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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Hard to affirm but looks as a Commander star of the civil merit of the crown order .
    2. Elmar : The tunic looks republican to me , first the shade of the grey , second the green collar tabs the most common colour in this era , third the cut , very plain and the absent bar of decorations . the material looks like a light woolen cloth not the late ww1 tricot made almost all of artificial fibres of good look but rather weak . but is only my point of view . the tunic must have some internal tag of taylor taille , etc ¿can you look inside ?
    3. I agree with Glenn, the then crown prince of Prussia dont likes so much the overcharged uniforms , during his brief reign he abolished the use of epaulettes only shoulder boards must be used .
    4. ¿Why grotesque ? ,the litzen of course , The colour was field grey, and the uniform a hybrid of austrian and german .the service cap was german type the field cap austrian type , the colours of arm of service , the same as in Germany ,the cavalry retained the pelzulanka and all the helmet .In 1933 the austrian republic returned to the austrian traditions . the basic colour was field grey austrian FG . ,the cut returned to ww1 type the kepi was reintroduced the old badges of rank too, inclusive coloured uniforms were presed in service again for certain traditionsregimente . The arm of service colour was simplified but basically returns to austrian origins .
    5. King Achmet Zog was a great opportunist , He wa muslim and one of the tribal chieftains of Albania . Prince lajos Windischgraetz related that during the serbian retreat Zog encircled and destroyed a serbian infantry brigade took the armament and organized an army . Windischgraetz was commisioned to bribe Zog to side with AH . the prince with a escort of kaiserjaegers meets Zog in his castle made the proposal ,Zog accepted together with 100000 gold korone and promised allegiance to Austria . At night , Zog meets a bulgarian colonel his proposal an 100000 levas . Later was bribed by the greeks and sided to the Allies . The uniform colour is a light blue grey , but the lace on the front open knots and skirts must be black
    6. I can identify King Ludwig iii of Bavaria in AH uniform , Kaiser Karl I in bavarian regimental uniform , empress Zita and queen Maria Therese of Bavaria . The civil servant is bavarian , I dont know the name of the feldmarschalleutnant but iam able to say that he is a personal adjutant to kaiser Karl .
    7. The generals braid was sewn over a longer red patch also , The brownish grey tunic with yellow patches could belongs to a series of experimental models of uniforms tested during 1915 1916 made of a sort of khaki , imperial yellow is the same as kaisergelb ,
    8. Hello the tunic with green facings , looks as a republican one , the other looks KuK , of a technical beamte .
    9. Hungarian nobleman attila ,, perhaps belonged to a Habsburg , living in hungary.The basic colour of these national costumes uses to be variable . most common white , green ,red . even yellow and brown .
    10. Perhaps belongs to the Gendarmerie .
    11. Hello : The policemen that under Lt von Godin fired against Hitler and cie the 23th November in Munich were dressed like the guys of the photos .
    12. The NCO seated in the center is a vizefeldwebwel . his portepee appears just under his left forearm . The Matrosen Bataillone used the same uniform of sailors but in feldgrau , the officers a naval peaked cap in feldgrau , a field grey bluse and breeches . They wear the rank on shoulder boards marine model or on the cuffs ,sometimes both systems . Prince Henry the Kaisers brother , used during the war the field grey uniform as described with both systems of rank . the uniforms described were standardized in 1915 . The old argentinian Armada apart of the Marines used to have the Marineria de desembarco . roughly translated as landing sailors . Sailors in sailor uniform and with infantry rifle bayonet and harness .
    13. Erik : Looks like a senior NCO sabre of the WW1 period . NCOs an kadetts thended to use the sabre in a sort of bayonet frog pending by two straps of the normal belt . and the only ring served to tie the scabbard to the frog .
    14. Hello The General intendanten ranks as generalmajor and this in particular was imperial royal that is belonging to the austrian Landwehr . not to the common army imperial and royal . All the officials of the three A H armies carried sabre , and portepee . Ones the infantry officers sabre others a more elegant type .
