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    Posted (edited)

    As You might already have heard, there were pieces stolen from the Green Vault in Dresden today. I haven't found a full list of the missing items yet, but one of the stolen items seems to be this fantastic insignia of the Polish Order of the White Eagle:

    Kleinod des Polnischen Weißen Adler-Ordens

    Bruststern des polnischen Weißen Adler-Ordens

    Kleinod des Polnischen Weißen Adler-Ordens (Diamantrosengarnitur)



    That's the showcase they broke into - there is still not much information how much they took out of it:






    I am not sure if the German imperial forum this is the right  place to post this - but as the theft happened in Dresden it might be

    Nevertheless I hope the pieces come back...


    Edited by Utgardloki

    Sounds like a burglary on command.  Very specific items taken that are too well known to sell publicly. 


    Reminds me of the theft of Hitler's Golden party badge in Moscow. Apparently some Russian mobster has a love for medals and decorations. With Dresden being close to a highway to the Netherlands and Poland the chance these are ever seen again is dismal. I don't believe this piece will be taken apart and melted down. Luckily (relatively) this will hopefully be the centre-piece of a collection.


    Sad for us in Germany.

    As in many more museums (security):

    "it must not cost anything" - es darf halt nichts kosten. 


    19 minutes ago, VtwinVince said:

    The stolen items are being estimated at 1.5 billion.

    I've heard that too, but I think it's exaggerated. It's pretty hard to put a price on it

    What I really hope is that they don't break the pieces, regrind the jewels and melt down the metal, that would be horrific.

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