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    Everything posted by ixhs

    1. Hard to say if it is a bavarian bravery medal. Do you have a name on the back? I am not sure, but i mean, there´s a book with pics of the recipients (i do not have it)
    2. Hi i`m doing research on the wuertt. golden MMM (gMMM or MVM1) since a couple of years. In my opinion (and what i saw) the most Subalternoffiziere (Lt./Olt., not Feldwebelleutnants because no officer´s patent) were awarded with the FO2X bevor the got the golden MMM - but not in every times. And there are some guys with "only" the IC2nd class + golden MMM - or only a few (the sources are not complete!) at the beginning of war with "only" a golden MMM (in this time the procedure was divided) The gMMM had a higher rank as the FO2X so normally it had to return to Königliches Münzamt (K.M.). but i know a few cases, in which FO2X and gMMM (if it was an officier and he later won the MMO (MVO) was left in recipient`s hands for memory (?) or if he died in families hands. I have a bar with an early FO2X and gMMM (i showed it at GMIC a few months ago). Also the gMMM was given to ranks over a Subalternoffizier for example "Rittmeister" (= Hauptmann/captain) - but i only knew a few recipients. The most officers did earn the MMO (MVO) between the war and in the 1930s they got his honorable sold for it, as the NCO and EM did get it for earning the gMMM. The problem for ID a (may be later) pilot/"air guy" is also, that "Moser" not always shows the actually troop part of the recipients. Only M 709 at Staatsarchiv Stuttgart shows ~1/3 of the recipients mostly with pics, that could help for ID a guy. (several times i had luck for ID a pic!) Best Joe
    3. Nice but unfortunately the inlet is missing. In my opinion this types of cases are latest made in the early 1920s.
    4. Grandpa got his war aid cross for fighting on the homeland front. I like those "reactivation" guys.
    5. I have a 66 veteran, which earned his IC non combatant in 1914. Thats my oldest guy. He also got the RAO 4 with "50". I know a collector who has a bar with 1848/1864/1866/1870 medal, IC 1870 & China campaign and SWA (both for non combatants) Unfortunately he won`t sell it one of my favourite bars for non combatants: A high decorated jewish guy with 3 (!) non combatant awards: http://objekte.jmberlin.de/object/jmb-obj-516608;jsessionid=EA323D9B0A00F077B7E32D9F9A2AFB77
    6. Hi everybody! Got this nice and rarer photo. It shows a prussian pilot (i think with wuerttemberg roots or a wuerttemberg guy in a prussian regiment) with the wuerttemberg golden bravery medal - the pic was taken on his award`s day (he wrote it on the back) unfortunately no date. The special thing about it is, that he did not get the IC 1st class bevor he was awarded with the GMMM. Those pics are not easy to find. Is there a chance to ID that guy for noticeing it in my photobook? Thank you very much.
    7. A Luftwaffe guy - i.m.o. hard to ID - i think it could be a Captain or may be more. I have a bar of an later Genmaj. with only one WH LSM 4 (!)
    8. Hi, thanks for the infos. Here my pic. I am nearly sure, that he wears his art & science on ribbon of the crown order. Can somebody help to ID the version of the helmet - it is with mimikri tarn (?).
    9. EK I (first german priest with EK I) and II, MVO4, Würtemberg order of merit, austrian Franz-Joseph medal -MVO am Band für Militärbeamte (on military official´s ribbon) -Franz Josef Ritter am Kriegsband -Friedrich 1st with X and later Hindy cross with X His medal bar is shown in a bavarian museum in Munich. Foohs also did earn the MVO on the same ribbon. I also have a few pics of decorated priests. The pro ecclesia cross is a nice decoration and not so easy to find on bars. I have had 3 of them. I still have one. It was one of my first bar´s and offered by Militaria Beck. This guy is gone a long time.
    10. Hi, I need more information about the painter (Maler) Hans (Friedrich Georg Hans) von Heider born 7.1.1867 in Munich died: 11.4.52 in Blaubeuren (near Ulm) I know, that he was bavarian Olt. (or later Hauptmann) d.L. (d.R.) He got -IC 2nd class -Wilhelmscross with X -Wuerttemberg small medal for art & science -Friedrichsorder knight 1st class without X -bavarian LDA2 Are there more infos about him? I do not have the book of Klein/Raff. Espec. i would like to know, when he got his medal for art & science - in 1915/16 he was regimental painter of IR 125 THANKS.
