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    The reverse. I think this one was a late war one because several letters in the maker mark are missing either wholey or in part. That indicates die deterioration.



    Along with everything else on this latest attempt, the gray backing material is not right either.



    Wow Don, that's a new type that I have never seen before. Very nice! I suspect the initials are J.S.M or J.G.M. or J.G.N. Too hard to tell. I suppose we will not be able to match it up with the known Hersteller, because it is so different from anything else that we have seen. Is this one yours?


    Posted (edited)

    Is that corrosion, a bad die or just a poor stamping? Also, is that paper backing it or is there a metal backing plate underneath?


    Edited by Chip

    The badge is definately in rough shape. I tend to believe it was a dirty die and because it looks so bad it was never issued. There is a backing plate under the paper. Here is another one by the same maker. Because it lacks the cloth I can see that the badge is hollow stamped.

    • 6 months later...

    Recieved anothe Falkenburg & Richter today. Note the same sloppy trimming around the inside of the ammo belt. Whoever was assigned that task did a horrible job.


    reverse. Note the mix of round and flat pins. My other one has all round pins.

    • 7 months later...

    ... very nice - thank you for showing your MG-badges & pictures! :beer:

    @dond: Hi, can you tell me the exact words of your Zink badge (Post#21):

    STAHLMETALLW.FAB. ? ?MEYER?WILHELM? STUTTGART ((so fare I can read!?!) :rolleyes:

    Thank you and best regards, :cheers:


    ... and some more info:

    Mit Verf?gung vom 25. August 1916 wurden die MG-Scharfsch?tzentrupps (1 Offizier und 72 sp?ter 76 Mann) dann in Kompanien umgegliedert. Je drei Kompanien bildeten eine "MG-Scharfsch?tzenabteilung".

    Mittels Allerh?chsten Befehls - des Kaisers - vom 8. Februar 1916 erhielten die Soldaten ein besonderes, auf dem linken Arm zu tragendes Abzeichen (siehe oben). Der Erla? des Kriegsministeriums dazu lautet:

    "Die gem?? Erla? vom 25. 1. 1916 ... aufzustellenden Maschinengewehr-Scharfsch?tzentrupps tragen Infanterieuniform mit der Nummer des Trupps auf den Schulterklappen sowie auf den Helm?berz?gen und f?hren die Abzeichen (Schulterkn?pfe und S?beltroddel) einer ersten Kompanie. Das besondere Abzeichen f?r die Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften (metallenes Maschinengewehr auf einem ovalen St?ck feldgrauen Tuchs), das nur f?r die Dauer des Krieges genehmigt ist, wird auf dem linken ?rmel des Waffenrocks und Mantels in der Mitte zwischen ?rmelnaht und Ellenbogen, gleichweit von der vorderen und hinteren ?rmelnaht entfernt, aufgen?ht..."

    Das Abzeichen bekamen nur die Leute, die den Maschiengewehr-Lehrkurs in D?beritz oder das Maschiengewehr-Ausbildungskommando Munster, Bitsch, Oberhofen oder Beberloo I besucht hatten.


    Thanks Jens. At the very end of the German text, the name is "Beverloo", the large training camp in Belgium.

    Dond's badge says "St.Metallw.Fab. W.Meyer & F.Wilhelm Stuttgart"



    Chip, you are right - it's "Beverloo", my typing error! :rolleyes:

    And many thanks - for the exact company-name! :cheers:

    Best regards,


    • 10 months later...

    That's a tough one Don. Congratulations! What is the average price for these badges now? I have a few, so I have not paid attention to the prices for years.


    • 3 years later...

    Thats terrible Chris you have to love them and not think about money chum, this is my last pic on a belt off the bay.


    Here an interesting MP of an MG - SSch.

    The Man was at MG Scharfschützen-Ausbildungs-Kommando West

    and later at MG SS Abt. 36.



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