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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. Re: the top bar. Sascha mentioned two years ago (see above) that this is a fake, maybe an older type of fake that came in a bunch from the same seller. I think Sascha may be right: Huesken is currently selling the bar below, which is a quite similar construction, odd combination of ribbons too: Has anyone seen similar ones?
    2. China Medals are listed in the DOA 1908/09. I know yes - some caution here (Rick, I remember!) - steel versions are not necessarily listed. Usually these went to Zahlmeister and similar types. But no one really fits here. The other candidates, judging from their 1914 combinations, are: KK Mündel (2.4.95) KK Kahlert (2.4.95), had a RAO4mKr KK Westerkamp (16.4.94), had a RAO4mKr OStA Dr. Gersdorf (1.4.88) All of these are in the DOA, with Centenary but without China Medal. There is one other vague candidate: Stabszahlmeister Magnus Lange (29.3.78) had RAO and PKO, no LS award, but is not listed in the DOA at all. So yes, ID is not 100%, but quite good.
    3. I've looked up that obituary you mentioned. It lists a brother Hans-Jürgen Ballas, which makes me believe that Dieter's original last name was just "Ballas" and that he maybe added his wife's name "von Rüdgisch" to it.
    4. This Imperial Navy bar - which came from a seller in Alabama - seems common, but in fact it is not. It is a navy officer's bar, for the "monkey dress" jacket, pre-1914. Red Eagle Order (4th cl probably), Crown Order (4th cl probably), China Medal, Centenary. (but NO LS award!) The combination seems common, but, ok assuming this is the last pre-war bar the wearer had, there is - surprisingly - only one candidate: char. Marine-Generalarzt Dr. Heinrich Schmidt (1871-1945) The combination of having NO long service award BUT still the 1897 Centenary medal AND the China Medal makes it ID'able. Dr. Heinrich Schmidt entered Navy service 1.10.1896 (so just in time to get the 1897 medal) Oberstabsarzt 27.3.1909 Generaloberarzt 24.5.1916 Char. Marine-Generalarzt 27.4.1921 Here is his entry in the 1918 ranklist, with wartime awards: He got PKO4 10.10.1901 as Marineoberassistenzarzt, Marinestation der Nordsee RAO4 9.5.1909 as Marineoberstabsarzt, SMS Zähringen But most important, his China medal is shown in the DOA 1908/09: The Navy Ehrenrangliste has his final rank: All other candidates either do not list a China medal or held a LS award. A particularly interesting case is Korvettenkapitän Hermann Buchholz, who holds the same awards as Schmidt in 1914 (without LS award) BUT his LS is listed in the 1918 RL. By chance, I found Schmidt's death date on the internet: He died at the military hospital Bad Nenndorf in 1945: Marine-General, Arzt a.D., Medizinalrat SCHMIDT, DR. MED. Heinrich 25.07.1871, Homburg v.d.Höhe 05.12.1945, Bad Nenndorf Link: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/dkm_deutschland/bad_nenndorf_frdh_wk2_ns.htm
    5. Thanks, Rogi. I don't think we should take the width too seriously. It varies on Ehm's different bars, probably no one had much experience with it. The ribbon is certainly not a second Red Star, as it is clearly different from the Red Star ribbon that is used. Moreover, it is put in very different places, not always together with the Red Star.
    6. Yes, but the one who was already Oberst a.D. in 1926 is unlikely to have been alive in the 60s.
    7. My thoughts on this: This grouping belonged to two different members of the same family. There is an EK 1939 as a single ribbon bar and an EK 1914 on the large bar, these must have been awarded to different individuals. The navy items probably belonged to one person, much younger than the other, who the large bar belonged to. The name you found in the Ehrenrangliste seems to be Oberst Bruno von Rüdgisch .
    8. Found a third bar of Ehm's, on display on his uniform at the Hamburg Museum of Naval History. This one is shorter than the others, probably only with his most important awards. The last ribbon is the medal for 30 years Nationale Volksarmee (1986).
    9. I found a third bar of Ehm's, on display at the Hamburg Museum of Naval History. Here again, the (supposed) Che Guevara Order is in correct width:
    10. Any new ideas on this one? Does anyone know of GDR officers who got Cuban awards?
    11. Hello Paul, I couldn't send a pm for some reason. I saw this thread too late. Any of Rick's bars still available? Also, I have one row of one of Moritz von Gall's bars of which Rick, if I remember correctly, had the second part. Best Chris
    12. There are a number of possibilities, such as: Albrechtsorden Ernestiner Hausorden Bavarian Military Merit Order
    13. I wonder if that's really a Hohenzollern in the photo. The ribbon under the crown device doesn't look black.
    14. Wow - that was close. I almost thought you found my (still unidentified) Luftwaffe officer: Great to see that picture!
    15. Well it was a pre-WW1 award, I bet the exact gazetting date could be traced. In 1914, he was a career Hauptmann, Adjutant of 41. Infanterie-Brigade, holding a Royal Victorian Order, Knight. 24.11.1876 Born in Mannheim 27.4.1915 Zähringen with Oakleaves as Hauptmann in RIR 254 16.4.1918 Hohenzollern House Order with Swords as Hauptmann 1920 Major aD 1937-1943 Landesgebietsführer/Gaukriegerführer Rhein in the Reichskriegerbund 20.04.1937 SS-Obersturmbannführer, 03.09.1937 SS-Standartenführer 30.01.1938 SS-Oberführer 30.01.1943 Oberst z.V. no death date As Rick might have said: An award from the days of early globalisation, before 20th century madness set in...
    16. Fascinating. Those income guarantees were quite common it seems. Btw, now I see I know the street where he lived.
    17. My Hungarian bar: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/18673-hungarian-ww2-ribbon-bar/?hl=hungarian My Slovakian bar with EK: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/29117-slovakian-ribbon-bar-with-iron-cross/
    18. Maybe this is something for the Ribbon Bar Article? EK on a Slovakian bar.
    19. The Adressbuch Schwerin 1935 lists a Polizei-Hauptwachtmeister Hermann Prange, Obotritenring 77c. If that's him, he would have had this bar in 1935/36, just before the Polizei-LS decorations came out.
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