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    Everything posted by Utgardloki

    1. There are lots of fraternities with these colours, from what city came it from?
    2. The line to double letters was used to increase readability (at least that's what I heard) and I personally think that is true. I tend to use it in my own handwriting sometimes. I even saw it with more that one letter, e.g. "Reiter" with line over "er" to indicate it is "Reiterer"
    3. Are the Leonrod pieces yours? Always interesting to see where the things went to.
    4. Zum Andenken v. Kriege 1914/15 Lebe Wohl auf Wiedersehen Bin immer gesund glücklich und guten Humors. Wir haben schönes warmes Wetter es fängt schon alles an zu wachsen. Die Sehnsucht nach der Heimat wird deshalb immer größer. Gestern nachts hatten wir eine sehr gefährliche Arbeit. Zwischen unserer Stellung und der Feindlichen mußten wir ein Drahthindernis ziehen unter beständigem Feuer. Bin wieder glücklich durchgekommen es gab zwei tote u(nd) 20 verwundete. Wir dürfen überall von einem großen Glück sagen wenn uns die Franzosen bemerkt hätten wären wir sicher nicht gut weggekommen Liebe Sabina: (can't decipher that at the moment....?) meinem verwüstem Gesicht? meine Flinte in der Hand hat mir schon oft mein Leben geretet. Sei recht herzlich gegrüßt und lebe Wohl auf freudiges Wiedersehen dein lieber Ludwig
    5. First, what an amazing group ... heaven't seen this thread before ... this huge photographs are incredible! Second (about last post), the bar an the picture is a different one isn't it?
    6. Thanks for the further information, didn't see the one on the left... ? They look great
    7. very nice, where did the Fahnenspitze belong to?
    8. I recently added this picture to my collection. It's an major of the 3rd Württembergian infantry regiment Nr. 121 I think it should be possible to identify him. I tried it myself, but wasn't able to find a post 1914 ranklist online He is wearing: EK2 1914 Württembergischer MVO (Ritterkreuz) Friedrichs-Orden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern ??? An EK - equivalent - which one ??? Bayrischer MVO III.Klasse mit Schwertern und Krone ??? Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Ritter 2.Klasse Bremer Hanseatenkreuz EK1 1914 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
    9. That's funny... didn't see him ... so much detail in there
    10. They were long worn side by side ... epaulettes to the Paradeanzug (parade dress), the Gesellschaftsanzug (formal dress?), Galaanzug (gala dress); Achselstücke to the other dresses. With the new Friedensuniform 1915 they were abandoned even with the parade dress as mentioned in the posts before Threre also exists the gestickter Waffenrock (embroidered tunic) that was worn till around 1900(? I am shure another member knows the exact date) that was worn by generals to the parade dress and gala dress, that had its own shoulder parts:
    11. Just saw this picture of Zar Ferdinand of Bulgaria Source: Dorotheum, Vienna, auction from the 23rd of May 2018
    12. Indeed, there aren't many recipients, do You know the original recipient of yours? Great work! looks very nice. Kind regards!
    13. Very nice pieces shown so far! I really like this austrian golden merit cross with crown. It's a nice variation. The von Pentz ribbon bar is stunning, for shure one of the best ones out there! My favorite ribbon bar is this one to Oberstleutnant Gerog Hoffmann (wasn't it once yours Deruelle?) Kind regards!
    14. @laurentius Thanks for showing! Would be interesting if this was more common during the first half of the 19th century...
    15. Just have seen another one: "Karl von Knoerzer, General der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 26. Division von 1881-1885 (1884?, siehe Rückseite), stehend in Uniform des Grenadier-Regimentes Nr. 119 (Königin Olga), Orden und Degen / 1897" Equaly interesting, his beautiful Degen
    16. According to the "Bekleidungsvorschrift für Offiziere, Sanitätsoffiziere und Veterinäroffiziere des königlich preußischen Heeres" with the kleiner Dienstanzug (small duty dress) had to be worn: PLM, EK1, Jerusalem Cross allowed were: one neck insignia one prussian war order or its ribbon or the ribbon of the Rettungsmedaille (Livesaving medal) in the second buttonhole from above This is from the dress regulations of the prussian army. I don't know the marine one but I think it has similar regulations for the kleiner Dienstanzug So to switch from Dienstanzug (duty dress) zu kleiner Dienstanzug (small duty dress) if one has the EK in the buttonhole he has just to put away the medal bar (at least if you wear the Waffenrock to the kleiner Dienstanzug)?
    17. @RWS Thanks for this very intersting insights - in Austria we have both Malta and Johanniter ambulances driving around @1812 Overture Yes, it seems to be the same person on each picture
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