Solomon Posted March 21, 2016 Posted March 21, 2016 (edited) Hi gents, inspired by the medalbar with 1866 campaign medal Lippe-Detmold, I just showed, I would like to share with you a extremely rare document-group I recently added to my collection: Hermann Kellner was born in Detmold on 23rd May 1823 as the 2nd son of Amtaccessor Karl Friedrich Kellner.Document 1 “birth document” On 26th April 1842 he became a student („Volontär“) at the Divisionsschule in Münster/Westfalia. His classmates were Eduard Pustkuchen (his uniform is shown in the museum of local history in Detmold) and Carl Großkopf (later commander of Torgau).Document 2 letter of acceptance at the school and an introduction of his duties (and rights). On 10th December he was promoted from a Volontär to Portepee-Fähnrich.„Serenissimus haben höchstgnädigst geruht, in Hinsicht der eingegangenen guten Zeugnisse, den bisherigen Volontair Hermann Kellner zum Portepeefähnrich zu ernennen, worüber demselben die erforderliche Urkunde von mir übersandt werden wird….“ Kellner II served as Lippischer Füsilier, the only bataillon of Lippe-Detmold and ruled by the prince of Lippe-Detmold. The Lippische Füsiliere („Das lippische Kontingent“) was already fighting against Napoleon together with the Prussians.Document 3 Promotion Prince Leopold promoted Herrmann Kellner II on 15th October 1844 to „Seconde-Lieutnant.„ Wir (Leopold) urkunden hiermit, daß Wir den Portepeefähnrich Hermann Kellner zum Seconde-Lieutnant in unserem Militair-Corps gnädigst ernannt haben. Wir erwarten von Ihm Treue gegen uns, Gehorsam gegen seinen Vorgesetzen, strenge Befolgung der Gesetze im Allgemeinen, insbesondere den bestehenden und künftigen Militair-Verordnungen im Dienst-Reglement, Ordnung, Fleiß ….“Document 4 Promotion to Seconde-Lieutnant Document 4a Congratulation for becoming Seconde-Lieutnant Picture 4b Drawing showing him in the uniform as Seconde-Lieutnant On 27th February 1849 Kellner II was promoted by prince Leopold to a Premier-Lieutnant.Document 5 Promotion to Premier-Lieutnant Document 6 a and b letters from the frontline (war against the Danish) , sent on 10th July 1849 to his brother Karl And finally on 10th May 1859 Kellner II was promoted to a Hauptmann and Kompanie-Chef (chief of the company).Document 7 Promotion to Hauptmann Document 7a Information of the Fürstlich Lippischen Militair-Kolloquium , that his salary will be adjusted according to his promotion. On 7th December 1861 prince Leopold agreed tot he marriage of Kellner II with Marie Niemeyer.Document 8 Agreement Picture 8a with his wife and sonKellner is wearing the uniform as Premier-Lieutnant. The picture was taken between middle of 1862 and March 1863. On 19th April 1866 Kellner II awarded the long servce cross for 25 years Lippe-Detmold. Original text oft he document:Nachdem Sie unter Berücksichtigung das als Kriegsjahr doppelt zu rechnende Jahr 1849 nunmehr 25 Jahre inMeinem Militär-Corps treu gedient haben, habe ich Ihnen Mein Dienstauszeichnungskreuz verliehen.Dasselbe erfolgt nebst dem dazu gehörigen Bande hierfür.Detmold, den 19. April 1866Leopold, PFEL.…As war-service in the year 1849 has to be counted double, you served now 25 years in my Militär-Corps and therefor I award you with my long service cross and the referring ribbon. Kellner was one of only 16 (!!!) officers, awarded with this long service cross for 25 years, which was donated on 11th June 1859 by prince Leopold. After the integration of the Lippsche Füsiliere into the Prussian army in 1867, only one additional cross was awarded. All other awarded the Prussian version.Document 9 Award document for the long-service cross 25 years Lippe-Detmold On 15th August 1866 Leopold promoted Kellner II to a Major and commander of Lippe-Detmold´s small army. His predessor was Major and commander Carl Rohdewald, who was killed in the battle at Kissingen on 10th July 1866.Document 10 Promotion to Major and commander On 20th September 1866 Kellner II awarded as „Führer des Fürstlich Lippischen Füssilierbataillons" (leader of the bataillon of the Lippischen Füsiliere) the Prussian order of the crown 3rd class with swords .Document 11 Award document Edited March 21, 2016 by Solomon
