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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. Thanks Mervyn. The did their part, that is for sure. Just think of all of the morale the chocolate brought to those weathering it out in the trenches.
    2. Sorry about that. I was kinda in a fix at the time and did not have time to do a google search. Plus, I like discussions. 99.9% of everything discussed can be simply googled- so what is the purpose of a military discussion forum?
    3. Are we sure that the two purple ribbons are for the Purple Heart? Also, I would expect that with the discrimination present within America at the time, all folks of "Asian decent" would have been sorta lumped together. I would think that he would have been with the 442nd, which fought in Europe. I can easily see the tailor who made the ribbon bar erroneously(or by design of the US vet who was proud of his US service) instinctively placing the US ribbons over the Korean Ribbons. The American Defense Medal should be the highest ranking of them though. Do we have anyone here who is familiar with the Korean ribbon combination?
    4. That is really something. I just read the history of the Cadbury company on their website. They have been around since 1854 and supplied candy to troops since 1900. From what I can see, they are the oldest continuously running candy factory in the world. Almost 200 years!
    5. Hahaha. Actually, I had the day off and am between classes, so I have time I am not accustomed to. LOL
    6. They look like Cadbury Chocolates! That is the coolest thing I've seen all day.
    7. Here is the final translation for the documents. Thanks Auke! Here is what the group looks like, sans the missing ORS. Record card Record card Order booklet nr. B-236874 1. Last name: Ismailov 2. First name and patronymic: Mamed Umudovich 3. Military rank: Guards Major of the Veterinary Service 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1912 6. Place of birth: City of Geokchai 7. Party membership (since which year): Not a member 8. Education: Higher 9. Nationality: Azerbaijani 10. Since which year in the Red Army: From 1941 through 1945 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied at the time of the award: Senior regimental veterinarian in the 46th Army, Southern Group of Forces 12. Current place of service and position: Veterinarian attached to the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR 13. Home address of the awardee: Village of Shuveryan house nr. 957, Azizbek Raion, city of Baku 14. List of all awards received: Name of the order or medal Serial number Number of the document Ground of award Order of the Red Star 2542695 Temporary certificate nr. K-335139 Order of the 46th Army nr. 0264/N of September 14, 1945 Order of the Red Star 618732 Temporary certificate nr. B-384261 Order of the 28th Army nr. 20/N of April 28, 1944 Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad Permanent certificate nr. U-03136 Decree of December 22, 1942 Medal for the Capture of Vienna Permanent certificate nr. A-076567 Decree of June 9, 1945 Medal for the Capture of Budapest Permanent certificate nr. A-172765 Decree of June 9, 1945 Medal for the Victory over Germany Permanent certificate nr. G-0332923 Decree of May 9, 1945 Signature of the awardee: [signed] I confirm the correctness of the data and the signature of the awardee (position and signature): Military commissar of the city of Baku Colonel [signed] /Dronov/ August 22, 1947 Award sheet Award sheet 1. Last name, first name, and patronymic: Ismailov, Mamed Umudovich 2. Rank: Guards Major of the Veterinary Service 3. Position and unit: Senior veterinarian of the 144th Vienna Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Guards Rifle Regiment, 49th Kherson Red Banner Order of Suvorov Guards Rifle Division Nominated for: Order of the Red Star 4. Year of birth: 1912 5. Nationality: Azerbaijani 6. Party affiliation: Not a member 7. Participation in the Civil War, the subsequent combat actions to defend the USSR, and the Patriotic War (where and when): In the Patriotic War since November 1941 8. Wounds and contusions received during the Patriotic War: No 9. Since when in the Red Army: Since November 1941 10. Drafted by which military commissariat: Military Commissariat of the Geokchai Raion, Azerbaijan SSR 11. Awards received previously: Order of the Red Star by Order of the 28th Army nr. 20/N of April 28, 1944 and the Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad 12. Permanent home address of the prospective awardee and the address of his family: _______________ Short, concrete description of his feat of arms or accomplishments: During the fighting with the German invaders Guards Major of the Veterinary Service Ismailov repeatedly displayed bravery, selflessness, and dedication. He gave his all and used all his knowledge to organize the Veterinary Service in the best possible way. He arranged the regiment’s veterinary duties in an excellent manner. The veterinary hospital is always in the best possible condition. Under difficult combat conditions he provides veterinary aid to wounded and ill horses in a timely manner and without interruptions. Out of the 150 wounded and ill horses admitted to the veterinary hospital, 110 recovered and were returned to service. The remaining 40, which were severely ill and required extensive treatment, were evacuated to a rear-area veterinary hospital. From the Dniester to Vienna he perfectly organized the selection of captured horses. Out of the 450 selected horses, 206 were transported to the motherland. In a timely fashion he takes prophylactic measures to prevent infectious diseases. In 1944 542 horses underwent mulenization[?]