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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Cool! But what the heck is going on with bar #2 of Thierrys??? A Bavarian Luitpold Commemorative in first place...even following 1935 regulations with LS medals at the end......?
    2. Actually,I think it says meckl. V. II For mecklenburg verdeinst medal not mmvx.....
    3. The Japanese 1904/05 medal! WOW!!!!!! That's what- a @ $100 medal these days? This is a group of Japanese Red Cross 1904/05 vets in 1914.
    4. Hmmmmm....my guess is he was on detached service for a year with the Ghurkas. Have you looked in the paymaster rolls at all? How about Ancestry?
    5. Very cool. Did he survive the Red Guards?
    6. hmmm....a book about the Soviets in Vietnam entitled "Killing Americans: The USSR Advisers in Vietnam" would sell very,very well. There are a lot of people here who still do not believe they (you) were there. Perhaps you would like to translate the book that came out in Russia in 2005? I am ordering a copy for this guy- whose Russian is a LOT better than mine.... (Rick shown below with rare flag for sale at the last Boxboro show- on offer for $400)
    7. Cool- you know...fame and fortune await the author who does a book on Soviet advisers' exploits in the Cold War...in english.
    8. very, very cool. If you ever wish to part with that Vietnam star ...call me. Are there any books/memoirs in Russian about what the Soviet Unions' foreign advisers did during the Cold War?
    9. Good Lord. I had assumed that all athletes would get Jubilee medals. THE US awards cash? Are you sure? I think that is the US Olympic Committee, not the Federal Government.
    10. Almost certainly sort sort of Wittelsbach/ distaff family member. Is anything written on the back?
    11. He is commemorated on the wall at the Lowell VFW-where Rick and i go to the medals show (or used to). A great medal. Odds are there are still a few people around who knew him. I think there was a "Lowell in WW2" book that has his bio, but am not certain.
    12. Have you black-lighted it? Brass was not supposed to be used often after 1941 as it was a restricted war metal (as Speer restricted metals) - but it did happen and some jewelers bought brass from shell casings and wreckage (from kids etc.) to use. While the barrette looks brand swanky new, the brass back has some decent patina, so why not? It might well have been stuck away in a sock drawer or a collectors' tray for 65 years.
    13. I saw that the Pentagon is going to take over the Military Times database in 2013 and it plans to have ALL citations added within 10 years. It's on the AP wire as a statement by George Little .
    14. Good Lord! THREE 1st class crosses!!! Hmmmmm...methinks I know someone who can find him....
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