Solomon Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 (edited) The picture was taken between September 1866 and December 1869, most probably between 1866 and 1867. On the medalbar you can see: - Prussian order of the crown 3rd class with swords But….what the hell is wrong here??? Is it a wearing mistake, as the order should be worn normally at the black-white combatant ribbon ??? No…everything is correct here…Kellner II wears the order at the light blue ribbon for foreigners! In 1866 (before the Lippe-Detmold army was integrated into the Prussian army) he was a foreigner to Prussia. - military merit medal Lippe-Detmold (awarded on 30th March 1863)Unfortunately this document is missing in the group… - long service cross for 25 years Lippe-Detmold - campaign-medal 1866 Lippe-DetmoldUnfortunately this document is also missing in the group…The intersting point here is, that commander Kellner II awarded his soldiers with the campaign medal, while he and the other officers got it directly from prince Lippe-Detmold.Picture 11a shows Major Kellner II Kellner II retired on 23rd December 1867. He was the one, negotiating with the Prussian about the integration of the small army of Lippe-Detmold into the Prussian army. He was also allowed to wear his uniform after his retirement.Document 12: Retirement On 5th November 1869 Kellner II awarded as Major a.D. the common house-order Lippe-Detmold & Schaumburg-Lippe 1st class (with the crown). He was No. 13 of the list out of 64 awards in total.Document 13: Award document for the common house order 1st class Detmold & Schaumburg Document 13a Consigment of the documents Document 14 a and b = statutes of the common house-order, version from 25th October 1869. In this document group there are also a lot of letters to his parents, exercises he had to do during his time as a student and the application for becoming a student, written by his father in 1842 in several versions. There are also a lot of letters of relatives etc…too much to show and less interesting. I hope you liked this deep look into the military history of the small principal Lippe-Detmold until 1867. Best regards Roman Edited March 21, 2016 by Solomon
Chris Boonzaier Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 That is really fantastic! So the Detmold Regiments wnet into the 1870 war without a Commander of their own?
Solomon Posted March 22, 2016 Author Posted March 22, 2016 No, not really. Until 1867 Lippe-Detmold had his own independant "army", the last leader was Kellner II. It was a bataillon with around 400 soldiers and officers. It was trained and paid by the principal. Kellner II negotiated with Prussian in these soldiers were integrated in the Prussian army ( 6. Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment No.55 ). So in 1870 / 71 the Lippe soldiers were ruled by the Prussians (and were awarded with Prussian orders like the long service awards). That makes for example this long service cross Lippe-Detmold (officially awarded only until 1867) extremely rare. Until 1867 these Lippe soldiers were officially "foreigners" for the Prussians, e.g. like the Bavarians.
speedytop Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Hi Roman, that is a dream for a collector of military history! Uwe
Claudius Posted March 25, 2016 Posted March 25, 2016 Wonderful document group! I really like how the Crown Order in on a light blue ribbon for foreigners! A great observation.
Solomon Posted March 26, 2016 Author Posted March 26, 2016 Yes, unfortunately it wasn´t my observation, but another collector gave me this hint, when I showed the photo. I was much more focussed on the Lippe documents, when I bought all the paper and didn´t recognize the speciality about the the crown order. By the way another collector shared the number of awards: 211 crown order 3rd class with swords were awarded for 1866. This figure includes also the ones for foreigners, which was logically much lower!
Claudius Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 On 3/26/2016 at 12:22, Solomon said: By the way another collector shared the number of awards: 211 crown order 3rd class with swords were awarded for 1866. This figure includes also the ones for foreigners, which was logically much lower!
Stogieman Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Very nice to see a group that has not been broken up, especially with these very rare documents.
