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    • 9 months later...
    Guest Rick Research

    "Nobody knows why/what for they were awarded????????????"

    Eventually... dreams can come true. :rolleyes: Thanks to the very kind efforts of a fellow GMIC member :cheers: I can now say that there was not ONE award roll for these but MANY. Apparently there were "quotas" assigned to various Authorizing Authorities who could turn in their own individual recipients up to their assigned "limit."

    I have now got, and am typing out, the list of people decorated on recommendation of the Organization Committee of the German Olympics Games.

    Sounds important, huh? And yet, what SOUNDS like the Central Committee was able to get only 22 1st Classes and 122 2nd Classes bestowed. I am still typing out the medals-- and will start a separate thread on the results.

    At least I can answer Prosper's question from Post #33--

    Many just like the above say why they received one of these awards, often adding details: providing the fuel for the Olympic flame, designing stamps, drawing maps, landscaping, maintaining specified technical equipment and so on. Rather grudgingly, a number of the foreigners got them at the whining of their Home Olympic Committees. :cheeky:

    Some surprises:

    Org Com not only was obsessed with SOCCER :banger: , but our previous knowledge that these were NOT awarded to "participants" was WRONG. Many team captains (also see above) were decorated from a variety of nations and-- perhaps rather suspiciously :unsure: -- a number of REFEREES!!!! :speechless1:

    Perhaps NOT surprising, but quite a number of the Org Com's employees who received these (from the looks of things ALL of them did!) were WOMEN--

    I have NEVER seen an Olympics Medal on the usual German ladies' wear BOW-- perhaps because typists (very BAD typists, if the hand over-written badly typo'd Roll is anything to judge by! :speechless1: ) etc never got anything else and had no reason to go to that expense and bother.

    Among the oddball recipients was the elderly American inventor of basketball. :rolleyes:

    Among the recipients: many many Swedes and Yugoslavs, some Brits etc etc etc.

    • 1 month later...

    In reviewing this thread, I noticed the scans of a 2nd Class award with ribbon in the Austrian fold-style added by Prosper Keating in posting #36. It was I who had sent him those pictures. This was also easily distinguishable by the two very fine crack lines in the enamel of the award at the 4 o'clock position. I was pleased to see the pictures posted here. A belated "thank you", Prosper. Here is another close-up view of that award with the eagle's head exposed...which so often is buried within the ribbon.

    As well, I am adding pictures of a couple of boxed Olympic souvenir medallions in bronze and silver which I believe were private purchase items...although I stand to be corrected on that, perhaps, by others who know more about them.



    • 2 months later...


    While working my way through the belgian archives i have also found some info on the awarding of the Olympia EHrenzeichen towards Belgian subjects.

    I can list the following:

    Olympia EHrenzeichen 1 e Klasse: 3 awards

    Olympia Ehrenzeichen 2 e Klasse: 2 awards

    Probably a few more will be found, but at least these 5 can be named. (mayby they are also on Ricky's list? ;))

    Cordial greetings,


    A couple of bars with the Olympia-Ehrenzeichen...

    1st one...

    ? Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (OEK 1909), E/S

    ? Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz, 1915-18 (OEK 688), WM vs

    ? Kaiserreich ?sterreich-Ungarn, Milit?rverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer mit Schwertern (OEK 3803/1)

    ? ?sterreich 1. Republik, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen, Erinnerungsmedaille 1936-37 (OEK 3573), WM vs

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland (OEK 3517), Br

    ? Ungarn, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille


    2nd one...

    ? Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909), E/S

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern (OEK 3836)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803/1), Hersteller N. & H. Noelle & Hueck GmbH, L?denscheid

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen, 2. Stufe f?r 25 Jahre (OEK 3524)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen, 1936, Erinnerungsmedaille (OEK 3573)

    ? Finnland, Erinnerungsmedaille an den Befreiungskrieg, 1918

    Guest Rick Research

    Stijn-- 11 1st Classes and 14 2nd Classes to Belgians on the list the Gnome Collective*** is working on. Can you get birth and death years for them? Not my list, I'm just adding data to it for book format like the other German award rolls.