. Blood was drawn from 451 horses for a complement fixation test. In the units that possess horses he organized systematical veterinary training on horse care, use of horses, and all types of infectious diseases. Comrade Ismailov is currently with his unit. He deserves the Order of the Red Star. Commander of the 144th Vienna Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Guards Rifle Regiment Guards Colonel [signed] /Lubenchenko/ July 24, 1945 He deserves to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class. Divisional veterinarian Guards Major of the Veterinary Service [signed] /Kharitonov/ July 25, 1945 He deserves to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class. Commander of the 49th Kherson Red Banner Order of Suvorov Guards Rifle Division Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Major General [signed] /Margelov/ July 27, 1945 He deserves to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class. Chief veterinarian of the 10th Guards Rifle Corps Guards Major of the Veterinary Service [signed] /Ivanchenko/ August 7, 1945 He deserves to be awarded the Order of the Red Star. Commander of the 10th Budapest Guards Rifle Corps Guards Lieutenant General [signed] /Rubanyuk/ August 8, 1945 He deserves the Order of the Red Star. Chief of the Veterinary Section of the 46th Army Lieutenant Colonel of the Veterinary Service [signed] /Meskhoradze/ August 24, 1945 He deserves the Order of the Red Star. Deputy commander for the rear of the 46th Army Major General [signed] /Smokachov/ August 31, 1945 He will be awarded the Order of the Red Star. Commander of the 46th Army Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General [signed] /Petrushevsky/ Member of the Army’s Military Council Major General [signed] /Konovalov/ September 13, 1945
    8. Did you all ever finish that article? I would love to read it.
    9. Hi Vince, I did not know the details of the Ems Dispatch until you mentioned it. After looking it up, it makes me really respect Bismarck even more as a political spin doctor! He knew that the translation of the title given to the ambassador would be misinterpreted by the French, while having complete deniability from his side. Wow. Your bar is exactly the type I would love to have for my collection. Your man saw it all. Did he receive the EK1 as well? What was his rank when he departed the service? Oberlt? Jason, I love your bar very much as well. Not only was he present for much of the German unification process, he also spent a lot of time outside of Germany. Do you know anything about his background? I would love to see your other pieces as well, if possible. Rujab, that lapel chain of yours is stellar. With the Centennial Medal, he had at least 36 years of service! Was the Centennial Medal awarded to retirees, or only active duty folks?
    10. Irishgunner, those are some great items. I dont see too many of the Schleswig-Holstein Medals. Also, those are the first era Wehrpasses I have ever seen. Yes, but Bismarck purposely instigated it. In my mind, I had the Prussians starting it through their manipulation and calculation. Sorry for my misnomer. Regardless, lets see your stuff! :-) Sadly, these are my only two pieces. I would love to find a veteran's bar that contains all three!
    11. Nice to see the Purple Heart cheapened in a manner I never thought possible.
    12. Minister Bismarck was in office from 1862 until his dismissal by Wilhelm II in 1890. During his time in service, he initiated several wars with the ulterior motive of unifying Germany. The most famous of these were the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1(both of which also assisted in the unification of Italy). Lets see your medals, militaria, and groupings!
    13. That is an amazing set of artifacts from one person. It is unusual for a cadet to have the unit stamps? I would have figured the adult admin staff would have those. Still, really nice find.
    14. Thanks Rogi!! You and me both. Still, a great set as CG named medals from any era are not easy to find.
    15. Paul R

      Happy New Year

      Merry Christmas Nick and everyone!
    16. Very interesting reading from all of you here. Thank you very much. Great find on the allotted numbers of awards to General Lettow-Vorbeck's unit. I hope that he awarded them all out. Also, it seems that based upon the numbers, the EK2s were provided to cover the locals? There were not 1000 German members in the unit there. So what was this medal awarded for?
    17. What was a LT Feldwebel? Was he considered to be an officer or enlisted? Was this a way for NCOs to become officers?
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