Solomon Posted April 12, 2016 Author Posted April 12, 2016 On 29.3.2016 at 16:44, Stogieman said: Very nice to see a group that has not been broken up, especially with these very rare documents. You are unfortunately only partly right. This group came via a dealer for antiques directly from the family. The dealer knew that beside the documents also Kellner II´s uniform, cased epaulettes (!) and saber were still existing. When the old lady (granddaughter of Kellner II) passed away, the equipment was immediately sold and only the documents "survived" as a group. So the uniform and epaulettes (also extremely rare, because only worn in that way until 1867) are still somewhere around. I´m pretty sure, that the epaulettes (cased) were sold by Weitze a few years ago. Greetings Roman
prestonhudman Posted yesterday at 02:47 Posted yesterday at 02:47 I recently purchased a collection of items on ebay from a family with the last name Kellner and I have a feeling it's the same Hermann Kellner II. I think I have his sword and his shoulder boards and more. But then again I might just be wrong, because I don't know much about this. I'm trying to untangle the mystery. I'm going to copy paste the exact description that accompanied the listing that I bought... Important Named German Military Prussian War Swords Medals Iron Pre- WW1 1870 Incredible grouping pre dates WW1. The iron cross ring is dated 1914. I believe all other items are Imperial German Prussian War items. Please see all photos for details. The collection belonged to Hermann Kellner. The SS Berlin medal is named to him. The grouping landed in Rochester NY around 1920 from Germany with Hermann Kellner and Marguerite Goetze-Kellner. Passed down to Dorothea Kellner-Schwartz and down to her son Russell, in an upstate NY estate sale. There are 24 photos. Please let me know if you have any questions. End. So a bunch of things bother me but the main thing is that one of the medals is named A. Goetze and yet here the seller is saying that Herman Kellner was married to a Marguerite Goetze Kellner. Therefore how is it possible that his wife is named on the medal? There's also a medal of some sort that has Herman's name on it. The SS Berlin metal is some sort of fraternity medal. I'm also curious to know if the shoulder boards are Hermann's because they do have the "II" on them. I don't know what that means tho. I find it hard to believe that this collection happens to belong to a different Hermann Kellner. I find it easier to believe that Hermann's stuff has been ridiculously split up. Documents over here, medals all over the place, uniform split up, things removed from its case for no apparent reason etc. It seems like the family keeps hiring dealers to sell it for them? If you check the names the seller gave they are indeed real people, the family tree exists, Herman also goes by the name Gustav Adolf Kellner. But his wife is real and her daughter Dorothea is real and her son Russell is real and Russell is still alive and I believe he is the one who sold this. His name is Russell Schwartz. He's old though. Perhaps no one left to hand it down too. So I asked the seller to ask Russell why his grandma Marguerite goes by the name goetze while at the same time he's selling me a war medal with the name Goetze on it, yet clearly leading me to believe this was a group belonging to Hermann. He didn't say that goetze was named, he said Herman was named on one of the medals. You can see goetze from the picture so I find it hard to believe he was unaware of it. What the heck is going on? I just get the feeling they're changing identities, hiding themselves perhaps or something. But since the Kellner family is real all I got to do is connect this Hermann to the real Hermann Kellner II in some way, and then in my opinion all of it, even the stuff named to goetze, is technically named to Herman, because if that's the real Herman he's the one creating all this confusion with his weird family. The last picture shows the full size Goetze medal and since I see a miniature version on the clasp I'm assuming that all of those belong to Goetze as well. There are some other medals and a ring included but I would imagine this is enough to identify whether or not it's possible we're dealing with Hermann Kellner II or not. I know his wife's name is not correct but maybe these things were changed in order to hide themselves. Also it's possible that this information hasn't been passed down to Russell and he doesn't even know that his grandpa Hermann is Hermann Kellner II. He did make sure to spell the name correctly with two n's. That's all for now I really hope someone can help me figure this out. My next move is to probably do background checks on each of the family members and look for known relatives to start cross-linking them until hopefully finding more evidence that I have Hermann kellners sword. I swear I can feel his Aura through the sword. I feel like I summoned it to myself. In any case at least I should be able to gain insight into what it is that I actually have here. Imperial Germany is really interesting and I love the designs on everything. I did not pay THAT much and my research says I'm winning even if it's not the same Hermann. If it is the same Herman perhaps we should all get serious about reuniting these items or selling them as a package and splitting it appropriately but I don't want to get ahead of myself. First we would have to figure out the mystery behind Marguerite Goetze-Kellner and A. Goetze. Thanks again.
David M Posted yesterday at 09:34 Posted yesterday at 09:34 At least the Langensalza medal is from the Kingdom of Hannover. There should be a name in the ring of the medal?
Megan Posted yesterday at 10:31 Posted yesterday at 10:31 Did the wife have a brother? She may have inherited his stuff and it got mixed in with her husband's militaria.
Stogieman Posted yesterday at 12:21 Posted yesterday at 12:21 Good Morning! I was watching this auction as well since it was such an interesting group. I thought it went for a reasonable amount given the swords are rather interesting. Good luck with the research. I know what you mean, it really burns me up when groups are split!