    15. Hello : The Austro hungarian cavalry received steel helmets somewhat late but by the year 1918 they were of general use . not all the cavalry was dismounted and inclusive the dismounted units conserved a troop of 25 riders . The hungarians Somogyi and Barczi in their book about the Honved : For the king and the country Kyralyert Ez Hazaert offer much information .I think that the guys included the two officers are regimental stormtroopers , rohamist of a dismounted regiment of hussars .
    16. The equivalence is to a colonel (oberst ). the waved braid and the three rosettes Nice badges
    17. Chip : Thank you , Ihad never see previously these straps . quite useful in view of the tendence of a wet foot to slides into a boot like the german .
    18. Hello : The litewka for generals not always was used with alt larisch braid Bethmann Yes he is , carries the light blue collar patch of his regiment GDR 1 piped in red . and the shoulder boards of a general but with a double backing light blue over red of the dragoons . Hindenburg used to wear th litewka with the collar patches of the 3rd Foot guards and general shoulder boards with the yellow backing of his regiment .The gentlemen of prince Leopold HQ wears the old graublau melierte hose in fact near black trousers . they were tolerated . mostly in the east front . Cords .... the use of cord trousers was not uncommon but was most common in the Landsturm or Landwehr . Another option to use black trousers were the Galahosen introduced with the Kunftigefriedenuniform of 1915 but is not the case of the photo One rarity is the tunic of the 3d man from the left a hybrid between a koller and a mountain bluse . cheers
    19. Something about Litzen and Kragenpatten : Early in the war the General Staff officers wear with the 1910 feldgrau no litzen but a collar patch crimson in colour . the doctors one similar but blue with red piping . the paymasters a blue one piped withe and so on . of course the Garde korps officers and all the other units mentioned previously went to war with their litzen over collar patches . The M 15 litzen for officers were all made of muted metalic thread of silver . over there a 2 3 mm wide braid in gold or silver corresponded with button colour . the officially matt grey litze for the rank and file carried a similar line of white or yellow cloth . and in some cases a fullung between the two litze a filling in red or other colour . cheers
    20. Hello : Cavalry never vanished during WWI Austria Hungary as example , retained until the end two Kavallerie truppendivisionen ,each of two brigades each brigade with two regiments . These regiments have three sabre squadrons and one of MG s with 4 machines , The division comprised also a mounted artillery division ( a group ) All on horseback . the riders armed with carbines , bayonets and sabres . NCOS and musicians with pistol and sabre . they all weared the sthalhelm ,and the pelzulanka . The two mounted divisions were deployed in the east front especially in Ucraina .The frenchs by thear side maintained mounted cavalry in the Salonika front and this cavalry of the Armee de Orient under general Jouinott Gambetta , three regiments one of spahis and the other two chasseurs d afrique , all on horseback , attacked the 14th September 1918 and avanced speedly capturing Uskub Skoplie the HQ of the Bulgaro german enemies . they avanced by surprise using goat paths until reached the heights dominatin Uskub and then descend suddenly . A brave action not much recognized in France inclusive The only support of Jouinott brigade was a section of Automitralleuses a WT station on a ox cart and a section of 65mm guns .
    21. Chris : Nice photos each with a unique story behind . I observed that the saxon of IR 182 and the man of the RIR 13 both wears spurs with their infantry boots ¿ machine gunners , meldereiters ? The feldwebelleutnant of the IR 40 uses on his left breast a strange badge ¿ do you know what is ? . thanks for share .
    22. Jock Auld You have right , the complex engineering is german trademark owed to the ever short supply of material in both wars . once i saw a photo of a german flyer of ww1 wearing a pair of riding boots of normal style but confectioned with multiple pieces of leather . Bayern
    23. To Jock Auld : I think it is perhaps a personal one of a temporary chaplain the red colour is for use in a mass conmemorating a martyr , per case , purple mourning ,etc The Luftwaffe dont have chaplains Goring dont allowed chaplains in his nazi air force .but not forbade the practice of religion . said me something more about the materials of wich the stola is make . Cheers
    24. Hello : Strange thing , looks like a german hussar the one cockade cap was normal pre 1897 . the cockade appears a saxon one and officer type . the shoulder cords looks like of ones of a field officer . and in a whole the presumptive hussar seems to be a gentleman rider after a race . possible . they tended to use lighted items of uniform , silk made caps or breeches .
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