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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. ® = Preussische Rettungsmedaille am Bande SKz = Sächsisches Ehrenkreuz or SE4 Schwarzburg Ehrenkreuz 4th class - There is no SK4 (SK [no classes] is the Saxon War Merit Cross) TsM = Türkischer Medschidie Orden TO4 = Türkischer Osmanie Orden 4th class
    2. Messenger dog "Jack" of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 236
    3. The shoulder board displays a gothic "M" for Maschinengewehr-Abteilung http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2010/post-1062-128283576753.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_08_2010/post-1062-128283716276.jpg
    4. Captain Albert; That is a nice group you have - I'd love to own. Glenn J can probably look him up for you - I would help, but I do not have the book. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=41718 Hardy
    5. This book would help: Das Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 109 im Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 See bottom of the page: http://themilitaryhistoryshop.uuuq.com/themilitaryhistoryshop.htm
    6. Nice! Brian, it is the Tiroler Landesdenkmünze Ribbon: Awarded to all Tyroleans that served in World War I and also to those who, between 1915 and 1918 participated in defending Tyrolia (amongst them were German mountain troops). This bronze gilt medal was instituted on 7 February 1928, some 120,000 were awarded. data from here: http://www.gwpda.org/medals/austmedl/austria.html
    7. Nice bar ... as Matt said, Kyffhäuser-Kriegsdenkmünze in third place. Can you post a close-up of that medal in third place? Hardy
    8. Admiral Ludwig von Schröder and the veteran association of the "Marinekorps Flandern" established the Flandern Cross on September 13, 1921 About 30.000 Flandern crosses were awarded after the war. The following Battle bars (Gefechtsspangen) could be added to the ribbon Flandernschlacht Flandernschlacht (1917) Durchbruchsschlacht Ypern Yser Somme Antwerpen Seekrieg Luftkrieg
    9. It is the award document of the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer also known as Hindenburg Cross to the Spengler and Installateur = plumber Heinrich Ihl of Kaiserslautern. Signed by an official of the police department of Kaiserslautern on Nov. 2, 1934
    10. Rheinprovinz Regierungssupernumerar and the second one (drum-roll please) Regierungszivilsupernumerar
    11. In 1909 Major Freiherr von Diepenbroick-Grüter (11.09.08) commanded the II. Bataillon of Grenadier-Regiment "Koenig Wilhelm I." (2. Westpreussisches) Nr.7 .
    12. I doubt this is an original signature. The writing reads: "Völker Europas wahret eure heiligsten Güter" It is the title of the Lithograph by Hermann Knackfuss shown above. Kaiser Wilhelm sent the picture to Czar Nicholas II. While its formal name was “Völker Europas wahret eure heiligsten Güter” (Peoples of Europe, Protect Your Most Sacred Possessions), it was quickly nicknamed using the Kaiser’s new favorite phrase "Die Gelbe Gefahr" (The yellow Peril) Here is an excerpt from the website Passing Strangeness "The picture was the source of some amusement as, frankly, it’s a terrible piece of work. The artist was Hermann Knackfuss, a favorite of the Kaiser but generally acknowledged as a hack. Wilhelm’s patronage of him was seen as a sad commentary on the royal taste; that he was the one who’d sketched out the basic idea for Knackfuss to draw made things even worse. ..." http://passingstrangeness.wordpress.com/2009/04/20/the-yellow-peril/
    13. Hello and welcome David! All my sources are in German, but if you have any specific questions - I will try to answer them. Regards My Great Uncle as a Leibgrenadier in 1906
    14. Great document - it states that before 1917 the MG SS 49 was called MG Schützen Trupp 113 Zeugnis Offizierstellvertreter (Vizefeldwebel) Eduard Langwieler war vom 16. April 1916 bis 19. Juni 1917 als Zugführer in der 1. Komp. (früher MG Sz Trupp 113) MG Schützen Abt. 49 tätig. Im Kampfe hat er sich durch grosse Unerschrockenheit und Umsicht ausgezeichnet. Vor allen Dingen hat er es verstanden durch vorbildliches Benehmen sich die Liebe und Achtung seiner Vorgesetzten und Untergebenen zu erwerben. Die Abteilung verliert in Offz. Stellv. Langwieler einen wertvollen Angehoerigen. A.St.Qu, den 13 Juli 1917 Masch. Gew. Scharfschützen Abt. 49 Mort Hauptmann und Abteilungs Kommandeur
    15. Interesting indeed Chip - Meurer - Leutnant der Reserve - RFAR 60 – 7. Battereie - Linker Unterschenkel - Rücken links - Hinterkopf - Notverband - 6 Uhr morgens 9.Juni 1918 – Arznei: Morphium and Tetanus Oberflächlicher Durchschuss am Hinterkopf – Granatsplitter-Steckschuss am linken Unterschenkel mit Fraktur des Wadenbeins – Granatsplitter–Steckschuss des Wirbelbogens. Translation: On June 9, 1918 at 0600 hours near Vassens, Lieutenant Meurer had been severely wounded.* His wounds were: - a superficial shot through the back of the head, - a grenade-fragment in the left calf with fracture to the fibula, - and another grenade-fragment in his back, stuck next to a vertebrae. He was treated at the scene with an emergency bandage and given Morphine and Tetanus shots. * (Note that in his "additional personal data" they got the date and time wrong.) -
    16. That leaves you at their mercy - sometimes you will get information back and other times they will refuse. A specific question will help, it shows genuine interest and not just fishing for any information waisting their time. Ask for clerification of time of death and grave-site. Good luck
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