prestonhudman Posted 19 hours ago Posted 19 hours ago thank you for the warm responses. I messaged the seller and he's being difficult. So, not much I can do on that front but wait and see if he helps me at all. He made the owner who I assume is Russel Shwartz, aware of me and my situation. He also commented that I was "smart" in response to me saying I think its Herman Kellner II. It came off as though I'm right. lastly the seller bragged about selling even more stuff of theirs later. left me with even more questions. So, I got Hermann's saber and that's what matters most to me. well, that and the shoulder boards and belt buckle must be super valuable. I like these items so much I'm going to have to list it for $88,000 that way I can keep it for the foreseeable future. Naw, make that $148,800. there's more intensity to this story. but I would need to open up a bit to share. My name "preston hudman" (its my username) = 1008 English hermann kellner II = 1008 English my full name preston tyler hudman is 18 letters and 1+8=9 preston hudman is 13 letters 1+3=4 preston tyler is 12 letters 1+2=3 tyler hudman is 11 letters 1+1 =2 9 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 18 and 1+8= 9 again!!! so, My name mathematically equals the number 9 more so than any other name on earth. one of the swords has "VIIII" carved into the handle with 9 individual dots carved as well. I believe the sword was summoned to me. you can look up what names equal using gematria calculator gematrix. org that was a bit off topic and needs no discussion, but I do appreciate the kind replies. When I bought this I did not know about Hermann Kellner II and was basing it on the fact that everything in the lot was a minimum $200 item plus I figured $1k for the swords. then with seconds to go I just got worried so I bid $3700! Almost double what it went for. Nobody was beating me that day. 6 hours ago, Megan said: Did the wife have a brother? She may have inherited his stuff and it got mixed in with her husband's militaria. I am looking into this next by doing truth finder reports but this is possible. but Hermann 's wife went by another name according to the documents. Maybe A. Goetze is a friend of Hermann's and Hermann married his sister margarite perhaps after divorce? The seller is doing weird stuff imo, not just splitting it up but misleading ppl as to who's medals they are. I cant tell if he knew it was Hermann Kellner II though. He's just being so evasive around my questioning and then instead of answering my question he complains of spam and tells me to get an attitude adjustment. Messages pile up after a few days without responding.
prestonhudman Posted 19 hours ago Posted 19 hours ago 8 hours ago, David M said: At least the Langensalza medal is from the Kingdom of Hannover. There should be a name in the ring of the medal? I believe its says A. Goetze around the rim. I wish i could determine if any of what i have belongs to Kellner besides the swords etc. for example a French legion of honor was included and correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't make sense for Kellner or Goetz to have that. its a valuable medal but it's like the seller playing games. mix and matching but calling it all Kellner.
GdC26 Posted 19 hours ago Posted 19 hours ago Not to burst your bubble, but Salomon notes in one of his posts that Kellner II retired on 23rd December 1867, and most of these items date from after that time. The pics posted aren't the greatest, but there also seems to be very little tying this group (if it is a group, it seems pretty disparate to me) to Lippe-Detmold, which based on Solomon's descriptions, is what lends Kellner II historical relevance. Am I missing something (apart from magic numbers)?
prestonhudman Posted 19 hours ago Posted 19 hours ago (edited) 26 minutes ago, GdC26 said: Not to burst your bubble, but Salomon notes in one of his posts that Kellner II retired on 23rd December 1867, and most of these items date from after that time. The pics posted aren't the greatest, but there also seems to be very little tying this group (if it is a group, it seems pretty disparate to me) to Lippe-Detmold, which based on Solomon's descriptions, is what lends Kellner II historical relevance. Am I missing something (apart from magic numbers)? you probably make a good point. let me think on it. theres just circumstancial stuff like the spelling of the name is unique and the fact that the swords were accompanied by other things kellner was said to be missing. shoulder boards etc. i was hoping someone could id him using the shoulder boards and swords as they are pretty unique and is there no picture of Kellners saber? besides that there are some medals that i think Kellner would have also had but in this case I'm guessing they belong to Goetze. I was hoping at least some of the medals could be tied to Kellner via documents. maybe the background checks will reveal something. just the fact that the names given in the listing are to real ppl helps and there is the one medal that has H. Kellner named on it. very strange medal/fob/beer tumbler? thingy? don't worry about the bubble i came into this knowing nothing and I'm sure I can sell this stuff for more than two grand. I just want to find the truth and that's all i ever care about. i would call the Goetze medal a solid group because the full size is accompanied by the mini so they are all for same person fo sho. it's incomplete though, that's a given. Maybe Kellner II had a son named Herman Kellner III and passed the swords and boards down to him and then his son marries Goetze who has a brother.... gosh its just so fanciful. i also wonder what the markings on the weird kellner medal mean... |xx|xx|xx ??? and what the SS Berlin 95 means and other name on it means. The saber has that star of David on it I figured something like that must be known by someone to be on his sword. Edited 18 hours ago by prestonhudman
Solomon Posted 32 minutes ago Author Posted 32 minutes ago Hi gents, interesting items, but I´m sure they are not related (directly) to "my" Kellner II. My Kellner II. was wearing during his military service the sabre for officer of the "Lippische Füsiliere". I have one of these very rare sabres in my collection (not Kellner II.´s one). These sabres were worn until 1867 and re-worn by the Gendarmerie Lippe-Detmold afterwards. Hermann Kellner II. didn´t participate in the war 1870/71, as he was already retired. Kellner II. married in 1861 Maire Luise Niemeyer and had a daughter with her named Klara Luise Pauline. I have also more than 100 private letters of the Kellner-family, so there might be the solution. Hermann Kellner II. had a brother named Hermann Kellner I. (also in military service), might be that the items are coming from this family tree. BR Roman
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