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    Marcin L

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    Everything posted by Marcin L

    1. Christophe, You have great collection. Do you have any documents related to the awards above? Like citations etc. Regards, Marcin
    2. Hello, Would anyone be able to read the below? I would appreciate it much! Kind regards, Marcin
    3. I have many Militarpasses with Malaria vaccine entries. I think it was most common vaccine then.
    4. Jock, I thing it is "G", not 69. Nice items, I like the EK in the box. Regards, Marcin
    5. Thanks Chris. So now I think its like Top-Gun, isn't it? :-) Andy - great pictures, never seen "Sturm Lehr Gang" unit before. Really interesting. Marcin
    6. Well, great picture, but what was the idea behing "Sturm-Lehrkommando" ? What was the role of such unit?
    7. Great doc, Chris! Glenn - you have your inbox full!
    8. Well, is it possible I can see there Fliegerabteilung 107? (bottom of the Soldbuch cover)
    9. Nice set. I see a Garde Militarpas there, please post more pictures in your free time :-)
    10. Mark, very nice group. Is it your first MIlitarpass? Wait until you have 10 - that's a piece of untold history. Regards, Marcin
    11. Hi Mark, Nice MIlitarpass of Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr. 3. Just click on the link to get more information about the unit - I have very similar document on my website. I think Chris is right - your guy is Jahresklasse 1894 (born 1874), so during the mobilization he was probably called into service as a Landsturmmann (if any). But let's wait for the whole document :-) Kind regards, Marcin
    12. Well that was fast! Thank you so much, Glenn. Kind regards, Marcin
    13. Dear Jaba, Thanks for sharing this. Is it possible that his grave is described here? http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/2013/frankfurt-am-main-bockenheim_frdhf_wk1_wk2_hs.html Regards, Marcin
    14. Dear Fellow Members, I would like to ask you kindly to help me with reading the names of Rittmeister and Oberleutnant from the pages of a Militärpass that I presented on my webpage. I don't want to copy it here to save the space. http://www.imperialgermanmilitaria.com/index.php/photos/branch/kavallerie/85-jaeger-regiment-zu-pferde-nr-12 I think the first on is "Picht" and the second one is "Weckmann" but I would appreciate your thoughts here. Do you have any more detailed information about the activity of the JRzPf. 12 during the battle near Argonne Forest? At the same time, is there anyone that could read the below (in general): Thank you for your time and effort here!
    15. Hi Claudio, Here it is: http://publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/volltexte/2006/103391/pdf/A000000107.pdf Page 15. By the way, very nice picture. I see we have a DSWA day today, as Chris posted also interested postcard!
    16. Chris, thanks for sharing. I didn't know the story (mea culpa). Here is an interesting description: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/4819/asc-1293873-029.pdf?sequence=1 Regards, Marcin
    17. Jerome - wonderful picture! I have never seen EK1813 in wear.
    18. Bernhard, Thank you for this very informative post! Thanks to Wikipedia, I have found this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/43466-oberleutnant-roger-futterer/ It is very detailed history of the "festung Posen", including battle details. And here is more information about Gonell: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Gonell Also, Andreas, please revert to this source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlacht_um_Posen It is in German :-) Regards!
    19. It's not EK, Chris. I guess it is "EK66" - Erinnerungskreuz für 1866 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erinnerungskreuz_f%C3%BCr_1866). Great pass Irish Gunner, I have few similar on my website (http://www.imperialgermanmilitaria.com/index.php/photos/date/1870-1871/79-1870-71-militaerpass-documents ) Regards! Marcin
    20. Hi Andreas, here is short history of the battle: http://www.pomost.net.pl/festung_posen_1945_krotka_historia_bitwy.html It is in Polish but you can easily use Google Translator, it should be sufficient. As to the Stossreserve - it seems that it was some kind of Panzer unit (according to the history above). But I can't help you more. Regards, Marcin
    21. That's what I have, is that a minenwerfer or are they just setting up a mousetrap? The picture is signed "No. 119" on the back. May be the 119 minenwerfer kompagnie? By the way - check out this interesting list and article, it may be sometime helpful: http://www.grensland-docs.nl/brondocumenten/minenwerfer-kompagnien-1914-1918/ http://www.grensland-docs.nl/brondocumenten/formationsgeschichte-minenwerfer-1914-1918/
    22. So, here it is (by arb): Entlassungschein (discharge certificate) Dienstgrad (Rank) Fahrer (driver) Vor u. ??Name (first and family name) Johannes Weis Feldformation (field unit): see stamp Zuständige Ers. Formation (responsible depot formation); Ers. Batl. d. Fußart. R. 8 Geburtsort u. Geburtstag (birthplace and date): Frohnhausen Kr. Biedenkopf am 26.10.95 entlassen nach (discharged to): Frohnhausen, Kr. Biedenkops, Bez, Komdo Marburg am 19.12.1918 Bemerkungen (remarks); Infolge Demobilmachung aus dem Heeresdiesnte entlassen. (discharged from military service due to demobilization) mitgegebene Bekleidungen usw. Mütze ein Marschanzug (clothing received- cap and „march suit“) ?? fünfzehn Mark Marschgeld erhalten (15 Marks travel costs received) ??Fünfzig Mark Entlassungsgeld erhalten (50 marks discharge money received)
    23. Andy - pls send it to me by PM, I will try to post it if possible. It may be a browser issue maybe.
    24. Dear All, I would like to ask our German friends whether there are many imperial german militaria collectors in Germany? How would you compare WWI to WWII collectors when in comes to numbers? Do you think there are more people interested in WWI German militaria outside of Germany or within Germany? That's very interesting for me so thank you for your help! Regards from Warsaw, Marcin
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