Call me a cynic or perhaps disillusioned if you want. But the problem with the UK, as proven time and time again is that the criteria for awards is governed by archaic rules and process, set by faceless unaccountable individuals who don't want to step away from tradition steeped in class and privilege. Unless you are a celebrity, sports person or part of the establishment, the criteria that governs who gets what is biased, and restrictive. Time and time again years and years of campaigning is required to get recognition for many individuals who are deserving of some kind of award, and by the time the award is approved, conveniently many of the deserving have already passed away. This has alway been the way, the Military General Service Medal being a case in point. There is certainly no will or desire to recognise anything undertaken within the police or other civilian services, many campaigns for recognition have fallen on deaf ears over the years. Too busy looking after their cronies in the establishment and other undeserving cases.