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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Very nice Augustin, especially as an officer's award, I love the Spanish Peninsular period decorations but alas they are difficult in the main to find and when they do turn up they are often quite expensive. Look forward to seeing more images. All the best, Paul
    2. Very nice trio, I suspect he wore through many pairs of boots as Special. Paul
    3. Sounds similar to the budget hotel I experienced in Madeira which seemed to be the focal point for the all the noisiest and hungriest mosquitos on the island. Paul
    4. It certainly is not an official piece of masonic regalia, rather a privately made piece commissioned by the wearer. Paul
    5. Given the size of the Free State forces I would have thought the buckle is of great rarity, while a ZARP badge is very nice I would have thought it would be easier to obtain (although still difficult). Paul
    6. Peter is absolutely right, extra medals are easily obtained from various sources including tailors stock. So a named single 1965 War medal can have another 6 or 7 medals added to it to sex it up and unless it is an officer's group impossible to confirm the entitlement. The most dangerous area though is where IGS 36's or Independence medals are sexed up with WWII medals and stars. At the Britannia fair I saw a 2 bar IGS 1936 to a WWII Dogra POW with various attachment which from the ribbon bar was clear had been added quite recently. It was a shame because I would have happily bought the IGS as a singleton but was not prepared to pay an extra £60 for the additions. Paul
    7. I'm afraid with mounted Pakistani groups the rule is guilty until proved innocent as although they are not valuable medals, especially where there is a named medals in the group, then a few extra rupees can be made by placing additions. Paul
    8. I suspect the St John like cross is probably one of the Military School badge, the Third in the Group looks like it has a St Vladimir Ribbon, which could be the 1812 centenary. Paul
    9. With handwriting like that he must have been a doctor. I think even a native Bulgarian would find it challenging. Paul
    10. Really nice example of a very rare coin, the Divus Augustus obverse was Trajan's way of showing that he was a legitimate successor as Emperor, the legionary standards referring to his many victories in Dacia and the Middle East. In those days coins were very much political statements showing the emperor in the light that he wished to be seen. Paul
    11. I suspect the first figure $250,000 is the most likely, still well worth finding. Paul
    12. Approx 2.8 million were struck in 1909, however the figure you give 3,000 million dollars was probably more than the GDP for USA that year so I suspect the sky research team were talking out of an orifice that wasn't their mouth, even $3 million was a vast amount of money in those days and would have weighed about a ton. I suspect if the ship was sunk in 1909 I suspect there would have been $20 of earlier years included in the consignment, certainly if there were all 1909 and $3 million then it would be 6-7% of the mintage of $20 for 1909. Paul
    13. The cloth star in the Nation Maritime Museum is 90 x85mm Paul
    14. Fantastic Lars I would have thought pretty well unique in reduced or miniature size. Paul
    15. paul wood

      Ottoman stars

      The first is almost certainly a turban or fez badge. The other has an imitation Osmani lira of Mohammed V in the centre (1908-18) so probably great War Period. Paul
    16. I am afraid they are part of the monstrous legion of fakes (or fantasies) which have bedevilled E-Bay (and other sites) for the last several years. I would not touch them with the proverbial 10 foot bargepole Paul
    17. The badge is gilt bronze and enamel, I have handled two examples, one in ANS part 3 26/4/07 lot 188 (£950); Rockwood Part 2 11/6/15 lot 62 (£1,800). All the best, Paul
    18. I can see no obvious problem with the piece based on the photographs, however given the quality of some of the copies on the market one cannot be obviously certain without close physical examination with a powerful glass. The Imperial Russian market is in turmoil while 6-8 years ago when the market was at its crazy heights it would have made £50,000 without much difficulty. Now you would do VERY well to get a third of that figure, however I would suggest Holmasto ought to know as they have a history of selling quite good Russian material, based on your enquiry it seems you are suggesting that the auction house has no idea of the market. As a fellow member of the auction business I have found them quite professional in any dealing I have had with them and if you don't trust them, as your post seems to suggest, or you would have been happy to take their advice, why are you entrusting them with the auction?
    19. As far as I am aware no one has done detailed research on the Merit Medals of Boris III, there will undoubtedly be several variants as they would have been issued over a period of roughly a quarter of century. I suspect boxes or envelopes of issue would give a clue as to the various makers. As to numbers awarded in the various classes they would probably be found in the Bulgarian archives or in the national library where they would have the various gazettes of awards. Paul
    20. Radmilo, Sounds wonderful I will definitely get a copy, Paul
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