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    Everything posted by Bayern

    1. Hello The very first photo i had ever see of Hindenburg wearing austrian uniform . I suppose that is the uniform of a oberst inhaber 69 kuk IR . He dont looks specially happy .
    2. Is a officer type ,the cockades says that . but with other simpler cockades is a soldiers one The Feldwebel Vizefeldwebel and Offizierstellverteter were entitled to wear officer type cockades .
    3. Yes the buttons and the shoulder boards . they are a scarce item used by few men and during a short period of time . Ican not imagine how appeared in Singapore !! the sun used to mark the rank of officers is certainly the Inca one but for i dont know which reason between 1923 and 1946 the german type pip was used by generals with all uniforms by other officers with the gala (parade ) uniform . with the others the rounded suns . today the pips subsisted into the police forces . Cheers
    4. Hello Prussian . Its the most probable , or a high official , for example one one of a intendantur o the chief of a camp sometimes these were retired generals too old for the front ..
    5. The piece showed is a for me roman catholic , a estola i dont know the english name , is the minimum of eclesiastic garment that a priest must use durin the exercise of his functions so was and is normally used with the uniform in the case of chaplains The colour and ornament are variables depending the colour of the lithurgic calendary the holy cross is the imprescindible ornament German chaplains inclusive during ww2 used the estola , the anglican chaplains used the estola too . of the lutherans i am unable to state nothing but i believe that they not use a estola Cheers
    6. The Prussian : The xiv AK was part of the Prussian army the 14 inspektion comprended five Truppen lagern Heuberg Mannheim Rastatt Tauberbischofheim and eight Offiziere lagern Freiburg Heidelberg Karlsruhe Lahr Pforzheim Rastatt Villingen and Vohrenberg . ¡nice job to find in wich camp was the photo made !
    7. Hello During the ww1 were in Germany 95 prisoner camps for soldiers and 80 for officers . the depended of Inspektions (in german ) they coincide with the Army corps , so there were one for the Oberkommando der Marken one for the Garde Korps and so on totalling 21 inspektionen apart the bavarian saxon and the wurttembergian each inspection comprising a variable number of camps The references not mention gruppe or numbers
    8. Not a kommando flagge neither corps division or brigade , perhaps of the German volunteer automovil corps a militarized automovil club whose chef was prince Henry of Prussia brother of William . the DFAK have uniform ,a grey one with adark red collar . a slouch hat and later a field cap and a side weapon a hirschfanger . all of the drivers were wealthy car owners Prince Henry itself used to drive personally his car during the war .
    9. The helmets never were abolished , chapkas and busbies too , observe that most of the kurassiere uses the their special waffenrock the fiel grey koller .
    10. ccj Always at disposition . certainly the books about the marine korps are mostly in german but i have found for you the following in english : Wielding the dagger : The Marine Korps Flandern and the german war effort 1914 18 . author :Mark D Karau , edited in Westport Ct by Praeger .Good luck !
    11. Hello Perhaps is argentine , the Ejercito Argentino tested the exact thing circa 1924 when a new field uniform was adopted . at these time the service weapon was the Mauser modelo argentino 1909 a variant of the 1898 and the bayonet was too a german one . Our cavalry was numerous in 1924 , twelve regiments (the infantry numeres 24 ) but the correaje (textual ) tested was not adopted and I only knew one photo Bayern
    12. ccj .: The german seebataillons under Admiral Von Schroeder fight with courage and profesionalism their record is not very known . their french opponents and counterpart were the fusiliers marins under rear admiral R onarch in the muddy trenches of Flanders . The Marinekorps Flandern fought in the siege of Antwerp , the second battle of Flanders ,the battle of the Somme , the offensives of March 1918 and ... the Marine detachement Skutari of the seebataillon ,after return to Germany in August 4 1914 was later transferred to the Breslau light cruiser and the cruiser gos to Turkey . The Marine Korps in four years lost 10000men of around 60000 . After the armistice members of the korps formed the Freikorps Lutzow and the Freikorps Schwarze Jaeger .
    13. Erklarung . Dr Israel first name was James not Josef Dr James Israel 1848 1926 is the white bearded man and was a veteran of the franco prussian war .
