant d.R., 18.04.1915 Oberleutnant d.R., 20.04.1918 Hauptmann d.R.
    - Regierungsassessor, kommissarischer Hilfsarbeiter im Reichsamt des Innern, 16.02.1916 Großherzoglicher Kreisamtmann, nach dem 1. WK Geheimer Regierungsrat, Ministerialrat im Reichsministerium des Innern


    Other know decorations: EK1, BMV4X, HT


    RFAR 56 was a Hessian regiment. Three of its original batteries came from Nassau regiments (FAR 27 and FAR 63) and three from grand ducal regiments (1 from FAR 25 and two from FAR 61).


    Posted (edited)
      On 05/09/2022 at 17:54, Glenn J said:


    I cannot find any officer of that name! To be an Oberleutnant d.R. during the war, he would have to have been a Leutnant d.R. before the war and I can find absolutely no one. I also checked the Bonn Adreßbuch for 1912 and the wartime editions and found no Querbach/er in either name index or the residents of Weberstr!





    No one by that name in the 1916/17 and 1918/19 Bonner Adreßbücher either. Not even a remotely similar name among the residents of Weberstr. 

    Edited by Dave Danner

    Hauptmann d.R. Auerbach from FAR 23 received the HOH3X on 24.11.1917. He was:


    Auerbach, Paul
    *4.12.1869 in Cöln am Rhein, †5.5.1931

    Ingenieur; OLt.d.R., FAR 23, 28.10.1914 Hptm.d.R., Hptm.d.R.a.D.

    also LD2


    Ok - Karl Melior would have been the other candidate. Thanks!


    About Querbach/er: mystery. I also had thought about a misspelled Fraktur writing of "Auerbach", but for Paul Auerbach, nothing really fits, neither rank, nor date nor first name. No idea what was going on here. 

    Posted (edited)

    Olt dR Brüser from RFußAR 3 is Joseph Brüser from Halbhusten.


    From Sauerländisches Volksblatt, 23.10.1918.





    "Landmesser und Kulturingenieur", survived the war:





    Edited by webr55
      On 07/09/2022 at 05:29, webr55 said:

    Olt dR Brüser from RFußAR 3 is Joseph Brüser from Halbhusten.



    His certificate of service shows a 20 September 1918 award date for his HOH3X.






    Posted (edited)
      On 07/09/2022 at 15:40, Glenn J said:


    His certificate of service shows a 20 September 1918 award date for his HOH3X.








      On 07/09/2022 at 17:49, webr55 said:

    So he was not an officer when WW1 broke out - but still he made Oberlt before the end of the war? Now I’m surprised. 



    Edited by webr55

    Just to be clear, Brüser was in bayerisches RFußAR 3, not to be confused with preußisches RFußAR 3.


    The HOH3X was awarded on 4.9.1918, according to the Militärkabinett. 20.9.1918 is either the date the Bavarian authorities approved the award, or the date of receipt.



    Lt dL Schiel from IR 193 might be Hans Schiel, born 13.12.1878 in Erfurt (acc. to VL). He is listed as wounded as OffzStellv from IR 159 in Oct 1914 (presuming that is the same one), then as Lt dL from IR 193, heavily wounded and missing, in Nov 1918, then as in captivity in June 1919. 


    Seems to be the one;


    Vizefeldwebel Hans Robert Schiel was commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 159 as a Leutnant d.L. I (Mülheim a.d.R.) on 24.12.14.


    Vizefeldwebel Hermann Schiel became a Leutnant d.R. in IR 75 on 16.1.16.

    Feldwebel-Leutnant Adolf Schiel became a Leutnant d.L. Fußartillerie I on 8.2.17.


    I cannot find any other non-active Schiels.







    Lt dR Feldmann from IR 56 is Josef Feldmann from Olpe.


    In VL Feb 1919 he is listed as being from RIR 56, and born 3.8.1888 in Elben/Olpe. 


    From Sauerländisches Volksblatt, 1.10.1919.



    Lt dR Taddey from MGSSA 70 might be Hans Taddey from Danzig. He is listed as lightly wounded in 1914 and 1915, as OffzStellv. Name is relatively rare.

      On 10/09/2022 at 17:53, webr55 said:

    Lt dR Taddey from MGSSA 70 might be Hans Taddey from Danzig. He is listed as lightly wounded in 1914 and 1915, as OffzStellv. Name is relatively rare.



    Johannes Kurt Taddey was born on 5.6.1888 in Danzig. At the time of his marriage in 1924, he was an Oberpostinspektor, and he is still listed as an Oberpostinspektor in the 1940/41 Danzig Adreßbuch.


    He was commissioned a Lt.d.R. (Neustadt) in RIR 61 on 6.6.1915. RIR 61 and MGSSA 70 were XVII.AK formations.


    Lt dL Fuhrhop (rather rare name) from LIR 77 might be Ernst-August Fuhrhop, born 2.7.1881 in Hannover (acc. to VL and ancestry).


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