    ** *Research Gnomes, not Verboten :shame: Bavarian Garden Gnomes. :catjava:


    13er Ordensspange des Generalleutnants Rudolf Ulrich Schrader (*29.5.1890 - ?22.08.1945)

    ? Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (OEK 1909), E/S

    ? Sachsen-Weimar, Orden vom Wei?en Falken, RK 2. Kl. mit Schwertern (OEK 2340)

    ? Lippe-Detmold, Kriegsverdienstkreuz am Band f?r K?mpfer 1914-18 (OEK 1190)

    ? Sachsen K?nigreich, Kriegs-Verdienstkreuz, 1915-1918 (OEK 2303)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803/1), Hersteller G & S, Godet & Sohn Berlin

    ? ?sterreich 1. Republik, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille

    ? Weimarer Republik, Schlesisches Bew?hrungsabzeichen 1921, 2. Kl. mit Schwertern (OEK 3301)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Kl., 25 Jahre (OEK 3852)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung 3. Kl., 12 Jahre (OEK 3854)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse (OEK 3572)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Erinnerungsmedaille an den 13.03.38, Anschluss ?sterreich (OEK 3516)

    ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Erinnerungsmedaille an den 01.10.38, Anschluss Sudetenland mit Spange ?Prager Burg? (OEK 3517 & 3518)

    ? Ungarn, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille

    Generalleutnant Rudolf Ulrich Schrader

    (*Jena, 29th May 1890 - ? Suicide in Wiesbaden hospital as U.S. POW, 22nd August 1945)


    00.00.00-00-00.00 Telegraph Battalion 3

    00.00.00-00.00.00 Telegraph Battalion 5

    00.00.00-00.00.00 Reichswehr Ministry

    01.10.35-31.03.38 Kommandeur der Nachrichtentruppe VII (HQ: M?nchen, subordinated: VII. Korps)

    01.04.38-26.08.39 H?herer Nachrichtenoffizier 5 (HQ: Wien, subordinated: Army Group 5)

    27.08.39-01.03.40 Commander, Army Signals School

    02.03.40-01.03.41 Higher Signals Officer, Military Government, France

    01.04.41-31.05.41 Higher Signals Officer, Army Group "C"

    01.06.41-00.00.44 Higher Signals Officer, Army Group "North"

    00.00.44-08.05.45 Higher Signals Officer, Army Group "D"


    00.00.09 Abitur Officer Candidate

    22.08.10 Commissioned (vorpatentiert to seniority 22.8.08 D9d)

    25.02.15 Oberleutnant M25m

    27.01.18 Hauptmann G3g, Reichsheer seniority same date #10

    01.02.31 Major (21)

    01.07.34 Oberstleutnant (Keilig, genaues RDA unbekannt)

    01.08.36 Oberst (17), tr?gt Uniform: Nachrichtenabteilung 7

    01.07.40 Generalmajor (Keilig, genaues RDA unbekannt)

    01.07.42 Generalleutnant (4)


    00.00.?? K?nigreich Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914

    00.00.?? K?nigreich Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1914

    00.00.?? Gro?herzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Hausorden vom Wei?en Falken, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern

    00.00.?? F?rstentum Lippe-Detmold, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1914-1918

    00.00.?? K?nigreich Sachsen, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1915-1918

    00.00.?? Deutches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer mit Schwertern

    00.00.?? ?sterreich 1. Republik, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Weltkrieg

    00.00.?? Ungarn, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Weltkrieg

    00.00.?? Weimarer Republik, Schesischer Adler 2. Klasse mit Schwertern

    00.00.36 Deutches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung 3. Stufe f?r 12 Dienstjahren

    00.00.36 Deutches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe f?r 25 Dienstjahren

    00.00.37 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse am Band

    00.00.39 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Medaille Zur Erinnerung an den 13. M?rz 1938 (Anschluss ?sterreich)

    00.00.39 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Medaille Zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938 mit Spange ?Prager Burg? (Anschluss Sudetenland)

    00.00.?? Deutches Reich 1933-45, 1939 Spange zumEisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914

    00.00.?? Deutches Reich 1933-45, 1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1914

    00.00.42 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Medaille "Winterschlacht Im Osten 1941/42"

    25.03.43 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Deutsches Kreuz in Silber

    10.04.45 Deutches Reich 1933-45, Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern

    Schrader receives the Knights Cross to the War Merit Cross with Swords, one of only 118 recipients to receive this decoration.

    22nd August 1945

    Schrader commits suicide while being held as a U.S. POW in Wiesbaden hospital - Milit?rsspital Wiesloch (Keilig). A technical officer like him was virtually guaranteed NOT to have committed war crimes, so avoiding prosecution cannot have motivated him. There does seem to be some controversy as to the actual events around his death.

    Generalleutnant Rudolf Ulrich Schrader is buried in the Military cemetery in Wiesloch-Friedhof Heil- u. Pflegeanstalt, Germany. He is buried in grave 75 (Endgrablage: Grab 75)

    • 2 weeks later...
    • 1 year later...

    And my 1957 1st Class Cross ( which i still need to get the ribbon for ) :

    Personally i think this is one award that has improved with de nazification , i thought the original eagles on the olympic crosses were awful !

    It did indeed improve the design as now the award would sit higher on the neck. If you look at the Dietl photo the neck decoration is almost hitting the medal bar, something that would get very annoying throughout the night.

    William Kramer

    • 9 years later...

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