    14. Yes ,there were metal pickelhaubes called ersatz , this one appears to be the one piece stamped model others were in three pieces , some were black lacquered anothers field grey the material was iron sheet 2 mm thick as maximum .Colonels J articles are the best online about pickelhaubes try in www pickelhauben net
    15. Once isaw the photo ,it was into the THE Times History of War .the caption says : Dr Israel the famous surgeon in a red cross train . Certainly Dr Josef Israel a famed surgeon of Berlin served during th war with circa 70 years of age his specialisation was the kidney surgery .
    16. Perhaps the name is Kaiserslautern a rhenanian city not so far from Koblenz , Saarbrucken and Ludwigshafen an rhein . in kaiserslautern is today the USAF base Ramstein
    17. Hard to expose a opinion , I will tell what my german grandmother tels me about the theme : briefly that the colony of South west africa was rather pacific until the Herero hotentots the most intell igent tribe wich was very adapted to the european way revolted instigated by naturally , british agents and moravian missionaires . and the hidden reason was the find by the germans of rich diamonds fields . The fact is that was a real bush war very hard to conclude and malignized to the extreme inclusive inside Germany . not much diferent that the apartheid South africa fought in Namibia .
    18. Hello Certainly the car looks as a Delaunay . czar Nicholas II owed several of these luxury cars . the bodywork of this precise car is special and rather sport looking , that appears to be a car post at disposal by some wealthy owner perhaps the elegant driver .was common . The moustachoed officer is not William II ! Cheers
    19. Hello Kenneth : Barbusse is translated , the last edition by Penguin books 2003 title Under fire . Duhamel is translated too under the name The new book of the martyrs , Aeterna eds 2011 , Duhamel Florence Simmons . about Thoumin and Vignes Rougues i am not sure but if they are translated you could probably find them in a military library . please comment me later what you find .
    20. tHello . They are bavarian jaegers the ones wearing the waffenrock are using the kunftige friedensuniform ,field grey with collar and cuffs in green and bright plain buttons ; the others a litewka ,one a greatcoat and one a bluse of officers cut . interesting are the trousers . of a cared cut and with sous pied also the short boots They appeared to be one year volunteers , one year volunteers must buy their uniforms as presumptive officers they tended to buy officer quality items
    21. Kenneth : I have some other photos of wwi era , of my grandfather in Turkey as german civil servant of the Ottoman Empire .iwill try to share the pics in the correspondent section of the site . A last commentary : the french Service de Sante de la Armee during ww1 was first adecuate later disastrous 1916 was a critical year ,and from 1917 onwards , a good service .who wants to know something could read Le Feu of Barbusse or La Grande guerre of General Thoumin , Sous le bracelet de le Etat Majeur of Jean des Vignes Rougues and Vie des Martyrs of George Duhamel . Duhamel was a first line doctor . Well i hope my efforts serves . herzliche grusse
    22. for carol i yesterday i posted the promised photos and text sadly i was not able to post the capture of my opapa bescheininigung certification and of his title too heavy both within the margins of bites .i will procure to reduce the weight and post both documents . a herzlich gruss
    23. Hello : these are some pics N 1 the sanitatsauto  used to ride convalescent wounded soldiers N2 a group of covalescent nurses dr wurschmidt and other N3 a nurse and a doctor N4 Dr Wurschmidt ,left , cradling a x ray tube 





      1. Bayern




        More pics , The first is the sanitatsflugzeug , just landed on a field near the lazarett , the plane is a C tyoe with the machine gun removed .was used to spot woundeds and to transport medicines and other medical supplies , the second pic is of a russian polkovnik wounded and prisoner interned in the lazarett . my grandfather uses to chat with the colonel in french . The lazarett was Reserve Lazarett 26 Erlangen 

    24. Hello , My paternal grandfather Dr Josef Wurschmidt 1886 1950 , was during the year 1916 the head of the x ray cabinet in the Reserve lazarett of Bamberg . He was not a medicine doctor he was a physic doctor and disciple of Roentgen and Wiedemann I have a photo of him with a Roentgen tube in his arms cradled like a baby . On the allied side Madame Curie leaded a team of mobile X ray cabinets .
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