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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. I guess this is not a discussion forum then. Its a "I've said it so it must be true" place. Fine. As for hostility, the only posts where I see it are yours. You don't like people questioning your work but that is how things are done in acadamia. If someone hadn't questioned the church's belief that the earth is flat where would wwe be now? Ironically, none of this has anything to do with the original purpose of this thread, the black skull. My last thought before conceding the field to you is this, Rohr's men,by positioning their TK at a position superior to Reddeman's unit, that would be like saying "we are better than you." Unfortunately, still a supposition.
    2. I would think the simple answer was that the badges arrived with vague wearing instructions and some officer made a call and said put them on like this. It was probably more important that they be uniform. And since they were uniform that was good enough and no one questioned it. Of course, my deduction is no better or worse than anyone elses.
    3. It looks like you have a fresh approach to research Kay.
    4. I've seen others like this before and have no problem with them. You can make anything look bad if you blow it up enough.....
    5. I think you could compare the Battle of the Somme to the whole of the Franco Prussian War and might come out statistically equal.
    6. I think you are comparing apples to oranges here. The type of fighting and the duration of it along with the amount of time units spent under fire was totally different. I think the acts that earned one a cross were the same, just that in 14-18 the german soldier had more opportunity to earn one thru repeated combat exposure.
    7. The guy with the EK has a bigger moustache, which looks alot like the Kaiser's.
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