    11. Hat der Hesse die immer noch ? Nice minis. PS: The shown person on my pic is Schwester (Frl.) Lonny H. von Versen with her ribbon of the IC. One of a handfull female recipients of the IC. The pic was taken in St. Mihiel 1915. (written on the backside)
    12. sometimes you can find "Moser" at ebay.de - but bevor you buy it - ask the seller if the names are inside. (The names of the GMMM recipients (nearly all names) is also included)
    13. Its a bar of a Badener and its rare because of the russian connection - in a lot of bars those medals are missing, because Russia was since 1914 an enermy of the Deutsches Reich.
    14. In the Ehrenbuch you only can find recipients of the GMMM and only those guys who were members of that re founded "club" in around 1957. I have had 5 pieces of the Ehrenbuch and sold 2 of them in the past. Its hard to find a numbered piece of them with certificate in it and signed by Albert Mayer. A good book with the recipients of the MMO is the Moser book in its version around 1936. (Christian Belser Verlag, Stuttgart) I.m.o not all versions does include this list. You can find it for may be 50 or more EUR. I am writing on an article about the GMMM. Its not finished yet, but i have more than 100 pages about it, with a lot of photos. Uwes shop is down. He had an accident and now he is on holidays. I do not know, if he will open it again.
    15. I cannot judge about the clasps to the "China" medal but the rest of that bar looks good imo. The 1st shown bar is definitely a nice one, too.
    16. I think your guy could be "Berckhemer". In the 1913 book he`s listed as Kriegsgerichtssekretär at the 2nd Division at Ulm. -s.V.M. - DA1 - R.A.M. Normally 1870 war commemorative medal and Centenialmedals are not listed in most books. He fought in 1870 - so he must be born around 1850 (not earlier because no 1866 medal) - in 1913 he was 63 years old. Sekretär would also fit - it´s a lower officials rank. The (only not listed) medal on his bar may be it was given as he was retired. (normally between 63 and 65 years)
    17. could you please share with me why do you think so? For drinking a lots of Vodka with russian guys. ? No, the Schlossgardekompagnie did make some parade stuff if higher foreign people visit the royal family. And because till 1914 Russia did not have the status of an enermy country AND queen Olga was a born Romanowa i think these guys would fit. Olga did a lot of good things to the state of Württemberg. - Today there`s still a Olga hospital (the citizen of Stuttgart say Olgäle), an Olgastreet , a very tasty Olga Bretzel, an old Russian church in Stuttgart and Württemberg has the Grenadierregiment "Königin Olga" 119. The people say, the last king of Württemberg - Wilhelm II. was very unhappy to fight against Russia in WW1. You can see the "Knutschlöwe" on the link. (behind the monument generations of young couples did meet and gave kisses to each other - I also did with my wife in younger years)? https://www.google.com/search?q=löwe+stuttgart+grenadier+regiment&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&biw=1536&bih=722&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=lzJoh3ux9jVzMM%3A%2Cv__Q8ZAP6IwWjM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSbFMTalAOOXCS2xeqcE4uKCyZbGw&ved=2ahUKEwjh6cHzhp7hAhVE16QKHaA0C_0Q9QEwA3oECAkQBg#imgrc=QM951dVStA9ZRM:&vet=1
    18. Ulmer Rembold Scholderer Staib Hinderberger Schweizer Berckhemer Meiser All NCO - so one of it could be your guy. - i would bet it is one of the former members of the Schlossgardekompagnie.
    19. # 2 - may be medal of the crown order seems like an EX-NCO i don`t think that we can ID that guy without a name. Served in 70/71 as a combatant may be later a lower officials rank or Hofcharge. The pic was taken in 1897 or later - definitely bevor 1914/15 - because of the russian.
    20. If he got the bavarian MMO 4th class X he definitely had the rank of an Leutnant or Oberleutnant - may be in later years of the war. I like Gropius and Bauhaus very much. I have a few things of it decorating my house.
    21. Nice bar - i hope you don`t sell it - and i would not post your real name everywhere in the net. Gruß Joe
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